The Ultimate Guide To Making Moon Water During The Full Moon

make moon water

Moon water was the very first thing I did when I became a practicing witch

It was an easy and relaxing way to get started, but also had many uses to choose from

You can make moon water by leaving water in a clear jar during the full moon overnight. The details on how to make it depend on what you use it for. For fertility, use drinking water and herbs like red clover. Really take time to think of your intentions and make the best choices for your goals.

The moon has a beautiful and peaceful energy

Moon water means that we have water that absorbed that beautiful energy

Then we can use it in our spells

What is moon water?

Moon water is simply water that has been left in the moonlight for a length of time

In its pure form, it has not touched sunlight

So just taking water that has been outside for years isn’t efficient

Like a river

That is because sunlight is harsher than moonlight

To have the best form of moon water, we need water in a clear jar that is directly touching the light of the full moon all night

Then brought in before the sunlight touches it

Moon water is used for many spells

I like to use mine for my cleaning supplies

I love the feeling of calm when I spray air freshener in the air that is made of lavender and moon water

And odor absorbers, of course

But moon water makes a great deity offering, bath, drink for fertility, drink for health, water for your garden, and more

Anything that you can use water for, you can use moon water for

As long as it isn’t harmful

You can use it completely plain, like my first batch

Or you can add runes and herbs to put more intention into your spell

Whatever you choose to do, moon water is an excellent way to get started in the witchcraft world

What water should you use for moon water?

The type of water you should use depends on what you want to use it for

If you want to drink it in any way, make sure you use drinking water

For anything else, like watering the garden or bath, you can use tap water

Just keep in mind that the moon’s energy will be purest in water that is clean

Everything is made of energy

The more things that are in the water that you are using, the more energy that will be in your water that isn’t moon energy

My rule is to do the best you can with what resources are available to you

When should you not make moon water?

The eclipse is a time when the moon is out but it is covering the sun

This isn’t a good time for moon water

Unless chaotic energy is the goal

If so, keep in mind that the uses for your water will change a lot

You will need it for chaotic spells instead of peaceful and healing spells

Another thing to keep in mind is the planets during the full moon

Each moon is connected to a zodiac

And those zodiacs have energies and meanings

For example, the Scorpio moon is a very powerful and emotional moon

It works great for anything emotional, like shadow work

It is also great for strengthening relationships

Look into the full moon zodiac that is closest to you

Does the energy match your goals?

As long as it doesn’t fight your goals, you will be fine

But matching the zodiac energy with your goals will make your moon water even better

How to make moon water

Moon water is pretty simple to make

You can make it as simple or complex as you want, but the steps are:

  1. Wait for the next full moon
  2. Cleanse a clear jar of your choice
  3. Fill the jar with water
  4. Add herbs and crystals if you choose to
  5. Seal the jar tightly enough to avoid leaks
  6. Use a dry-erase marker to write intentions and runes
  7. Take a moment to manifest your intentions into the water
  8. Place the jar outside when the sun is set or in a window
  9. Let sit overnight
  10. Bring the moon water back inside before sunrise if possible
  11. Use accordingly!

Wait for the next full moon

The first thing you need to do is find out when your next full moon is and find out if there is anything you need to know about it (see section: When should you not make moon water)

Once you know when to expect it, you can make sure you have anything you need and be ready when the time comes

Cleanse a clear jar of your choice

As with anything magickal, the first thing you need to do is cleanse

If I am drinking the moon water, I will do a hot water cleanse

You can use sound or smoke for anything else

Make sure to cleanse around, inside, and in the jar lid

Fill the jar with water

Now it is time to fill your jar with the water you chose

It will not expand so I fill my jar all the way

Make sure to be meditating on your intentions

Visualize what you want from the water coming out of your hands and absorbing into the water

Add herbs and crystals if you choose to

This is an optional step

Depending on your intention, you can add herbs and crystals to your water

Going over each one is too much for this article, but it is pretty easy to use the internet or books to find the right materials for your goals

Make sure that the crystals you want to use are water safe before adding them to your jar

Seal the jar tightly enough to avoid leaks

Seal the jar

Make sure that it is tight enough to keep things like first out and prevent leaks

But not so tight that you cannot open it later

Use a dry-erase marker to write intentions and runes

This is another optional step

Use a dry-erase marker and add runes that match your intentions to the outside of your jar

Visualize your goals entering the runes

I like to visualize them glowing when I am done with my intentions

Take a moment to manifest your intentions into the water

You have done this a few times but now is the time to focus

Hold your jar in your hands and meditate on your intentions

See what you want from your water flow through your body, out your hands, and into the jar

Place the jar outside when the sun is set or in a window

Place the jar outside once the sun is gone in a window if it is too cold at night

The goal is to have the jar directly reflecting the moonlight, but it isn’t a big deal if that isn’t possible

I also like to set my jar upside down so the solid lid is not blocking the water in any way

Let sit overnight

Let it be overnight without disturbing it

Now it is time to just absorb the peace of the night and the beautiful energy of the moon

Bring the moon water back inside before sunrise if possible

Before the sun rises, make sure to move your jar away and put it in a cool dark place

It isn’t a huge deal if you are a little late, but the sun’s energy is harsher than the moon’s energy

So it doesn’t take much to affect your moon water

Use accordingly!

You are done! You can not use your moon water

I like to label mine with the day and intentions so I can remember them in the future

Does the moon have to be out to make moon water?

This is great, but what if you can’t see the moon?

That’s ok!

The water will not be as strong, but you can still make moon water

I live in Oregon right now so it is usually very cloudy 

Did you know that you can still get sunburnt on a cloudy day?

You can’t see the sun, but the energy is still there

It isn’t as strong but it is there

The moon works the same way

Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there

There will be less energy in your water, but it will still work

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