Shadow Work and Light Work: Differences and Uses For Each

Shadow work vs light work

Shadow work and light work sound like total opposites, but they actually work together to better your life

Shadow work is the process learn learning about, healing, and accepting the darkest parts of you, and light work is the process of adding light, healing, and comfort to every part of your life.  There are many ways to do both but doing both is the best way to improve every area of your life.

Shadow work is mainly a self-discovery tool

You can use it to start healing from your past trauma, but that isn’t the main purpose of it

Light work is not self-discovery

You can use it to focus on an area of your mind or body but discovering issues isn’t the main purpose of it

You see how they work together so nicely?

We can choose to do one but the best impact will be if you do both together

Discover and accept the dark parts of you that you have exiled, and then fill them with light

What is shadow work?

Shadow work is a process that many people try to avoid

This is because it can get very emotional and very painful if you have a lot of past trauma

Or if you have strong limiting beliefs

Your mind created reactions to keep you from going through the same pain again

Those reactions could be “getting used to being betrayed by friends”

One of the reactions that my mind created was expecting everyone to leave when they saw me as useless

My brain would obsess over finding ways to be useful for family and friends so I wouldn’t lose them

Then I would automatically distance myself when I ran out of ideas or energy to be useful because I believed they would leave me anyway

This was very hard on my relationship with my husband because he wasn’t going to leave

My brain created the belief and reaction to protect me, but I didn’t need that protecting anymore

Shadow work is how I realized that belief was there, learned about where it came from, and began my journey of letting that belief go

To know more about shadow work, check out one of my articles on the subject

What is light work?

Light work is the process of taking time to fill your life with peace, light, and love

Light work and energy work, like Reiki, work closely together

But you can do light work without training because it is only for you and very personal

Meditation is a powerful tool for someone interested in light work

But instead of trying to focus on nothing, we focus on a chain of events that we visualize

To start light work, lay down in a comfortable spot

Try not to fall asleep right away though!

Do some deep breathing exercises

Breath in… 1. 2. 3. 4

Breath out… 1. 2. 3. 4

Do that a few times

Then visualize a bright light above you

The light can be white or any color that feels right

Feel that light get closer 

Then feel it start to enter your right foot

What do you feel?

Then it moves up your right leg to your knee

It continues to your hips where it moves down and up your left leg

Everything from the hips down it filled with that beautiful light

Then feel it as it moves up to your waist, chest, and shoulders

Down and up each arm

Into you next

And finally into your head

What did you notice?

Was there relaxation?



Listen to what your body is trying to tell you

Feel yourself completely filled with light

Then end with the same breathing that you began with

Breath in… 1. 2. 3. 4

Breath out… 1. 2. 3. 4

You could feel calmer, lighter, and freer

But you may not feel anything at first

People experience life differently

So keep practicing and paying attention to your body

What are the similarities and differences between them?

Both Shadow work and light work are used to help you live happier and healthier lives

They just target different parts of your life

Light work targets your life now

Filling you with positive energy and light

Making you feel good and making your vibration increase

Shadow work focusing on the dark parts of you that you either need to heal or accept

Every human has a light side and a shadow side

Our life capabilities are a range of those two sides of us

If you go through life and realize that you havevery high highs and very low lows, then maybe it is time to do some shadow work

Shadow work will help make your lows higher

You can heal from things that affect your life in more ways than you realize

You can let go of beliefs that keep you from reaching your goals and potential

By making the range of capability smaller, your lows won’t be as low as you experience now

At the same time, you need light work to make your upper limits go higher

You need to vibrate higher so you attract the good things in life

And you need to learn that you are capible and deserve the things that you dream of

By doing both Shadow work and light work

You will see the range of life experiences that you have get higher and higher

That is when you can start accomplishing all your dreams and goals

That is when you keep your dreams and goals

Have you every worked hard to reach something and lose it?

That is because you tried to outwork the range your life is set in

To keep those amazing things in your life and make them less of a constant struggle, you need to create a new range of capability in your life

You will always return to your life default setting

I say a range because we are humans and we don’t have a single setting

But that range is our default

If you want to change your life permanently, you need to put in the work to change your default

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