What You Need To Know Before You Start Learning Reiki

Reiki is a skill and all skills have some things that you should know before starting them

Thankfully, what you need to know for Reiki is simple 

Before you start to learn Reiki, you need to know that it may take time and patience before you feel anything. The more you practice, the better you will get. Reiki has the power to change your life, so be ready for change before you start your Reiki journey

It doesn’t matter how much education you’ve had or what age you are

The most important thing that you need for Reiki is openness

Being open to learning the process, willing to practice even when you don’t feel anything, and able to learn from a master

Thankfully that master can be in-person or online

That is up to you, but you do need to be willing to find and pay for a teacher

Are there any prerequisites to Reiki?

Reiki is learning to connect your energy to the energy that is all around you

Everything has energy and everything is connected

That means everyone can learn Reiki if they are willing to put in the time and effort

While it does come more naturally to some people, there are no prerequisites to learning Reiki

You just need some time, an open mind, and patience

You can start Reiki 1 with no experience and no education

The Reiki 1 teacher will teach you everything you need to know to understand Reiki and get started with energy healing

But learning Reiki can take some time

Depending on where you start, just cleansing yourself and getting to the point where you can visualize will be a challenge

When I first started practicing visualization, I struggled to stay on task for 10 seconds

My mind did not want to think about only one thing and focus on that one thing

I never only did one thing

So it took a long of practice just to start visualizing long enough to do the basic hand exercises in Reiki

Other people might be excellent at focusing and visualization

People who are experienced in meditation would be great

We all bring different life experiences that have us start at different places

There is no right or wrong

If you are open-minded and ready to learn, you will do just fine

How much time will I need to commit to Reiki?

The time commitment depends on what form of class you want to take and how much time you are willing to invest

In-person classes usually have 10-12 hours of in-class time

Then you should be practicing at home as well

Online pre-recorded classes are usually self-paced

So you can go through it all in a few hours and then practice, or you can take months

It also changes depending on how far you want to go

You can be excellent at Reiki 1 in a couple of months

But expect it to take at least a couple of years to become a Reiki master

With so many variables, it is difficult to give you a set time

Decide how far you want to go, how you will learn, and make a goal for yourself

Activities fit into the time we give them

That means if you want to be done with Reiki 1 in one month, that means that you need to get the classes done and practice every day

Multiple times a day even

If you aren’t in a hurry, it could take a year to complete Reiki 1 

It just depends on how much time and effort you are willing to invest

What are some outcomes that I can expect?

Everyone’s experience with Reiki will be a little different

Some people aren’t a good match and don’t enjoy it

That’s ok!

Nothing is a perfect fit for everyone

Other people report that Reiki changed their life

It helps you feel more connected and less alone

It can reduce depression and anxiety

Reiki can assist in healing mental, emotional, energetic, and physical pain

It really can do some amazing things if you let it

Everything around us is made of energy

Many people experience a lot of pain and frustration because they have become disconnected from the energy around them

We aren’t meant to be alone

If we are energetically disconnected, we can feel alone completely surrounded by people

Reiki helps you see that disconnect and it helps you connect again

It is an excellent way to start and end your day

Once you get into Reiki 2 and 3, you start learning symbols that focus your energy healing even more

And there are symbols for everything

There are even symbols to help you heal from past trauma

Reiki is powerful, but it does take time and patience to learn

Is Reiki the only option?

Reiki is one of many forms of energy healing

There are even multiple types of Reiki!

You are not limited in options

The key is to find what interests you and connects well with you

I know someone who really struggles with learning all the concepts of Reiki, so she just focused on visualization

She would get into the shower and visualize the water washing away her stress and pain

Or she would close her eyes and visualize breathing in light and breathing out the anger that she was struggling with

If you just want simple energy healing for yourself, visualizing alone can do wonders 

There are also more complex energy healing techniques than Reiki

If your heart is not calling out to Reiki and is calling out to someone else

Listen to it!

Your intuition is your most powerful tool

Your intuition will tell you what you need

The more practice you have listening to it, the more easily you will be able to understand

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