What makes a plant an herb?

When I was in my teens and early 20s, I called myself a brown thumb

I killed every plant I ever tried to keep

But I also didn’t do the learning needed to keep each type of plant healthy

Growing an herb garden was always a goal of mine

Herbs are plants that don’t have woody stems. They usually have soft and delicate stems. They also stay small compared to other plants (less than 10 feet tall). They are used for many purposes including cooking, cleaning, scent, and more

I love to cook so I knew about the many options for using herbs in my recipes, but they are so useful in more ways!

As a budding green witch, it has been my goal to learn all the amazing uses for herbs

What categories do plants go into?

There are 4 main categories of plants:

  1. Herbs, 
  2. Shrubs,
  3. Trees, 
  4. Climbers

More plants than I realized fit into the herb category

Roses, for example, are herbs that I didn’t know were herbs

Even those their stems are slightly woody, they are not woody enough for trees 

And they definitely don’t fit as shrubs or climbers

Green witches use herbs for many things

We use them for cooking, baking, spells, cleansing, cleaning, making beautiful scents, and more

While the trees, shrubs, and climbers are helpful in their own way, the variety of uses for herbs is why they tend to be a favorite

What characteristics do herbs have?

Herbs have some basic characteristics to watch out for, but these characteristics are on a scale

The first major characteristic is that herbs have soft and tender limbs

Some herbs are super tender, like Parsley, and they are always pretty flexible

Other herbs have more woody stems, like roses, but are always tender enough to be able to bend (unlike trees)

Those stems are also green and delicate

Herbs are also small compared to other types of plants

While herbs can get up to 10 feet tall, the other types of plants can get much larger

Most herbs have shorter life spans too

They usually only live between one and three years

Other plants can live longer than most humans

Keep in mind that science categorized based on the best fit

Not every herb will fit all the characteristics, but they will fit more than they fit other categories

Do you care for herbs differently than other plants?

Most herbs do not like to do watered a lot

If their roots are too wet, they will get sick and die

They also need to be pruned and cared for to live their full lifespan

While herbs may have their own needs, not all herbs are cared for the same

Some time more water, some like less, some need a lot of sun, while others need shade

All plants are going to have their own needs and herbs are no different

So if you want to care for your herbs, you need to learn more about the specific herbs that you want to take care of

How long do herbs live?

Herbs usually only live a couple of seasons

Some, like roses, live longer

But most herbs only live between one and three years

Once again, you need to look at the specific plant for a better lifespan estimate

But compared to other plants, herbs do not live very long

We had a grapevine live for most of my childhood, and there are trees that have lived a hundred years

That isn’t a thing for herbs

When and how do you harvest your herbs?

You want to harvest your herbs before they start flowering

This will be different times of the year depending on the herb

Once the herbs flower, they lose their flavor and get bitter

When you’re at the start date that your herbs are ready to be harvested when you want to Harvest Inn in the early morning

 you don’t want your freshly harvested herbs to have to deal with the heat of the day or the cold of the night 

If you have a first-year herb, you will likely only get one harvest

But when they are big enough to support growth, you’ll be able to harvest multiple times throughout the season

I was able to harvest my second-year English Lavender about eight times this year

How you harvest also depends on the herb

Find the thickest part of your herb’s stem

This is the wood of your plant

You do not want to cut this part

Cut the leaves and stem right above this part where it is still soft and flexible

If you have an herb with long stems, like Parsley, you can gather a few before clipping them

Can you get seeds from your herbs instead of buying them every time?

If you want to save seeds from your herbs, you will want to allow them to flower

The seeds come after the flower

So you will want to stop harvesting your herbs in the late summer

This gives them plenty of time to flower and make seeds

Before you get too excited about your seeds, make sure that your plant isn’t a hybrid

Many stores sell plants that are unable to produce viable seeds because they want you to have to buy them every time

If they aren’t a hybrid, then you can always give it your best shot

You will want to let your herb flower and allow those flowers to fully mature

Don’t wait until the seeds are already starting to drop, but don’t take them too soon or they won’t be mature enough

When they are ready to be harvested, cut the flower off your plant and place it on a paper towel in the sun

You want the flower and seeds to fully dry

The flower will crack and the seeds will fall out easily

Now that you have dried seeds, you want to store them in a sealed container in a cool dry place until you are ready to plant them

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