What Is Shadow Work Good For?

Shadow work is the first thing I started as a new witch

Even though it is not really a magickal practice, it is highly recommended by witches that have done it

Shadow work is the process of getting to know the darkest parts of you and taking the needed action. The action may be working on healing, it may be accepting a part of yourself, or it may be just fully understanding that half of you. It helps you heal and gain an understanding of yourself

There are many ways that our shadow comes out unwanted when we are not connected and healed

  • Projecting personal issues onto others
  • Triggers
  • Emotional outburst
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • And more

Note: I am not saying that shadow work will fix depression and anxiety. There are many possible causes of those diseases. Disconnect with your shadow is just one

These negative parts that appear without you wanting them are your shadow

To truly live in peace, you need to understand, accept, and/or heal your shadow instead of pushing it away and ignoring it

What is Shadow Work?

Shadow work is the process of learning about, understanding and healing the parts of you that you push away

If you have gone through trauma, those traumas are in your shadow

Everyone has gone through some kind of trauma

There are many different types

What makes it a trauma is how it affects you

If you got cheated on in your last relationship and you naturally look for signs that your new partner is cheating

That is the shadow working in your life

While it is good to be mindful, it is easy to start projecting

When I first started dating my husband, he had those same reactions

He was nervous every time I texted someone

One day he kind of freaked out when I hid a message from him and didn’t want to tell him

He thought I was cheating

But I was really trying to plan a surprise birthday party for him

I made some adjustments to the plan to be able to still surprise him but also prove that I was not cheating

Trauma from being cheated on so much made him look for any sign that I was cheating on him too

That is very different than just being mindful and paying attention to signs that are actually there

But it can be so hard to tell the difference

Shadow work helped him understand what was happening, and time helped him learn to trust

We have an open phone relationship

We have the same password, but we have never had to check

With time and working on our relationship, trust was built

He hasn’t had that worry for years

What is it used for?

Shadow work is mainly to understand why you do things that you don’t do on purpose

Why is something a trigger?

Why are emotions off the handle?

Shadow work helps you dig into your subconscious mind and learn things about yourself that you have been hiding from

You cannot accept or heal from something you don’t recognize

Other people may look at what you learn and say “duh”

So I usually avoid talking to others about my realizations

The truth is, you have been living with these negative parts of you for so long that you don’t see them anymore

They are normal

Shadow work helps you remove the personal connection to your thoughts and see them for what they are

Who is Shadow Work recommended for?

I recommend shadow work for anyone that wants to work on their life

But only do it if you want to work on your life!

Shadow work can help you with healing, but it is more about self-exploration

Don’t dig up the pain, trauma, and the darkest parts of yourself without being ready to work on the things you find

That will result in a lot of pain and overwhelm

Shadow work itself is pretty painful

But the steps you take once the shadow work part is done bring peace and healing

So be ready to put in a lot of work on yourself when you start Shadow work

I also recommend only starting shadow work when you are in a good place

If you are massively stressed and overwhelmed now, you don’t need to dig up more to deal with

Work on what is affecting your life right now and start dealing with past issues when you are stable enough to handle them

The level of intensity for shadow work depends on what you decide to tackle

I started with my self-consciousness about my body shape

I grew up as the only girl that was both thin and had small breasts

Logically, I knew that a lot of pain happens when you have large breasts, but I felt less than everyone else

It affected my view of myself, but it wasn’t nearly as scary as tackling my childhood abuse

If you are just starting out, start with something that affects you but isn’t insanely scary or emotional

Once you feel good about your shadow work skills and feel good about the stability of your life and emotions

Then you can tackle the extremely painful  and traumatic parts of your past

Is Shadow Work a solitary practice?

There is no one-size-fits-all for shadow work

That is one thing that it has in common with witchcraft

It is your personal practice

I do my shadow work in solitary, but I also go to my therapist

I don’t recommend doing shadow work with anyone else

You are digging into the deepest and most painful parts of yourself

As someone who had had both a family member and a best friend learn things about me and then betray me

I don’t recommend it

I am not saying that you should not trust people

But sharing shadow work with someone gives them a lot of power over you 

Even the closest people to you can betray you

So I recommend either doing your shadow work with a therapist or doing it in solitary

But I would have a support person near if your shadow work gets overwhelming

For example, I do my shadow work solitary, but I do it when my husband is home

If I get overwhelmed, I can ask him to hold me while I calm down

He doesn’t know what happened, but he helps me pull out of the panic 

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