What Is Holy Fire Reiki?

Just like there are more than one kind of energy healing, there are also different kinds of Reiki

Holy fire is one of those types

Holy Fire Reiki is a Reiki style that provides healing, purification, and guidance. It is very similar to Usui Reiki, which is what is commonly thought of as Reiki. But some people work with Holy Fire Reiki better than Usui because it adds a rush of power to your energy healing

Holy Fire Reiki is just a different type of Reiki

Reiki was not created by anyone that we are aware of

But the styles were created by people

Holy Fire Reiki is one of those styles

It was founded in 2014, so it is a new form of Reiki

Some people work better with Holy Fire Reiki, while others do not

We all interact differently with the energies around us

If you want to learn Reiki, but don’t know what kind you should learn

Trust your gut

If you still aren’t sure, find a master that teaches both Usui Reiki and Holy Fire Reiki

Since levels 1 and 2 are so similar, you can take them together

When you are ready to choose one or both to become a master in, you will know more about what is right for you

What is Holy Fire Reiki?

Holy Fire Reiki is a style of Reiki founded in 2014 by William Rand

That means it is a very new practice!

The goal is to create wholeness through healing, purification, empowerment, and guidance

You use the Holy Fire Symbol to increase your level of consciousness while practicing Reiki

For people that match well with Holy Fire Reiki, learning it is an intense and powerful experience

Holy Fire Reiki has a unique way of interacting with your energy, but it needs you to let go and let it change you

How is it different than Reiki?

Holy Fire Reiki is Reiki

But the Reiki that is most well know is actually called Usui Reiki

Both are their own style of Reiki and they are both completely valid kinds of Reiki

We are all made of energy

And our energy works best with different things in life

Have you ever met a person that everyone loves but you just don’t get along with them?

And there isn’t a specific reason for that?

It’s simple, your energies don’t match or get along

That doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you or them

It just means you two aren’t a match

The different Reikis are the same

You might try Usui Reiki and get some results

But you could struggle and just not get along with it well

Then you can try Holy Fire Reiki and just click

You feel at ease in your practice and it isn’t a struggle anymore

There isn’t anything wrong with Usui Reiki in this example

You are just not a fit for each other

This example can go the other way too

Pay attention to what your mind, body, and soul are telling you when you practice Reiki

They will tell you if the type of Reiki you are practicing is the right fit

How many levels are there in Holy Fire Reiki?

Holy Fire Reiki levels work exactly the same as Usui Reiki levels

The first two levels of Holy Fire Reiki and Usui Reiki are almost identical

You get introduced to the Holy Fire symbol that you use for Holy Fire Reiki in Reiki 3

So just like Usui Reiki, Holy Fire Reiki has three levels:

  1. Reiki 1
  2. Reiki 2
  3. Reiki 3

In Reiki 1, you learn about what Holy Fire Reiki is, its history, basic exercises, and how to let go and cleanse after a session

Reiki 2 starts symbols and being able to use Reiki on other people

And Reiki 3 is when you learn the Holy Fire symbol and become a Reiki master

Keep in mind that you can be a Reiki master in Usui Reiki without being a Reiki master in Holy Fire Reiki

But the first two levels are so similar that you only need to take Holy Fire Reiki 3 if you want to become a master in both Usui and Holy Fire Reiki

Can I learn Holy Fire Reiki from any Reiki master?

Since Holy Fire Reiki is separate from Usui Reiki, you need a master that knows Holy Fire Reiki to learn it

It is completely possible to learn from a master of both kinds of Reiki

In that case, you can take Usui and Holy Fire Reiki 1 and 2 together since they are so similar

Then you can take your Usui Reiki 3 and Holy Fire Reiki 3 to become a master of both too

But you cannot become a Holy Fire Reiki master by learning from a Usui Reiki master because you will not learn the symbol that is essential for Holy Fire Reiki

The Holy Fire Symbol

If you don’t know what kind of Reiki is better suited to you, listen to your intuition

Your gut is going to guide to you the one that feels most right

If you are drawn to both Holy Fire Reiki and Usui Reiki…

Learn both!

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