What Is Deep Shadow Work and How To Do It

When I first started Shadow Work, I was really scared to really get started

That was because I thought that Shadow Work meant facing and fixing the trauma that I faced as a child

I have been running from that trauma my entire life so the thought of facing it was terrifying

Deep Shadow Work is when you are facing those deep pains and traumas. These are the things buried that you may not be completely aware of or you don’t know all the ways they affect your life. This is a section of Shadow Work that addresses the things that are not as traumatic like limiting beliefs.

Shadow Work is the overall term used for every level of Shadow Work

Deep Shadow Work is a subsection of Shadow Work

The methods and strategies work the same, but you get more specific on what you are targeting

What is Shadow Work?

Shadow Work is a huge part of my practice

I don’t do it as much as I should, but my time is limited while my kids are so little

Shadow Work in the process of getting to know the deepest and darkest parts of you

Then either accepting what you find or healing what you find

Shadow Work was founded by the psychologist Carl Jung

He does have a book on it but it is a tough read for most people

There are many ways of doing Shadow Work but I recommend a few baseline

I recommend using journal prompts and recording your answer in some way

You can do this in a written journal, speech-to-text, or just record yourself

This allows you to go back and see the unhealthy patterns that you have in your subconscious

I also recommend doing your Shadow Work Solitary or with a therapist

This is because Shadow Work is digging into the most fragile parts of you and the things about you that you have exiled

You would be surprised who would use that information against you

I have had both a best friend and a close family member betray me when I confided in them

I did not see either one coming

So it is best to work on yourself in solitary or with a professional

Not to breed distrust, but to keep you safe

I also recommend doing Shadow Work during a time when you can focus

Even if that is only ten or fifteen minutes a couple of times a week

Shadow Work helps you learn about your reactions, habits, thought patterns, limiting beliefs, and everything else in your subconscious mind

It is a long process and never truly ends

What is deep Shadow Work?

Deep Shadow Work is exactly like Shadow Work except you are focusing on the deep and extremely painful parts of your shadow

When I started Shadow Work, I thought that all Shadow Work was deep Shadow Work

But it isn’t

Once I understood that I was able to plan what I worked on based on what I felt capable of handling

I started with the self-consciousness of my breasts

I grew up believing that women with fixed breasts are the beautiful ones and the ones that are attractive

And the fact that I am not one seriously harmed how I saw myself

To make it worse, I am the only woman in my family that doesn’t have large breasts

Does it affect my life?


Does it go into Deep Shadow Work for me?


It wasn’t scary to face

I didn’t have severe traumas to face and heal from to face this insecurity

Does that mean it is never a Deep trauma?


My sister has insecurities about her legs, but facing that would be Deep Shadow Work based on how those insecurities happened

Only you know what is a deep wound and what isn’t

What does deep Shadow Work do for you?

Deep Shadow Work helps you heal from those terrible things that happened to you

One of my Deep Shadow Work examples is my fear of firearms

I know logically they are just a tool

Just seeing them would make me go pale

Seeing a paintball gun made me go pale!

I got this fear when my father pointed a shotgun at me as a child and threatened me if I ever touched it again

I didn’t know it was in the closet when I went looking to see what Christmas presents were there

Facing that trauma was hard and I am still working on it

I don’t panic or go pale anymore, but I still see that memory every time I see or think about a firearm

And I still can’t touch anything similar to a shotgun

But it is a work in progress

Deep Shadow Work helps you find the deep wounds in your shadow so you can take steps toward healing

What should I start with, Shadow Work or Deep Shadow Work?

I recommend starting with Shadow Work that isn’t highly traumatic

I started with my self-consciousness because it did affect my life but facing it wasn’t terrifying

Give yourself some practice with doing Shadow Work before jumping into the deep stuff

That will increase your confidence and you won’t be facing something scary while learning how to do Shadow Work for yourself

And as I always recommend, if it is really deep and traumatic then you should consider doing your Shadow Work with a therapist

Some things are very painful to heal from

Even a wound on your skin hurts and itches when you are healing

Soul and shadow wounds work the same way

Don’t be ashamed to ask a professional for help

Just be careful when choosing one

My first therapist only wanted to give me medication

I am not against medication, but that wasn’t my goal

Your therapist needs to have the same goals and be on the same page as you

Don’t be ashamed of finding a better fit if you need to

If you want to learn more about Shadow Work, I have many articles to read and learn from!

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