What Is a Master Symbol In Reiki?

There are many symbols that you can learn, but one special one is called the master symbol

This symbol is usually taught in Reiki 3 while you are training to become a master

It is a powerful and sacred symbol

The most common name for the master symbol is Dai Ku Myo, but it is also called Usui Shiki Ryōhō

The master symbol is a symbol that takes more experience to use effectively. It is often used to focus on helping the recipient with their Reiki or enlightenment. It activates energy inside of you, opens and heals Chakras, cleanses, blesses, and focuses. It is very versatile to the intention you set

Some teachers, like mine, might introduce you to the master symbol in Reiki 2

But usually, it will be taught in Reiki 3

The master symbol is not better than any other symbol, but it does require a lot of focus and intention because it is more open to the intention

Most symbols have pretty specific uses, but the master symbol can be changed by the Reiki master using it

What is a Master Symbol in Reiki?

A master symbol is a symbol that Reiki masters use to get specific with their intention

Usually, they are used to improve your Reiki, energy flow, Chakra flow, and empowerment

Dai Ku Myo translates to “Great Bright Light”

This is the radiance of the deity

This symbol helps you reach the heart of Reiki

That great bright light that we visualize every time we practice Reiki

It invites you to merge with the Reiki and be part of the Reiki

You can use the master symbol to:

  • Give a blessing of deity to others
  • As a treatment tool
  • Help you focus during meditation
  • Cleanse and bless spaces, water, people, and things
  • Initiate people into Reiki

Is the master symbol better than other symbols?

No symbol is any better or worse than any other symbol

They all have their purpose and should all be treated with respect

The master symbols are more versatile than other symbols though

Most symbols have a pretty specific use that they specialize in 

They can be changed a little with intuition, but they stay close to their intended use

The master symbol can be used for a larger range of purposes

But they are all fairly spiritual

The master symbol is used to bring someone new into Reiki

That is spiritual

It is used to cleanse and bless people, places, and things

That is also spiritual

But it can also be used during treatments and to help yourself with your Reiki practice

It is also a more difficult symbol to learn

There are a lot of steps to memorize and it can take a while you remember and master

So even though it can be used for a lot of different uses, it will take a lot of practice to master

Practice with Reiki in general and practice with the master symbol itself

Can I use a master symbol before becoming a Reiki master?

It is not common to start learning the master symbol until you are working on Reiki 3 to become a Reiki master

My teacher started talking about it in Reiki 2, but I took all three Reiki levels with the same teacher

It was definitely the most intimidating symbol that she taught me

The first one was very simple, the second one was a little harder, and then this one was overwhelming

There are so many lines and steps

If you are feeling the same way, start with what you can start with

Start with learning the name and studying what it looks like

Then start learning how to write it

The more you practice writing it, the easier it will get

I learned how to draw every bone in a horse’s skeleton in college

When I found out that I needed to do that, I was overwhelmed

But I started with the head and check

Drew it and labeled it over and over again

Then I moved on

Before I knew it, I could draw and label every bone without help

Learning the harder symbols is the same way

Learn what you can, practice, then add a step

Are there any other master symbols?

There is a non-traditional master symbol

The non-traditional master symbol was introduced into Reiki by Diane Stein in her book Essential Reiki

It is not related to the master symbol that was used by Mikao Usui when he founded Usui Reiki

Just because it is not traditionally used in Usui Reiki doesn’t mean it isn’t useful though

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