What Happens When You Learn Reiki?

What happens when you learn Reiki

Reiki is a form of energy healing

In order to learn Reiki, you need to practice and understand how to manipulate energy

Learning Reiki is an amazing process that is very healing and conforting. Since you are working with light, you will be focusing the best parts of life. You are grounded in light, love, and compassion.It is very freeing and life changing when you do the work and fully embrace it

Reiki is a form of light work

This means that you are focusing on love, compassion, and healing

Reiki is connecting you to the energy around you to help the recipient’s body heal itself

The recipient can be you or someone else

It is even possible to perform Reiki long distance since we are all connected by our energies

What are the benefits of learning Reiki?

There are many benefits of learning Reiki if you are feeling attracted by it

Reiki is a beautiful form of energy healing that helps you heal yourself and others

When you learn Reiki, you start focusing on the good things in life

When you focus on the good things in life, the good things are attracted to you and you notice them more

There are two natural laws that affect this

  1. You notice more what you focus on 
  2. The law of attraction

Now I am sure you have heard of the Law of Attraction

We all vibrate at a frequency, and it changes throughout your life

This with similar frequencies are attracted to eachother

When you vibrate at a low frequency, you attract other things with a low frequency

When you vibrate at a high frequency, you attract other things with a high frequency

High frequency is the good things in life

Low frequency is the unwanted things in life

If you want to know more about this, read my article on Reiki raising frequency

Does learning Reiki change your life in any way?

There are two kinds of people that learn Reiki, people that connect well with it and people that don’t

There is not better group

It is just finding the best match for your life

If it matches well in your life, there are 9 changes you’ll notice

  1. You become more loving to yourself and others
  2. The world seems a little brighter
  3. You can help yourself and others
  4. You stop getting attracted to drama
  5. You learn more about yourself 
  6. You feel less alone
  7. You master being able to ground yourself
  8. You can better understand your emotions
  9. It gives you the ability to help yourself

You become more loving to yourself and others

Since Reiki comes from a place of light and love, you’ll notice that your love for yourself and others starting to grow

The more you focus on the love and light in your light on purpose, the more you’ll notice it on accident

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make boundaries with people who aren’t good for you

You love them, but you love them from afar because you also love yourself

The world seems a little brighter

Reiki requires you to connect to the energy around you

This is a beautiful process and you start seeing the beauty in the world around you

Some places are easy to see the beauty and others are harder

But there is beauty everywhere

You can help yourself and others

There are times in life when you feel trapped and helpless

Like your entire life is out of your control

Or maybe you are hurting

Reiki gives you the power to help yourself and others 

That could be physical or emotional help

You stop getting attracted to drama

Drama is a low frequency thing

When you are living with a low frequency, you are attracted to other things with low frequency

Drama isn’t a good thing for your life

It increases your stress and makes your life enjoyment decrease

When you raise your frequency, you stopping being to attracted to drama

You learn more about yourself 

Reiki has a lot of mediation and learning about yourself

You can’t learn to connect with the energies around you if you can’t connect to yourself

You learn so much about your own life and energy throughout the process

You feel less alone

Since Reiki is connecting to energies around you, it is amazing at helping you realize that you aren’t alone

You can’t be alone when you are connected to everything around you!

You master being able to ground yourself

Sometimes life will get out of control

There is no stopping that

But Reiki will help you learn how to ground yourself

You can’t control everything in life, but you can control how you react

Groundng yourself helps you think clearly even in a touch situation

You can better understand your emotions

You get really good at understanding your emotions

You need to understand your emotions in order to control them

Give yourself the permission to feel what you need to feel so that you can bring yourself back without being unregulated or out of control

This was really important to me because I want to teach my kids to self-regular their emotions too

I can’t teach them something that I don’t understand

Learning to understand why emotions come and understand what they are trying to tell yuo is a rare skill in today’s world

It gives you the ability to help yourself

Life can feel dark for many people

I have heard other Reiki students talk about how their life was dark and they struggled with things like Depression for years before discovering Reiki

Reiki can help you heal your mind, body, and spirit

It connects you to everything around you and helps you have a brighter life

All these things gives you the ability to help yourself through life

Even if you are in an undesirable situation, you have the power to keep yourself level

Even if you can’t do anything else, you can give yourself a Reiki session

You always have at least one option to do something for yourself

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