What Happens When You Don’t Practice Reiki Every day

What happens when you don't practice Reiki

Reiki is a learning process that takes some time and practice

And praticing never ends

But life gets busy and sometimes there is just no extra time to practice!

Thankfully, you don’t lose your attunement when you don’t practice and you can usually jump back in with little trouble. You might have to pratice, remove blockages, and remind yourself how to do things, but you don’t lose your ability to do Reiki when you don’t practice every day.

When you complete each level of Reiki and get attuned, your energy makeup changes a little

That is why attunement is so important

It is kind of like the rite of passage where a master approves your ability

Once you have that attunement, it doesn’t go away

So if you hit a busy time of life and cannot practice your Reiki skills every day, don’t stress!

You may have to review some skills that you learned if it has been a long time, but you will not lost your ability to pratice Reiki

Reiki, like many natural healing and witchcraft journies, is a unique journey that you will go through

There are guidelines to learn and skills to master, but your energy healing practice is your own

Don’t worry if you are returning after being away for a while

Focus on why you want to return and do that for yourself

Do you lose Reiki ability when you don’t practice?

Reiki is like riding a bike

You may forget how to do it if you stop practicing for a very long time

But you will quickly remember when you start practicing again

If you don’t remember something, review it!

There are many resources online, or you can review your class if you learned Reiki online

There is no shame in starting again if you haven’t done it in a while

Our lives are full of chapters and not everything can be in every chapter

If you hit a chapter in your life when Reiki wasn’t possible or if you just stopping for whatever reason, you can always start again when you are ready

Reiki is a form of energy healing

If you learned Reiki to heal yourself and stopping needing it for a while…

That’s great!

There are benefits and prevention to continuing Reiki when you don’t think you need it anymore

But there is no shame in moving on once you got what you needed

If you rae ready to start again… just start!

Keep an eye out for new blockages though

It is easy for those to form when you don’t prevent them

It isn’t a permanent problem, but it is still something to thing about when you are trying to jump back into your practice

These blockages can be created through:

  • Toxins in food
  • Environmental pollution
  • Harmful chemicals
  • Stress
  • Constant negative energy
  • Repeated emotions like anger and fear
  • Anxiety 
  • Depression

You know that you have blockages if you have low self-estem, have a difficult time making decisions, or your emotions are completely out of control

It is recommended to meditate and clear your chakras at least once a week

But daily is better if you are having a lot of issues

Do you need to be attuned again if you don’t practice for a long time?

There are three levels in Reiki training

  1. Level 1
  2. Level 2
  3. Master

You get a “graduation” at the end of each level that is called an attunement

This has to be done by a master and it changes the way energy works for you

Once an attunement is done, it is permanently done

You do not need to be attined again if you stop practicing Reiki for a long time

All that you need to do is start your practice again

Do what feels right and what your intuition is telling you to do

There is probably a reason that you decided to start Reiki again if you stopped for a long time

Think about that reason and it will help you decide what you need to do next

No one knows what you need to do with your Reiki practice more than you do once you have been trained

So trust yourself!

Ask yourself questions to decide where your need is

Questions like:

  • Why did I learn Reiki the first time?
  • Why am I revisiting it?
  • Do I have symptoms of blocked chakras?
  • Am I hurting physically or mentally?

Your mind and body will tell you what you need to if ask enough

You got this!

How often should I practice Reiki?

Practicing Reiki, or any energy healing, is unique to you

When you are learning, I recommend practicing at least once a day

Don’t create specific expectations about what it should feel like and what sould happen

Just do what your teacher tells you to do and trust the process

If there is a time when you can’t do it for whatever reason, that’s ok!

Just return to practicing when you can

This is your unique journey of healing

A wonderful journey that you can master and share with other people

Try not to stress about the shoulds and should nots

Learn from your teacher, do your best, practice as often as you can (even if that means 3-minutes in the morning or right before bed), and enjoy the process

Energy healing is such a beautiful thing to expertience

It has been a slow process for me since I am a recovering perfectionist

I tend to get so caught up in doing it perfect that I don’t focus on what is important

I am working on it!

If this is you, remember that the right way is often what your body needs

If you are going to be practicing everyday and performing Reiki on other people…

I recommend collecting some tools that will help prevent you from depleting your energy

To learn more about Reiki crystals, check out this article (it has some useful information)

Reiki is not just used to heal something terrible

It is useful for relaxing you, calming your mind, and raising your vibration

If you want to know more about raising your vibration then check our my article on that

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