What Does It Mean When Someone Sees My Aura?

For most of my life, I didn’t even know what an aura is

I grew up Christian and was very limited in my knowledge of…

Well… everything spiritual

I didn’t understand energy, spirits, auras, or anything that didn’t involve common Christian practice

Please note that I am not putting down Christianity

It was just not for me

I started moving away from my religion in College when I was learning about many things that I was not taught growing up

It wasn’t until I was 26 years old that I stumbled into witchcraft and felt at home for the first time

But aura reading isn’t really witchcraft

It was just something that I learned about when learning about witchcraft

It immediately fascinated me

The idea that someone can see auras is amazing to me

And that started my journey

A journey that I am still on

What is an aura?

An aura sounds intimidating but it is just the energy field that comes from all living things

This energy field is full of information about the creature that it comes from

The only thing is that you need to have your third eye open to see auras

It is a very spiritual practice

Most people have the ability to see auras, but they have forgotten since childhood

It is believed that babies have the ability to see auras

But they forget as they get older and their third eye starts to close

Some people will naturally be able to see auras easier than others

But there is no shame in needing to put in the work

Auras consist of shape, size, color, and shade

Each part of the aura will teach you something different about yourself and whoever you are watching

What you see is also connected to the Chakras

If you actively keep your root chakra open, you will be able to see the energy from root chakra the best

So not only will you want to work on your third eye, but you will be better at seeing auras if you actively keep all your chakras open and healthy

Does everyone have auras?

Everyone and everything is made of energy, and some of that will radiate around them

That energy radiating is an aura

So, yes, everyone has an aura

That aura will change and evolve throughout their life, but they will always have one

What does that mean for me?

Your aura isn’t a good or a bad thing

It is strictly information about you 

If you want to know more about yourself and others, then auras are a tool to do that

If not, then it isn’t something to worry about

Having an aura only means something if you want it to

Unless you are trying to hide something big from someone else that can see auras

Then it may affect you

But if you are a real and honest person, there is nothing to worry about

There are not many people that can see them anyways

But I still recommend being a real and good person

What do the auras tell you?

Auras can tell you a lot about yourself and others

The shape can tell you if they are people pleasers, stone-hearted, or balanced

The color can tell you what kind of energy they have and the qualities that they are made of

The  intensity can tell you if they have the positive or negative qualities those colors hold

Yellow, for example, can mean joy and happiness

But too intense yellow can mean anxiety

Light colors are a calm version of that energy and dark colors are blocked energy

Black is completely blocked energy

There are a lot of details when it comes to reading auras

So I recommend starting with learning to see them

Then focus on just the color and learn to read the basics

Then you can start paying attention to shape and shade

If you just jump into the deep end, you are more likely to struggle and get frustrated

The most progress is made with the smallest steps

Important notes about people online

If you spend any time on the witchy or spiritual side of social media, you probably have experience with scammers

Don’t accept requests from people without doing some care and research

Often, the account will be fake

Look at the username and see if everything is spent right compared to the actual person you follow

Look at their following

If there are only a few or a couple hundred then they are probably a fake account

Fake accounts usually have a mismatching username stamped onto the videos too

Look at the following side too

A lot of people will follow back when you follow them, but not the majority

So if there is a huge number in the following part and a small number in the followers, then it is likely a fake account

If you get a message from someone, don’t ever send them money

They may claim that they feel something is wrong or that you are cursed

It is a scam

There are a lot of scammers in these social media communities

Don’t be fooled!

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