What Do The Most Common Colors Mean?

Color magick is one of my favorite types of magick

It can be used for so many things, including spellwork

I don’t think there is a specific brand of witch that uses it

I think everyone uses it for their own purposes

Not that it matters

I am eclectic so I use parts of many types of witchcraft to create my own style

It is nice to understand what makes colors magickal though

By understanding this, you can understand more about many parts of witchcraft since colors are such a huge part of our life

What are colors?

Color is how light reflects off surfaces and how our brain understands that light

If you have ever seen that image of white light breaking into the colors of the rainbow, that is how color works

Wavelengths of light hit an option, bounce off, and then we see that wavelength

Then our brain translates it into the color

That is why color is so hard to see when it is hard and much clearer when there is good lighting

If there is no light to reflect, we don’t see the wavelengths bouncing off the object

In addition, everything in existence has energy

That includes light and color

Energies are attracted to similar energies

What gives color meaning?

The meaning of color is actually what their specific energy attracts

Have you ever been around someone that is naturally so happy that they make it really hard NOT to be happy too?

Their energy attracts similar energy

Energies on the same wavelength want to be together

So color gets its meaning by understanding what energies are on the same wavelength as that color

Different energies also attract different amounts of energy

Were you ever told not to wear black on a hot day?

That is because dark colors can hold a lot more energy (heat) than light colors can

Choosing the color that keeps you cool or warm is part of color magick

Why is knowing color meaning important for witchcraft?

If witchcraft, we have so many options

A lot of spell jars are sealed with wax

Flowers and herbs have color

Bowels and jars have color

Pens and pencils can even add color!

If you are using these things anyways, why not add another layer of magick?

It only makes sense to do as much as you can for your spells

Instead of just using wax, use a green candle to seal your spell jar if you want prosperity

Or a green candle in your money bowl

You can use pink for a self-love spell jar

Choose colors you want to wear to attract things throughout your day or to protect you while you sleep

The possibilities are endless

Color magick is also great for closet or busy witches because you can do with with your clothes and makeup alone

The main colors and their meanings

There are countless shades of color and they have their own meanings

But it is important not to get overwhelmed when learning something new

So start with the basics and the main colors

Learn their meaning

Learn to use them 

And move on if you decide to


Red is one of my favorite colors

I love a nice deep red

Red is used to attract:

  • Passion
  • Stamina
  • Confidence
  • Will power
  • Creative energy
  • Courage

I like to add red lipstick when I need a confidence boost or if I feel stuck while working on a project


Blue is another favorite color of mine

I love how calm and it makes me feel

It reminds me of the beach

Blue is used to attract:

  • Communication
  • Forgiveness
  • Focus
  • Good fortune
  • Peace
  • Wisdom
  • Remembering dreams

If you want to remember dreams, wearing blue pajamas may be a good way to make that happen

Blue eye shadow or blue jewelry can help you focus if you are struggling with getting a task done


Green is one of the most common colors that I see used in witch Facebook groups

Everyone wants more money and prosperity

It also helps me remember that the world we live in is full of prosperity

There is green everywhere in nature

Green is used to attract:

  • Growth
  • Money
  • Success
  • Earth energy
  • Prosperity
  • Attraction
  • Health
  • Expansion

There is a lot of green magick in money bowls between the bowl, candle, and herbs


White is one of the most spiritual colors because it is a combination of all the colors

I see it as the symbol of full balance in life

White is also associated with purity, innocence, and new beginnings

White is used to attract:

  • New beginnings
  • Peace
  • Calmness
  • Wisdom
  • Truth
  • Balance
  • Harmony
  • Spiritual protection
  • Healing
  • Hope
  • Open-mindedness


Yellow isn’t one of my favorite colors visually, but it has amazing energy potential

I often think of the sun when I think of yellow

Yellow can be used to attract:

  • Intelligence
  • Focus
  • Learning
  • Breaking mental blocks
  • Wisdom
  • Confidence
  • Clarity
  • New ideas
  • Logic

As you can see, it is great for learning and getting things done

Next time you are stuck on a project or need new ideas, try adding some yellow to your makeup or clothes


Orange is similar to yellow, but the energies are quite different

It is used for more social things instead of mental things

Orange can be used to attract:

  • Intellect
  • Networking
  • Legal affairs
  • Joy
  • Stimulating energy
  • Attraction
  • Justice
  • Celebration

Try adding some orange next time you are doing anything social and want a boost!


Purple is such a pretty color

Another one of my favorites

I wear a lot of purple when I feel a little lost

Purple can be used to attract:

  • Heightened intuition
  • Meditation
  • Wisdom
  • Divination
  • Deepening spiritual wisdom
  • Knowledge

I like to wear purple while working with my tarot cards or when I want more spiritual guidance that day

I have a veil that is blue and purple that I wear when I feel the need for extra help


Brown isn’t one of the most attractive colors

It isn’t flashy, but that may be a good thing

I like it for around my home

It makes my home feel more grounded

Brown can be used to attract:

  • Energy
  • Nurture
  • Comfort
  • Relaxation
  • Wealth
  • Blessings
  • Growth

Think of it like the soil

Without soil, nothing will grow


Black is my favorite for protection spells because it is perfect for repelling or absorbing energy

This is the color you are told to avoid when it is hot because it absorbs so much energy

When you have black on, it absorbs the negative energy that you want to be protected from

Black can be used for:

  • Protection
  • repelling/absorbing/banishing energy
  • putting an end to an unhealthy situation

I am wearing a protection spell right now that was topped with black wax

I love the way it makes me feel!


Pink is a cute color that is very connected to love

I thought it would be red, but love is actually connected to pink

Pink can be used to attract:

  • Unconditional love
  • Romance
  • Friendship
  • Self-love
  • Happiness
  • Forgiveness
  • Reconciliation
  • Intimacy

I avoid love spells because I don’t mess with free will

But I love using pink for my self love spells

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