What Colors Absorb The Most Energy?

As you learn more about colors and what they can do for you, you will better learn how to use them

Colors, like herbs and crystals, are containers for energies that match their energy

The shade of color determines the size of the container

A light blue will hold a delicate, calming energy

While a dark blue will hold a strong, relaxing energy

The darker the color, the more energy that it holds. That means that black holds the most energy. That can be a good or a bad thing. On a hot day, you don’t want to wear anything that holds energy because it will make you hotter. Intense doesn’t make it better

Learning to choose the best shade for your color magick is more complex than the basics of learning what each color attracts

But it can make your spell even more intentional

So if you are ready to learn more about that, keep reading!

What does it mean to absorb energy?

We work with color magick because colors attract energies that are similar to them

Green attracts abundance while red attracts passion

But those colors also absorb that energy

They hold it 

The more energy that those colors hold, the more intense that energy becomes

Think about the color red

Look at a soft red color

What do you feel?

I feel strength and encouragement in a little boost of energy

Now look at a deep red color

Now, what do you feel?

I feel an intense and powerful feeling that goes straight to my stomach

The amount of energy determines how powerful and intense the energy that they hold is

This isn’t a good or a bad thing

It is just nice to understand if you want to get deeper into color magick

Remember there is no good or evil in witchcraft

There is just an intention

What works best for your intention

Why is this helpful to know?

Knowing and understanding the color shades is important if you want to upgrade your color magick

It is another way to get more specific with your intentions 

I love using this for my makeup and clothes because it is the easiest way to add color shades to daily life

Keep in mind that the colors literally hold more energy too

So wearing black for protection be rough in the middle of summer

If you use color as a kitchen witch, using shade can be helpful too

Since you control how much color you are adding, you can also control the shade

It only takes a moment more to think about but can add another layer of intention to your spell

When is absorbing or reflecting energy a good idea?

When choosing if you want the color to absorb or reflect energy, think about what you want

Do you want a calmer day or a more intense day?

If you are wearing red, do you want to just stand a little taller or do you want an intense powerful feeling?

I wore a lot of blue growing up

I never felt safe at home and blue helped a lot

It gave me peace and calmness, but also a strong sense of security

That is why I chose a dark blue

Royal blue was my favorite

I needed that strong security

Light blue is great, but it didn’t meet that need

As an adult, I started learning to be the strong, passionate person that I was meant to be

I chose burgundy

It has a deep red and a little purple

The purple was for spiritual guidance

And the deep red was the powerful passionate energy that I wanted to attract in my life

I even dyed my hair dark red at some point and I loved the power it gave me

There aren’t always options for choosing the shade for your spell

Candles are harder

But if there is an option, choosing the amount of energy that the color can hold can bring another layer of intention to your spell

How do you add this to your daily practice?

There are many ways that you can add colors and shades to your daily life

If you wear it, makeup is a very easy way to do this

There are an infinity number of colors you can buy your makeup in

And usually each other comes with several shade options

Just be intentional and tell the colors what their job is when you are doing your makeup to add a little color magick to your life

You can use this concept with your clothes and crafts too

I used light blue when I crochet my tarot case because I wanted a calm and peaceful energy while doing my readings

But I used light blue, dark blue, and purple when making my witch veil because I wanted wisdom, peace, and relaxation

You can do the same thing with your clothes

Wear the color, even if the color is just on the shirt, that attracts what you want more of in your life

Use your intention to give that color a job and then wear it proudly

I also mentioned that I dyed my hair 

I dyed it red because my main goal was to be more confident and passionate

And I love how that color made me feel

I do not draw, color, or paint but I have seen other witches use color magick in their art

They use colors and shades in their pictures that attract the energies that they want the piece to have

They even use moon water to start their watercolors

The possibilities for magick in normal life are only limited by your creativity

Think about what you use color for in your life

Can use adjust those colors to meet your goals?

I am willing to bet that the answer is “yes” for at least a few things

Choose the color and shade of your home with this or when choosing your bed sheets

There is color everywhere

Use it to work for your goals

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