What Color Is The Best For Energy?

colors best for energy

I am a mom and I don’t know about you, but I am always looking for ways to increase my energy

I have tried or I do all the common methods

Drinking more water, taking Vitamin B12, getting more sunlight, and more

But what about color?

We know that color affects our minds greatly

But can it actually increase our energy?

Colors can increase your energy and they can increase other factors that affect energy. Red is the color of passion and can increase your attentiveness, which also increases your energy. Neon colors and bright colors can also increase your energy.

Colors greatly affect you every day

You focus more and have more energy in a bright room than you do in a dark room

Neon colors get the brain excited

You can feel the difference in energy between light pink and dark pink if you pay attention

So not only does the color affect your energy, but also the shade of each color

What affects our energy levels every day?

Colors affect how we interact with the world

Companies use colors to make us feel things

For example, Whole Foods uses green to connect them with health

Or McDonald’s uses yellow to connect them to happiness

They go one step closer and make their symbol a happy face and their kid’s meal a happy meal

Darkness makes us feel more on edge when we go places like a dark room

Offices are white and brightly lit to reduce distraction and keep focus

Red lipstick is added to sexy outfits because red creates passion and draws attention

The ocean is calming with the blue water and often blue sky

Color is constantly affecting us in ways that most of us don’t understand

But we can also use color to increase the chances of what we want to come to us

That is the foundation is color magick

Using color to affect the world the way they are meant to, but strategically so we get the end we want

What do colors do to our energy?

In addition to colors affecting our thoughts, feelings, and moods…

Colors can definitely affect our energy

This is what I mainly wanted to explore because I could always use more energy!

There is even color therapy so we know its possible

You can use colors in your home to increase your energy while at home

But that is more permanent

You can also choose what to wear every day that will help you with your energy

Blue is often connected to calm, peace, and stability

Even though it is calming, a light blue will give you energy

It will likely be a calming blue energy

Keep in mind that personal experiences may change how colors affect us

I love red now, but I avoided it for years and reacted negatively due to personal experience

So if a color doesn’t affect you the way it affects others, that is completely normal

It is our job to test things and see what works best for us

Yellow is connected to happiness and optimism

It is a common color to use if you need a boost

I don’t have any yellow clothes but I will use yellow in the inner corners of my eye makeup

Colors can also affect how others see you

Wearing black will make others see you as more powerful and professional

While wearing brown will make you seem more reliable

I had a grey jacket for interviews for a long time

But that isn’t ideal for job interviews

Grey makes you seem neutral and quiet

In the future, I would want brown or black

What colors increase our energy?

To understand what colors increase our energy, we first need to know what kind of energy you are trying to increase

Energy is a broad term

You may want more motivation, excitement, or passion

Each of those are connected to a different color

Here are some colors and what they are connected to:

  • Blue: Loyalty, tranquility, stability
  • Red: Passion, aggression, intensity
  • Yellow: Happiness, optimism, youth
  • Green: Healing, success, hope
  • Black: Power, professionality, mystery
  • Purple: Royalty, spirituality, luxury
  • Brown: Stability, natural, reliability
  • Orange: Energy, fun, warmth
  • White: Purity, cleanliness, innocence
  • Grey: Neutral, practicality, quietness

How can you add these colors to your life?

There are many ways that you can add color to your life

Think about all the things in your life that already have color

Your clothes, accessories, makeup, home, car, documents, lights, and more all have color

So think about how you can use the color in all those things to be more intentional

You can add plants to your office

That brings green to the space that encourages peace and growth

You can have a light pink shirt for when you need some soft self-love

If you want to have more confidence, wear a red outfit or red lipstick

Keep your professional clothes brown or black

If you want to feel more neutral in a situation, wear grey

The possibilities for using color in your life are endless!

I use a lot of brown in my home because it helps give a sense of belonging and reliability

I have a blue and purple veil that I wear when I need more calm energy and wisdom

That usually gets put on when my kids are being extra difficult!

Of course, there is also color magick

Everything I have been talking about counts as color magick

It is the use of color to attract what you want and manipulate a situation slightly

But there are more uses for color in color magick too because you are adding in spells, rituals, and more

If you want to know more about color magick, check out my article The beginner’s guide to color magick

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