What Color Is A Strong Aura?

I think auras are one of the first things that people learn about when they start learning about things outside the common understanding

I think that is because auras are a little more well-known and most people can train themselves to see auras

If you want to know more about seeing auras, check out my article 

Once you know how to see auras, then it is time to learn to understand them

There are many parts of aura like color, shade, shape, and size

But starting with color is  the easiest to understand

The color of your aura isn’t what makes it strong. A strong aura can be most colors. But a strong aura explains the type of energy your aura is made from. People with strong auras have confidence, compassion, and are supportive. So you can have any color and still have a strong aura

Colors can give you information about the type of strength though

There is a difference between passionate strength and calming strength

So color can still tell you a lot about the strength, or lack of strength, that you have

The good news is that means you can build a strong aura regardless of what color you have if you are willing to put in the work

What does color do in auras?

Color is just our brain’s interpretation of energy

So when you see colors in your aura or someone else’s aura, then you are just seeing the interpreted version of the energy being released

That means that all you need to do is understand what type of energy matches the color

Common knowledge of colors comes from the brain’s interpretation as well

We see red as a fiery color that is intense while we see blue and a relaxing color that is calming

That isn’t because we made it up 

It is because those are the feelings and emotions that our brain has connected those colors to

And it did that because the energies are the same

Those emotions and those colors’ energies are so similar that they are attached to each other and attract each other

What do the colors mean?

The colors have layers of meaning

The main color that we talk about, like red, tells a lot about someone

But there are also shades and intensities

Auras may be something that most people can learn, but it takes a while to learn all the layers

It is best to start with the big part though

And that is the main color that the aura appears to be

There are 7 main colors that auras can appear to be:

  1. Red: Passionate, strong-willed, energetic
  2. Orange: Thoughtful, adventurous, considerate
  3. Yellow: Friendly, creative, joyful
  4. Green: Nurturing, kind, social
  5. Blue: Calm, free-thinker, intuitive
  6. Indigo: Gentle, spiritual, curious
  7. Violet: Independent, wise, spiritual

There are a lot more meanings for each color, but these are the main ones

Black and white auras are also possible, but they are less common

White is a sign of divine balance while black is often a sign of trauma and damage

But one thing that most people don’t realize is that auras don’t come in one color

They can, but that isn’t common

No one is just one thing

You can see your aura as a mix of colors, or even a rainbow

It just means that you are a mix of what those colors mean

The color closest to your body is often the most current color, so that is the one we often look at

But all the colors, shapes, sizes, intensities, and sizes of your aura tell your story

It is a very powerful thing to learn

Do auras only have colors?


Auras come in colors, shapes, and sizes

The size is usually connected to the intensity

When we say that your aura is strong, it is because there is a good amount of energy that is impacting the intensity

There are also a few common shapes like:

  • Fuzzy
  • A wall
  • Spikey
  • Neutra


A fuzzy aura shows a lack of boundaries

They take on other people’s issues and get caught up in others’ problems

They struggle to say no to others and tend to believe that boundaries will make people dislike them

A wall

A wall of energy is what you’d expect

They have boundaries but they are defensive boundaries

They have put up an energy blockade to keep themselves safe


People with spikey auras are geared up for a fight

They are feeling threatened or have been deeply wounded

People with this shape usually have a history of abuse

They are reactive and will often hurt the people around them

Even if those people were trying to help


People with a neutral shape aura are balanced and understand who they are

They have healthy boundaries and take responsibility for their actions

They own the space that they take up without needing to defend themselves or fight

They are able to approach life with a neutral standing and will not take things very personally all the time

What are the strongest aura colors?

All colors have their own strength

We are constantly trying to find ways to be stronger and better, but what many don’t realize is that means something different for everyone

Imagine that everyone was as strong as they could be and that strength all meant the same thing

The world wouldn’t function

Everyone would be fiery and passionate without any calm people

The world would be a mess

Or there would only be calm and relaxed people so there isn’t the progress that the fiery people create

The strongest aura isn’t a battle of the colors because every color is needed

All types of people are needed for the world to function

What you should be looking at is how strong your aura is

Regardless of the color

The color just tells you what you would be working on 

And what you should be working with

If you are naturally someone with a blue aura, it doesn’t make sense to be constantly trying to improve yourself by forcing yourself to be hyperactive and a crazy extravert

That isn’t what you are made of

Increase your aura’s strength by increasing what you have

Become peaceful and healing

Work on the trauma that is affecting your aura’s shape so you can have that neutral shape

Learn to love yourself, increase your confidence, be compassionate, have enthusiasm, and work towards being the highest version of you

As people, we need to stop comparing ourselves to other people

And start comparing ourselves to the best version of ourself

And the making steps to becoming that person

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