What Color Is A Rare Aura?

There are a variety of fairly rare auras and they all mean something different

The aura itself is only rare because there are few people that possess the energy field required for that color

White, silver, gold, indigo, violet, light pink, and light blue are the rarest aura colors. Out of these colors, gold is the rarest of them all. People with these auras are fascinating to everyone, even people who don’t know about auras. 

Even though these colors are all grouped together as “rare aura colors”, they are all very different

What is an aura?

Your aura is an energy field around you that reveals your energetic and spiritual state

Auras come in almost every color, a few shapes, and different intensities

It isn’t as simple as learning the colors and knowing everything about a person

There is a lot to learn to fully understand auras

Mostly because there are a lot of shades too

Blue is not a rare aura color, but light blue is

To learn more about excessive and dark colors, check out my article on anxiety

What do colored auras mean?

The aura is an energy field that surrounds the body

It surrounds everything, but living things have stronger auras

All energy vibrates and that vibration tells a lot about that energy

The colors of an aura tell us about that vibration and what the energy is made of

With effort, anyone can learn to see auras

It comes naturally to some and with hard work for others

But it is possible for anyone

Your aura has 7 layers that are each connected to your chakras

The color will tell you the state that that chakra is in

Many people only see 1 color because they have learned to only see the color connected to 1 chakra

What are common aura colors?

It isn’t super exciting, but brown is the most common aura color

Someone with a brown aura may have been working all day  and are generally nice

But they are not growing spiritually yet

Some other common colors are:

  1. Red: stable and strong-willed
  2. Orange: brave and thoughtful
  3. Yellow: creative and happy
  4. Green: Social and communicates well
  5. Blue: intuitive and free-thinker
  6. Pink: feminine and loving
  7. Grey: anxious and stressed
  8. Black: in a very bad state
  9. Rainbow: spiritual leaders and healers

There is no hierarchy of what color is better, but it is better to have lighter shades

When you get colors that are dark, that means that you have blocked chakras

And that is not good for you

Each chakra is needed to live a full life

There will always be an imbalance if they are blocked

If you don’t have a color that you want, don’t judge it

Learn about yourself and learn how you can improve your life

Auras have amazing lessons that you can learn a lot from if you pay attention

What is a rare aura color?

There are 7 more rare aura colors, but some are more common than others

The 7 rare aura colors are:

  1. White
  2. Silver
  3. Gold
  4. Indigo
  5. Violet
  6. Light pink
  7. Light blue

The qualities that someone needs to have these colors are rare to see, especially in the craziness of our world

If you don’t have these colors, that doesn’t mean anything negative to you

Auras tell us about how we are doing and  how others are doing

There is no competition

Just learning and self-improvement


White represents spiritual purity, extreme kindness, and a very positive mind

White is the color of peace and forgiveness

If someone has a white aura, they are very spiritually awakened with a high vibration and inner peace

They are very forgiving, peaceful,  and spiritual

This person naturally has a strong intuition, healing abilities, empath abilities, and people are drawn to them


Silver auras are even rarer than white auras

They signify a very high vibrational level and  extreme spiritual purity

Like it is believed that people that are born with silver auras are angels

If you meet someone with a silver aura, that means they are very spiritual, have healing abilities, strong intuition, psychic abilities, and many divine gifts

People with silver auras look like they have it all


Gold is the rarest aura

They are next level from white or silver auras

The qualities someone needs for a gold aura is extremely rare and there are only a few in the world

They have an extremely high social status and an extremely spiritual practice

They are magnetic

If you meet someone with a gold aura, that means they have done some amazing deeds, and have achieved several divine gifts


Now that we know the top 3 rarest auras, we move into rare but not extremely rare

Indigo is a rare aura because it represents spirituality

If someone has an indigo aura, they have a sharp mind, strong intuition, and high spiritual practice

Their third eye chakra is active and balanced

They have psychic abilities and are very intelligent


Going along the same lines, violet is the color of the crown chakra

People with a violet aura are very connected to the universe and divinity

They are a bit more spiritual than Indigo, but not as spiritual as white, silver, and gold

Light pink

All of the pinks are usually found in children, but light pink is always rare

Pink represents love, sensitivity, loyalty, and playfulness

People with light pink auras are extremely kind and soft people

They are often very quiet and mild-mannered but are extremely sensitive

It isn’t super unusual to see someone a with light pink aura and specs of red and blue

But it is very rare to see a pure light pink aura

Light blue

Light blue is connected to the throat Chakra

The lighter the blue, the more calm the energy

If today’s world where people struggle with their emotions and circumstances, this level of calm is rare

They are excellent communicators, expressive, and naturally philosophical

There is serenity and peace in light blue

Does it matter?

Well, it depends on what is important to you

Auras can teach us a lot about ourselves

We can lie to ourselves about how we are doing, but our energy doesn’t lie

You can work towards different color chakras

You can work on your spirituality, doing more good deeds, or peace to start moving towards these rare colors

But don’t do it because you want a rare aura color

Do it because you want to be the kind of person that has those colors

Once again, you can’t trick your energy

If you are trying to get a rare color because you want to look good, you will likely not reach that color

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