What Color Has The Highest Vibration?

color with highest vibration

Everything vibrates at a frequency

The higher the frequency, the more we call the energy “good”

People that are very happy vibrate at a much higher frequency than people that are sad

Both emotions are important and valid, but we are always striving to have more emotions that are higher frequency

So if color can help us achieve more positive energy (see my article on that)

Then it would make sense to want to add more of the color with the highest frequency right?

Violet has the highest frequency of all the colors. That is probably why it is connected to spirituality and is a mix of passionate red and calming blue. It has both sides of the energy spectrum and both sides are equally important

Violet has the shortest wavelength and can get even higher vibration when it leaves the spectrum that we can see

That energy is so high that it can burn out skin and skill bacteria

Even though it does have the highest frequency, all colors serve a purpose and violet is not the “catch-all” just because it has the most energy

What is vibration?

Vibration is the word we use to describe the energy that comes from all things

Even your chair has a vibration

Everything is made of energy and all those energies have a vibration

When people say that they want to be at a higher vibration, that means they want to feel happier, better, and healthier

Think about vibration like how we function

The more vibration, the more energy we have to run

The less vibration, the harder is it to run

How can high or low vibration affect your life?

Everything is made of energy and vibration describes that energy

The higher the energy, the more preferred the thing is usually

But lower energy is also calming

Deep and dark colors have a low vibration, but that’s not a bad thing

That low vibration brings calmness and peace

High vibration colors, like yellow, are more energized and happy

But that isn’t the state we always need to be in

And there are different types of these energies too

You can be depressed, which is an unpreferred version of low vibration

Or you can be at peace, which is a preferred version of low vibration

What does color do for your vibration?

Color directly connects to our brain and affects us in many different ways

It’s actually pretty amazing what color can do 

It can make us trust, feel calm, get passionate, feel safe, help us grow spiritually, make us feel connected, and more

The world is built around the understanding that color greatly affects us

Businesses use color to help drive sales

Color is added to their branding to convey a message to buyers

Green makes us feel like products are connected to nature, health, relaxation, freshness, growth, and prosperity

Companies like Xbox, Whole Foods, Animal Planet, and Starbucks use green

Yellow makes us feel optimistic, warm, happy, and impulsive

Companies like Mcdonald’s, Best Buy, Post-It, and Nikon use yellow

Are you seeing the pattern?

Mcdonald’s uses yellow to make us feel happy and impulsive

Whole Foods use green to make us feel healthy and connected to nature

Colors affect our moods, thoughts, needs, wants, and the things that we attract

But color is just a container

People give it power

McDonald’s doesn’t become impulsive until we believe it to be a guilty pleaser

But it becomes impulsive much easier than Whole Foods because yellow is a better container for impulsiveness than green is

But yellow doesn’t make us believe that it is healthy

But the green in Whole Foods makes us feel like it is a healthier option regardless of if everything there is healthy or not

What color has the highest vibration?

Violet has the highest vibration of all the colors

It can get even higher but we cannot see, but I am focusing on colors in our visual spectrum

Violet is the perfect combination of red and blue

Red is a high-intensity color that represents power and passion

Blue is a calming color that represents calmness and relaxation

Since purple is a mix of those two, it combines the world of passion and calmness

It is a spiritual color because we need both is be at our full potential

We need times of high intensity, strength, passion, and endurance

But we also need times of relaxation, peace, calmness, and safety

Staying on one side alone isn’t healthy

So violet represents the highest version of ourselves that brings all things into balance

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