What Are The Spiritual Colors?

Colors are a huge part of life and a huge part of my practice

But one of the major things I wanted to focus on when I started my practice was opening myself spiritually

I was raised a Christian but walked away from that when I was 20 years old

Looking back now, I am pretty sure that Hekate has been with me since I was a child

I just didn’t know it was her

I use spells and colors to work through all the information that I was taught to be true, but it was really just stuff in the Bible

I use colors to reset myself and learn a new reality

One where a whole new world of spirituality was available to me

Since there were Christians all around, I stayed quiet about it by using colors like purple to air my journey

The most spiritual colors are purple, ivory, white, taupe, atlantic blue, moss green, and black. They each specialize in a part of spirituality because it is a broad topic. So choose the color that best fits your goals

What colors help you spiritually?

There are a lot of colors and every color has many shades

They all can mean something different

If a color reaches out to you, listen to that feeling

Your intuition knows a lot

Each of the spiritual colors helps with a specific part of spirituality

You can choose one or a few to add to your life

Make sure that you cleanse and set your intention

Remember that colors are just a container

When you imagine that color helping you reach a goal, it attracts that goal to you

Without your intentions, the color is just a color

What are the most spiritual colors?

There are a few spiritual colors, but some of my favorites are:

  1. Purple
  2. Ivory
  3. White
  4. Taupe
  5. Atlantic blue
  6. Moss green
  7. Black

As I have mentioned, each one has a specialty

Think of them as construction workers

They are all construction workers, but the specific jobs do specific things

When put all together, you get a complete house

Each part of spirituality is important in its own way

Choose what you need help with to build your spiritual practice


Purple is the color of bravery and wisdom

I used it a lot to help me work through the fear that Christianity bred in me and to see the truth from the lies

Purple also represents sweetness and dreams

It is a calm and deep color that connects you to the spiritual world and helps you move past material things

Purple brings magick and supports imagination

It has a high vibration so wearing it attracts good things to you

Just make sure that you are grounding yourself before using purple since it is an imagination color 

Meditating with purple can help you tap into wisdom and your spiritual walk


Ivory is a very pretty off-white color

Ivory is the color of truth

It shows us that you can still be beautiful without being perfect (like white)

It allows you to simply accept yourself even with your faults

Because it is the faults combined with the successes that make you unique

Ivory helps us accept that nothing and no one is perfect

It is a great color to wear when you are feeling down on yourself or if you want to fully accept yourself

Accepting yourself is required for a full spiritual practice


White is the color of purity

That is why wedding dresses are white

It represents light and connects us to the divine

White also strengthens your aura

To learn more about auras, check out my article on them!


Taupe is not a well-known color

It is a mix of light brown and grey

It is warm and attracts contentment and calmness

Most spiritual practices require you to slow down and feel content

Taupe will help you with that

It calms you and brings you back to nature

Atlantic blue

Atlantic blue is a deep blue color and it is the color of wisdom, dreams, and serenity

Blue used to be an expensive color to make which is why the deep color blue is called royal blue

But thankfully, we have access to every color today

Blue brings calmness and abundance, but it is also connected to the throat chakra

The throat chakra is your personal voice

It helps you live authentically and speak your truth

Moss green

Moss green is a common color in nature

You see it everywhere in the plants

It represents life, luck, balance, and love

Green is the heart chakra’s color as well

That gives us unconditional love, renewal, and harmony


Black is commonly associated with protection, but it is also the color of power

Black swallows every color and represents our fears

It encourages us to explore the unknown and go beyond our limits 

Black represents nothingness, night, death, authority, and rigor

Black was the original purity because it represents nothingness

It is a special color that helps your determination, creativity, and strength

It also helps us understand that we need to explore the parts of us that are unknown and that we need to understand our shadow

How can they help you in your life?

Color is just a simple way of adding magick to our lives

What part of spirituality do you want help with?

Wear the color that represents that thing

If you need help with many things, you can either choose one to start with or wear multiple colors

Your practice is yours

There will never be a right or wrong way of doing things

Just make sure that you are cleansing and protecting yourself

Do all the needed precautions to keep yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually safe

Then learn everything that you can 

Lastly, try things!

Witchcraft is called a practice because you should never stop trying things and learning things

See what works for you!

Maybe wearing clothes that matches a color helps you

Or you can try makeup, accessories, and more

That is the fun part

So have fun!

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