How Long Should You Wait Between Reiki Levels?

There are three Reiki levels that teach different things

Reiki 3 builds on Reiki 1 and 2

It is tradition to wait at least 21 days between levels. So if you finish Reiki 1, you need to wait at least 21 days before starting Reiki 2. You can do the minimum time if you practice Reiki yourself every day. If you don’t practice every day, you should wait longer before the next level

While waiting isn’t required, it is wise to take your time to learn the concepts and get really good before moving on to the next set of skills

If you want to set yourself up for the best Reiki practice, wait 6 months between levels and practice every day

That gives you a chance to learn the skills and master them before moving on to new skills

You also get practice being open to the less obvious parts of Reiki

During this time, you can practice on yourself or others

Doing both is the best option

The biggest challenge is to get in the habit of continuing to practice even when you have already learned the concepts

What are the Reiki levels?

There are three Reiki levels:

  • Reiki 1
  • Reiki 2
  • Reiki 3 (or master)

Pretty simple to remember!

Reiki 1 is the most basic concepts

This is when you learn about Reiki and how it works

You start learning how to access the energy around you, infuse the energy with intentions, and give that energy to your chosen recipient

Most of the time, that recipient will be yourself while you are learning

Reiki 2 is learning distance healing and symbols

There is more meat to memorize here, and the connection between you and the recipient gets harder since you are not next to each other 

Reiki 2 will take longer to learn and master

The last level is master or Reiki 3

Reiki 1 and 2 need to be completed and mastered before you start Reiki 3

There should be at least three months of practice before starting Reiki 3 if you want to set yourself up for success

This is when you become a master that can teach and attune other people

This is the largest level so expect to be stretched when you join a class

Is there a time requirement for each level?

There isn’t a strict time requirement for each level, but it is important to give yourself time to practice and add Reiki into your daily life

You don’t want to get into the habit of practicing until you learn and then stopping

Once you learn Reiki, you want to practice every day unless you decide to quit

The best way to add Reiki into your daily life is to start in the beginning and take your time when you need to practice

Don’t rush

Usually, it takes about 10-12 hours to learn Reiki 1

If you take longer, that’s ok!

You are encouraged to have 40 hours of Reiki healing practice and 3 months of practice with the Reiki symbols for Reiki 2

Reiki 3 takes a different amount of time for everyone, but expect it to take more time than Reiki 1 and 2

Can you do Reiki 1 and 2 together?

Reiki 1 and 2 are often taught as separate classes in the West, but they can be learned together

Keep in mind that you will have to commit more time if you do it this way

But since they don’t really build on each other, you can take them together

If you complete both at the same time, you are more prepared for practicing Reiki professionally than you would if you only did Reiki 1

Even though you will need to commit more time daily, you will get certified sooner since you are condensing the time you need to spend into a smaller time period

What should I do while I wait to start the next Reiki level?

If you wait at least 21 days between levels like tradition says, there is one important thing you need to do 

You need to practice

The more you practice, the sooner you can start the next class

If you practice every day, you are fine waiting the minimum recommended time of 21 days between levels

If you practice less, then I encourage you to wait longer and practice your current skills more

If you are not in a hurry to start the next class, then it is better to take longer between classes to practice more

6 months is the best period of time to practice once you complete a level

One of the most challenging parts of Reiki, when you finish learning, is to keep practicing even when you aren’t learning anymore

By waiting and practicing, you are getting in the habit of practicing even when you already know and understand what you have already learned

People tend to use practice only as a way to get better

Once they are happy with the progress, that progress starts to fall away

But if you do that, you will start to forget and lose the skills you worked so hard for

Have you heard the phrase “Use it or lose it?”

It’s true!

If you take a good amount of time between levels to practice and add Reiki to your daily life even when you don’t feel like you need improvement anymore, you are less likely to fall away and start losing your ability

Your ability to do the Reiki skills isn’t lost forever, but you will need to practice to remind yourself how to do it

Reiki is just like every other skill

You will learn it better the second time around, but you won’t need to relearn it if you take a few minutes every day to do  Reiki healing on yourself or someone else

You worked so hard to reach the end of every Reiki level

Don’t let that work fade away

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