24 Types of Reiki and What To Use Them For

There could be hundreds of types of Reiki, but these 24 are most of the well-known ones:

  1. Usui Reiki
  2. Tibetan Reiki
  3. Karuna Reiki
  4. Gendai Reiki
  5. Rainbow Reiki
  6. Shamballa Reiki
  7. Kundalini Reiki
  8. Imara Reiki
  9. Holy Fire Reiki
  10. Jikiden Reiki
  11. Lightarian Reiki
  12. Golden Age Reiki
  13. Blue Star Reiki
  14. MariEL
  15. Men Chho Reiki
  16. Prema Reiki
  17. Raku Kei
  18. Reiki Jin-Kei Do
  19. Saku Reiki
  20. Satya Japanese Reiki
  21. Seichim Reiki
  22. Shamballa Reiki
  23. The Radience Techique
  24. Vajra Reiki

All of these types are variations of Usui Reiki or a Reiki for a different area of the world

Energy healing is used everywhere, but small things about it change depending on the culture that they were created in

Usui Reiki

Usui Reiki is the most well-known and most used Reiki in the west

Mikao Usui is the father of the energy healing practice that we call Reiki today

Most types of Reiki are variations of Usui Reiki

The practice and symbols used are sacred and are only shown to people that are in Reiki 2 or 3

While you can find these symbols online now, you can only use them when a master attunes you to them

Usui Reiki, like all Reiki, requires a master to teach and attune you to master it

You cannot fully learn and master Reiki without a Reiki teacher

Usui Reiki is the process of using universal life energy to heal yourself or others physically, emotionally, and mentally

The uses for Usui Reiki are endless when you master it

Tibetan Reiki/Jinlap Reiki

Tibetan Reiki is a powerful Japanese natural healing system

Tibetan Reiki is more aggressive than Usui Reiki and is explained as a waterfall of energy

Usui Reiki is more gentle, like a faucet of energy

Tibetan Reiki helps restore balance to the body and improve one’s overall health

It can be administered through touch, aura, or distance healing

It is used to release stress, reduce pain, relax the body, and bring mental clarity

Tibetan Reiki can also strengthen the immune system which heals the body fight illness

Tibetan Reiki uses the universal life force, just like Usui Reiki

Karuna Reiki

Karuna Reiki is also a branch of Usui Reiki, but it uses a higher vibrational approach

Karuna Reiki has many meditations with ascendant masters, archangels, and angels

Using meditation to learn to accept, forgive, understand, and let go is the core of Karuna Reiki

While all Reiki uses those concepts, Karuna Reiki get more into depth with them

The Karuna Reiki method was created in 1995 by Master William Rand, who created other methods as well

The word “Karuna” is of Sanskrit origin and is related to unconditional love, compassion, and spiritual evolution

Karuna refers to helping yourself and others because we are all one and interconnected

Gendai Reiki

Gendai Reiki is a widely used system throughout the world

It is a simple and practical method that can be used daily

It was created to allow more people to practice a system similar to Usui Reiki in a more comfortable way

The core of Gendai Reiki is to:

  • Aspire to live a happy and healthy life
  • Avoid prejudice, dogma, and secrecy
  • Understand the characteristics and techniques of Reiki
  • Follow the simple Reiki instructions and avoid overcomplicating it

Daily treatment of yourself is extremely important for Gendai Reiki

Rainbow Reiki

Rainbow Reiki is another system based on Usui Reiki, but it has some more symbols and techniques

This type of Reiki focuses on personal development in addition to spiritual healing

It calls on spirit guides, angels, deities, your inner child, and your higher self

Rainbow Reiki works to balance energy through Chakras, Mantras, symbols, and crystals

Shamballa Reiki

Shamballa Reiki is a very spiritual Reiki style

Shamballa Reiki is a beautiful but very complex system

It is an extension of Usui Reiki used for spiritual development and personal healing

This system believes that every individual can be attuned to Reiki at some point and that we should all work together to bring healing to the world

They are able to find deep meditations with Deities, archangels, entities, and ascendent masters

Shamballa has tremendous energy that can only be accessed through meditation, self-treatment, and practice

Energy transfers as a high vibrational plane and at a higher intensity

And it helps you reach fulfillment in every part of your life

Kundalini Reiki

Kundalini Reiki is a straightforward practice that doesn’t require a lot of intensive study or the use on complex techniques

This may be the only attunement that opens both universal life energy and earth energy at the same time

This helps the practitioner become a very powerful healer

Knots and blockages in the Chakras are removed when preparing for Kundalini awakening

Kundalini Reiki gives us the courage to heal, insight into what we want to manifest, the courage to ask for what we want, and the flexibility to get out of our own way

Kundalini Reiki is one of the most simple and quick-to-learn Reiki systems that exist

Imara Reiki

The name Imara means “more”

Imara Reiki is more intense than many other Reiki systems and uses higher vibrations to heal

Healing energy in your body and in the universe is divided into 5 levels

Usui Reiki uses levels 1, 2, and 3 when healing

Karuna Reiki uses level 4

Imara Reiki uses level 5

There are no symbols in Imara Reiki

Instead, it uses a connection to the past

Masters connect with higher beings and memories of the past

And it is very effective in healing psychological damage from past experience

Even though Imara Reiki is very intense, it is fairly easy to use when you are attuned to it

Holy Fire Reiki

Holy Fire Reiki sounds very religious, but it isn’t

It does use concepts of God and the Holy Spirit, but not in a religious context

Holy Fire Reiki is a way to continue your education after finishing Usui Reiki

Reiki 1 and 2 for both Holy Fire Reiki and Usui Reiki are almost identical

So once you are a master of Usui Reiki, you can feel called to continue learning more Reiki skills by being attuned to and learning Holy Fire Reiki

Some students find that using Holy Fire Reiki instead of Usui Reiki feels better

Energy flows better and is less forced

They feel more power

And Holy Fire Reiki comes with a lot of intuition and you don’t need to make as many decisions during a healing session

You just need to listen and obey

Jikiden Reiki

Jikiden Reiki is a pure and simple form of Reiki and uses a clear framework

Jikiden focuses on Reiki as a down-to-earth and practical form of healing

It is used for common illnesses, bringing better health, aiding other medical treatments, aiding therapy, and reducing medical waste through mindfulness

Jikiden Reiki really focuses on the physical and mental health

It uses energy to help the body heal itself

Lightarian Reiki

Lightarian Reiki is built on the belief that light is everything and everything is light

This holistic view of light helps us better understand everything happening to us physically, mentally, and emotionally

Lightarian Reiki builds on Usui Reiki with a focus on personal development, spiritual awakening, and changing lives

Golden Age Reiki

Golden Age Reiki is a tool to raise consciousness and transformation

Golden Age Reiki believes that we need higher frequencies of healing to help us in our modern world

It uses more symbols than other types of Reiki and unites different aspects of other Reiki forms to create a new form of healing

Each Golden Age Reiki attunement helps you let go of old patterns, balance emotions, find inner peace, and heal the true causes of illness

Blue Star Reiki

Blue Star Reiki is a very spiritual system

It bridges the gap between man and God

It focuses on healing trauma, personal growth, meditation, hypnosis, and connection with everyone around us


MariEl is also called the MariEL Healing System of Reiki

It is believed that this system draws power from the Mother Mary, who was the mother of Christ

It believes that the body’s cells have a memory and those memories can heal if channeled correctly

MariEl was named by combining the name “Mary” and the name “El” which was used for God in the Old Testament

MariEL uses three main symbols:

  1. Distance
  2. Power
  3. Higher-Self Connection

A typical MariEl session lasts more than an hour, and usually uses touch

But touch isn’t needed

Men Chho Reiki

There isn’t a lot of information on Men Chho Reiki, but it is a healing tool

It is a healing tool, but it is not a common one

It has a couple more symbols added to Usui Reiki

Prema Reiki

Prema Reiki is also called Prema Birthing Energy Healing

Prema, in Sanskrit, means Divine Love

Like other branches of Usui Reiki, the first two levels are almost identical to Usui Reiki

It only changes when you become a master

Prema Reiki is big on awakening your inner abilities, using sound and energy to heal, yoga, and meditation

Raku Kei

Raku Kei is also called Fire Dragon Method and originated in ancient Tibet

It was lost for many years until Dr. Mike Usui rediscovered it in Sanskrit text

Raku Kei makes use of the sacred elements:

  1. Fire
  2. Water
  3. Air
  4. Earth
  5. Ether

Raku Kei is also known as The Lightning Flash

It is a sacred form of energy

Raku is a vertical flow of energy in the body and Kei is a horizontal flow of energy

Both of the cross at the middle point called “Hara” which is the symbol of manifestation

Raku Kei is not a Reiki you can start with

You need to be a master of any other form before you can start learning Raku Kei

A large part of Raku Kei is using breathing techniques, the seven Chakras, the seven colors of the rainbow, symbols, and seven notes of the musical scale for healing and development

Reiki Jin-Kei Do

Reiki Jun-Kei Do is another branch of Usui Reiki

Like most branches, Reiki Jin-Kei Do is very similar to Usui Reiki

But there are differences in the details

One difference is that Reiki Jin-Kei Do is that it is done 1-on-1 or in very small groups

The attunements normally take between 25 and 30 minutes but can take an hour if you are a master

Reiki Jin-Kei Do also focus more on mindful meditation and Qigong

And being more mindful and open-mindedness

Saku Reiki

Saku Reiki is adding on Usui Reiki

Saku Reiki practitioners believe in a holistic approach to healing that includes some natural therapies, crystals, physical exercise, nutrition, and vibrational therapy

Saku Reiki was created for patients that didn’t respond to western medicine

And it combines Usui Reiki and other alternative healing methods

Saku Reiki 1 includes everything in Usui Reiki 1 but also talks about healing through nutrition and physical activity

Satya Japanese Reiki

Satya Japanese Reiki is another form of Reiki that doesn’t have a lot of information 

It is believed to be a treatment that promotes relaxation and stress relief

Many, if not most, Reiki types came from Japan

So there are slight variations in many forms that match the period they were used and the culture that founded them

Satya Japanese Reiki looks similar to Usui Reiki, but we adjusted slightly for the needs the practitioners had at that time

Seichim Reiki

Seichim is one of the most effective healing forms in the west

Seichim is also called Five element Seichim

The basics of Seichim Reiki revolve around the 5 elements

  1. Earth
  2. Water
  3. Air
  4. Fire
  5. Spirit

Seichim Reiki helps remove unwanted energy and replace it with positive energy

Reiki Masters believe that each element has its own energy frequencies and vibrations

Reiki Treatment can bring peace and balance to our lives

It was believed for a long time that only men can learn Reiki because women are emotionally weak, that restriction is no longer valid

Seichim Reiki only helps women become better Reiki masters

Even though Serichim Reiki is a newer form of Reiki, using the elements as part of healing has been used for a long time

Shamballa Reiki

Shamballa Reiki is believed to be another extension of Usui Reiki

It is used for spiritual development and personal healing

Shamballa Reiki is a complex spiritual ascension molded to the Usui Reiki structure

It has new features, new healing and protection methods, and unique symbols

Shamballa is believed to be derived from Atlantis and has elements that are gateways to different manifestations of the universal life energy

These elements were only offered to those that were truly worthy and willing to help humans evolve spiritually

The Radiance Technique 

The Radiance Technique, also called TRT, increases your energy and natural vitality, improves your health, and calms your mind

It is easy to learn and simple to use any time of the day

It focuses on your wholeness as a person by balancing your energies with the universal life energies

Vajra Reiki

Vajra Reiki is one of the newest forms of Reiki

It makes use of stones and crystals and has symbols separate from Usui Reiki

When you are a master, you can choose to master Vajra Reiki by learning the symbols and adding other techniques

Like the crystals

Vajra Reiki has incredible amounts of energy and is highly effective in destroying disease

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