The Three Reiki Levels And What To Expect From Each

Reiki classes are separated into levels just like college degrees are

In college, you get your Associate’s degree, Bachelor’s degree, and Master’s degree

They build on each other but are also completely separate

The more education you get, the more valuable you are in your field

Reiki works the same way

The three Reiki levels are Reiki 1, Reiki 2, and Reiki 3 (or Master Reiki). Reiki 1 teaches you the basics and gets you started with simple healing techniques. Reiki 2 gets more complex by adding concepts like Reiki symbols. And Reiki 3 is when you master Reiki and can start teaching others

Each level takes some time to complete, and it is recommended to wait at least 21 days after finishing a level before starting another one

This gives you time to practice, create routines, and master what you have learned before adding anything new to your practice

How the levels work

The Reiki levels work similarly to the degrees in college

There are three Reiki levels

  1. Reiki 1
  2. Reiki 2
  3. Reiki 3

They all build on each other, but you can take Reiki 1 and 2 together if you have a teacher that can help you succeed with that fast pace

For college, the corresponding degrees are:

  1. Associate’s degree
  2. Bachelor’s degree
  3. Master’s degree

Just like college, every level takes more time and gets harder

But you can more valuable in your field when you complete that higher level

Reiki 1

Reiki 1 is the very beginning of your Reiki journey

This is when you get a clear idea of what Reiki is, how it works, and how to get started

You learn how to connect to the energy around you to prevent yourself from being depleted

And you get started learning the healing techniques for yourself

Reiki 1 will introduce you to Reiki and get you started on simple healing techniques

This is similar to the Associate’s degree in college

A lot of the Associate’s degree is reviewing the foundation of what you learned in high school and making sure that you know everything that you need to learn throughout your college career

You also learn how to be successful in college and how to get from where you are now to where you want to be

Just like that, Reiki 1 will make sure you know everything you need to know before learning concepts that you will be learning throughout all three levels

It clears misconceptions and helps you create a goal for your Reiki journey

Then it helps you learn how to get from where you are to where you want to go

Then you get to start learning hands-on activities and start practicing real healing methods

Once you have completed Reiki 1, wait at least 21 days before starting Reiki 2

Make sure that you practice the concepts that you learned at least once every day during those 21 days

If you are willing to put in the extra time, waiting 6 months to practice and make Reiki part of your everyday life is even better

Reiki 2 

When you are ready for Reiki 2, you are going to be a fully practicing Reiki practitioner

You have not only learned the basics, but you have spent at least 21 days after finishing Reiki 1 to master the basics

Reiki 2 is when you start learning harder concepts like distance healing

Like a Batchelor’s degree, there aren’t a lot of basics in Reiki 2

Things get more challenging and require a lot of memorization and practice

Reiki 2 is when you get introduced to symbols

Those can take time and practice to learn and memorize

You to learn the symbol, name, and what you can use each symbol for

My teacher taught me five symbols in Reiki 2

A little of everything so I had the symbols to help me with whatever goal I had during a healing session

Just like before, practicing every day and keeping studying part of your daily routine is important

I can’t tell you how many hours I spend studying for my Bachelor’s degree

It was a lot!

But that time that I was willing to invest paid off because I graduated top of my class

Even though your Reiki journey gets harder and takes more time now that you are in Reiki 2, it is worth it when you put in the effort that it requires

The more you put in, the more you get out

Reiki is no different

It can change your life if you let it

Reiki 3

Reiki 3 builds on Reiki 1 and 2

Just like a Master’s degree builds on the Associate’s and Bachelor’s degrees

This is the final level of Reiki and it is when you become a master

When you finish this level, you are now able to teach and attune other people

You learn more of the concepts that you began in Reiki 1 and 2

You learn more complex symbols and how to use them

The intention is such a huge part of Reiki and you continue to master using that in your healing practice in Reiki 3

This is the end of your formal education

You can always take more classes and learn more

There is always more to learn

But you are considered a master when you complete Reiki 3

It is a huge accomplishment that probably took a couple of years

If you reach this point, you should be very proud

But you probably have a clear understanding of the power of Reiki by this point

The power to help yourself and others

Just like someone who earned a Master’s degree, you are more valuable as a practitioner because you have learned more than people who did Reiki 1 or 2

But you may not need to go this far

It is up to you

Just like not everyone needs a Master’s degree, not everyone needs to take Reiki 3

What are your goals in Reiki?

Then decide what you need to take based on those goals

Even if you don’t need it, you can always take Reiki 3 if you want to

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