The Beginner’s Guide To Color Magick

I love color magick

It is one of my favorites because it is useful in so many ways!

You can use color magick as a kitchen witch, baneful witch, love and light witch, green witch, and pretty much every other path as well

The possibilities of color are truly endless!

I love using colored candles to seal my spell jars

Color magick is the use of the energy that color has to attract things that you want. This can be done by choosing colors to wear or decorate with, or it can be used in spells to seal a jar or determine the right ingredients. Color affects energy and the world so much that most people can feel it

In my opinion, color magick is one of the best choices to learn as a beginner

That is because there are so many ways to practice even if you are not open about your practice yet

People aren’t going to question why you choose to wear green

Now they may question if you are mixing colors that don’t go together well

But it isn’t hard to keep your practice quiet with color magick

No matter what path you decide on as a witch, color is helpful

I am eclectic so I mix a variety of practices together to make my own

But I did start with green witchcraft and quickly moved to kitchen witchcraft

Whatever your path is, color is a great tool to know and understand

What is color magick?

Color magick is the use of color to work with energy and get a desired result

There is a lot of science behind color because it is helpful for businesses to get more sales

Color can manipulate situations and encourages things greatly

Everything about McDonald’s branding is about happiness

Names, shapes, and colors

We can use color in many areas of our lives and it is so easy to get started

The first thing you need to know is what each color represents

To get a deep dive into that, check out my article on attracting positive energy with color

Keep in mind that shades make a difference too, but it is best to focus on one step at a time

You can continue learning about shades once the basic color energies are understood

What makes color magick powerful?

Everything is made of energy

But light is made of more intense energy than other things

Color is what we see after the light has bounced off an object and then entered our eye

That is why we have a hard time seeing color in the dark

The less light there is, the less is able to bounce off that object and enter our eye

That means that color is just our interpretation of the light that is entering our eye and color is pretty much pure energy

It is just missing some parts of the white light that makes it appear the color that we are seeing

White light is made of all the base colors put together

Those colors are red, yellow, and blue

All other colors are some combination of those 3, and light is the combination of all three in a perfect way

So when we use color magick, we are using an intense form of energy

And that is what a witch does

We work with energy to get a desired outcome

Color is a beautiful, simple, and powerful tool that we can use

How can you use color magick?

There are countless ways we can use color magick,  but there are 3 categories:

  1. In spells
  2. Decision making
  3. Mundane

Each one has its uses, but they are all helpful

The large variety of choices is what reason I love it so much

The basics are easy to understand but the uses are so wide

In spells

The most obvious way that a witch can use color magick is in spells

I like to use colored candles to seal my spell jars

For example, I will use black wax to seal my protection jars

You can also use just the candles

Like adding green candles to a money bowl

Just remember that color is a container, just like everything else in magick, and will need your intention to work to full capacity

Decision making

Color can also help you make decisions during your craft

If you are deciding what ingredients to use or how to use them, color can help

If you had two herbs that both help with prosperity, choose the green one

Color can also help the spell look nicer

It is our nature to think something is more effective if it looks nice

And our belief is required for a spell to work

So something as simple as “does it look nice” can make a different

Especially for a new witch that is still a little unsure 


The last way you can use color magick is through mundane uses

Be intentional with the clothes you wear or the makeup you put on

Have a variety of accessories that are different colors so you can add intention to your day

I have a veil that I made with blue and purple yarn that I keep available to me

Blue helps me stay calm and relaxed while purple increases wisdom and better judgment

Both are very needed when I am exhausted from being with my twins

I love them dearly but I also get tired and frazzled sometimes

I use color to help me throughout my day so I can be the version of me that I want to be

What are some ways a beginner can use color magick?

The great thing about color magick is that using it as a beginner is pretty simple

You can add color magick to many areas of your life

You can add color magick to clothing that you are knitting or crocheting

I gave an example of that above with the veil that I made

You can add color to the outfits you choose to wear

Wear a pink color if you are needing some extra self-love or wear yellow if you want more happiness for the day

You can also use the colors in your makeup

I do this often and it is usually one of the main reasons I want to wear makeup that day

I like to add purple and brown to my eye makeup to give me more wisdom for my choices and reliability to make those right choices

But you can use colors like yellow if you want that happiness boost without wearing yellow

Just add a little to the corner of your eye and it will be super pretty as well!

As mentioned above, accessories can be added to use color magick

You can wear a green necklace to attract wealth or a black hat to feel a little more mysterious and protected

If you are creating a money bowl, use a green candle in the middle instead of white

White works because there is green inside, but green is the better choice

You can also have objects inside be green

If you are creating a spell jar, use a black candle to seat the top

Or the right color pen when writing your runes

Using a blue pen for shadow work can be helpful since blue is great for honesty

Pay attention to your life for a week and write down every time you had control over the color of something

You will find that color is a huge part of your life and that the opportunities for color magick is infinite

Al you need to do it make yourself aware and get creative

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