Symbolism Of Color: How To Use Color In Your Spells

Color is such a fun way to add more intention to your spells

You can add color magick to the bowl you use, the candle you choose, the type of herb, the clothes you wear, and more

Every color has its own energy and that energy attracts things that are similar

It may feel convenient that colors that are commonly used to represent something are actually connected to that intention

But those ideas were created by the feelings and energies that we get when interacting with that color

Color is used in spells in a few different ways. You can use color for containers, candles, ingredients, what you wear, and by itself. Colors have the ability to not only make you feel something but also to increase that energy in your life

While not every witch does color magick, most of us incorporate it in some way

Even non-witches regularly use color magick

Businesses use it in their branding

Women wear red lipstick to feel more attractive and powerful

Offices are painted and homes are decorated according to the symbolism of color

And that color symbolism is connected to color magick

Why are colors powerful?

Color is what our eyes see when light reflects off an object, is broken, and enters our eye

That means color has intense energy

They pretty much are energy

Color is also really versatile

There are so many options for using color in life

If you are not color blind, there are options connected to everything

You can choose clothes that match the intention for the day

Or add makeup colors that enhance that energy

Choose a paint color and decorations that match what you want in your home

Or choose colors to add  to your art that matches the feeling that you want the viewer to have

Color magick is powerful because the possibilities are endless

What do the colors symbolize?

Each color  represents something different, and the shades give you more information

The lighter the color, the calmer the energy

Red is the color of passion, but pink is love

Pink is just a lighter version of red

And love is a calmer energy than passion

So think about that when choosing your colors

Do you want intense energy or relaxed energy?

The shade controls that


Red is the color of passion

It symbolizes love, but also symbolizes anger

Red is an intense energy that needs a careful hand

The intention is important here because red  can be both something positive and something negative

So set the intention well when using red


Blue represents calmness and responsibility

But it is also connected to sadness

It is a little easier not to get the positive and negative energies mixed up here but setting the intention is still important

Calm is nice, and sadness is important but we don’t want a lot of it


Green is connected to new beginnings and abundance

Green doesn’t really have a negative energy unless you really try

It is also connected to nature and growth

Abundance is often money but it can be abundance in anything that you choose

Just make sure to set your intention and be clear about what the goal is


Orange is connected to energy, vitality, cheer, excitement, adventure, warmth, and good health

It can be overwhelming in large amounts though

Too much orange suggests a lack of intellect and bad taste

We think of the sun as yellow when coloring it, but it is closer to orange

We can add sun energy and life to our life through the use of orange


Yellow is similar to orange and is connected to happiness and positive feelings

But it is less intense

Yellow is used a lot for hope, curiosity, and improved learning as well

Just like orange, yellow is connected to sun energy

This brings warmth, sunshine, and positivity


Purple is a fun color

It is made by mixing passionate red and the calm blue

It represents nobility and spirituality

Purple is also used for luxury, power, and ambition

I love using purple in my makeup because I feel different

I feel stronger


Black is more complex in witchcraft

In things like auras, black is very bad

But it is used a lot for protection spells

Black represents evil, death, and mourning

But it can also mean mystery, bleakness, depression, fear, and rebellion

Black is the absence of color

The absence of everything that other colors represent


Gray also has two meanings

With auras, gray is blocked energy that is heading toward black

But in general, it means neutrality and balance

Using both the good and the bad

Evil and the righteous

Black and the white

It can carry negative energy and represent depression and loneliness


White is a pure color

It symbolizes purity, innocence, cleanliness, blankness, simplicity, and minimalism

But it can also have coldness and emptiness

White is used to symbolizing virginity in marriage

White isn’t a dangerous color and can consistently feel safe


Brown is a neutral color and is connected to nature

Without brown, nothing grows

It has feelings of warmth, security, and earthiness

Brown is energetic and nurturing

There are so many things you can do with this color as well

You can add a little red for passion or blue for calmness

The possibilities are endless


Beige is very similar to brown, but more simple

It is connected to comfort and neutrality

But also dull and conservative


Ivory is one of my favorites

It has all the connections that white has, but with the reminder that perfection is required

It also represents calmness, elegance, and purity

I prefer ivory over white because of the  lower need for perfection

Sadly it is also connected to animal cruelty and human greed

So using this color needs a clear intention

Why is color helpful in spells?

Color is seeing energy

It is a beautiful way to add more to your spells

Or just add more magick to your life in general

You can add intention to anything with color

And if you pay attention to your life, that is pretty much everything

What are some ways to add color to your spells?

There are many simple ways of adding color magick

You can use colored candles to seal your spell jars or choose the tools

Use colored markers when writing runes or your intention

Color magick can be used alone with the colors you add to your home, clothes, makeup, and more

You are only restricted by your own creativity

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