17 Signs You Are Ready To Practice Reiki (And Should You?)

Signs you are ready to practice Reiki

Learning Reiki is a beautiful process of learning more about yourself, connecting to everything around you, and a journey of healing yourself and others

But Reiki isn’t the best choice for everyone

Most of the signs that you are ready to practice Reiki involve being curious, open, and ready to learn. Reiki is a form of energy healing. So if you go into it believing that it won’t work or that you are going to prove it wrong, you will be right because that’s how you’ll use your energy

But if you go into this ready to learn, practice, and heal…

Then you will be successful in your Reiki journey

Signs you are ready to learn Reiki

Reiki is not hard to learn, but it takes a little time. 

How long depends on you

Some signs that you are ready to get started are:

  1. You are open to alternative healing
  2. You want to love yourself and others deeper
  3. You have pure intentions for learning
  4. You can be patient with yourself
  5. You don’t look for reasons to stop
  6. You have a beginner’s mind
  7. You are ready to learn forgiveness and compassion
  8. You are curious
  9. You want to be more observant of your mind and body
  10. You are ready to face and change behavior and beliefs that don’t serve you
  11. You can let go of the fear of failure
  12. You are ready to practice gratitude
  13. You can trust the process
  14. You are open to collaboration
  15. You are persistent
  16. You trust yourself or are ready to learn to trust yourself
  17. You are ready to let go of expectations

Reiki is a form of energy healing

This means you use your energy, or the energy from something, to heal

There will be people in your life that think it’s all fake and may even make fun of you for learning it

But as long as you are happy and want to learn, it is best to ignore the people that say those things

There is no risk to learning Reiki

Worst case scenario, you will learn more about yourself

You are open to alternative healing

The first sign that you are ready to practice Reiki is that you are open to alternative healing

If your mind is closed to the possibility that Reiki will work for you, then you will struggle

There are some amazing alternative healing methods

Reiki is just one of many

You want to love yourself and others deeper

Reiki is a form of energy healing

Yes, it can help heal things like muscle pain and headaches

But it can also help you heal emotionally

If you are not ready to let go of hate for yourself and others, then starting Reiki may not be the best first step

You don’t have to already love yourself

But you need to be open to learning to love yourself

You have pure intentions for learning

Intentions are a huge part of energy healing and witchcraft

Reiki is not witchcraft, but they do have that in common

If you want to go into Reiki with good intentions (good reasons)

Then that is perfect!

You can be patient with yourself

This is a hard one for some people (me included)

I have expectations of myself and get impatient when I don’t reach those expectations

Learning to be patient with me has been a process but it has been worth the effort

You don’t have to be perfectly patient with yourself now

But you do need to be aware that you are impatient with yourself and willing to work on changing that

You don’t look for reasons to stop

If you start anything looking for a reason to quit…

You’ll find it

Your brain will focus on what you believe is important

If you look for ways that Reiki is helping you

You’ll find that too

You have a beginner’s mind

A beginner’s mind is full of curiosity and lacking in judgment 

Go into learning Reiki ready to learn from scratch

Let go of uncertainty and doubt

And just go into it ready to learn something new

You are ready to learn forgiveness and compassion

Reiki is fed by your energy

You can use items to help you, but you still need to choose what you will hold

One of the worst poisons for your mind and soul is hate and unforgiveness

You are very likely to get stuck if you are not ready to forgive yourself and others

And to have compassion for yourself and others

Let me clarify that this doesn’t mean letting people hurt and betray you over and over 

You don’t have to have people in your life to forgive them

Forgiveness is for you

Once you have forgiven someone, choose the appropriate spot in your life for them

For some people, that means not being in your life at all

You are curious

Curiosity is the opposite of being stuck

As long as you are curious, you will continue to learn and improve in your Reiki journey

Curiosity will serve you well if you can keep it alive!

You want to be more observant of your mind and body

The better you get at energy work, the more you will learn about yourself and your body

This includes observing your body and your reactions

You have to be open to this

I was not ready for Reiki 5 years ago because I was not ready for this step

Be honest with yourself

Are you ready to get to know your body?

You are ready to face and change behavior and beliefs that don’t serve you

The more you learn to love yourself, the more you will have to change old behavior and beliefs that don’t serve you anymore

I have many behaviors and beliefs that I am working on changing

They helped me survive abuse growing up, but they only hurt me now

You can let go of the fear of failure

The fear of failure is one of the most crippling fears imaginable

You can have the fear, but you need to be willing to do it anyways or let the fear go

The fear of failure will keep you from starting anything

Don’t let it steal your potential!

You are ready to practice gratitude

Energy work works better when you are not fearful

Fear cannot live in your mind at the same time as gratitude

So practicing gratitude is a powerful way to get your mind in the right place for Reiki

It is simple but may take practice for some people

You can trust the process

Trusting the process is incredibly hard when learning anything new

Sometimes you cannot clearly see the end from the beginning

So just follow your teacher and trust that the process will get you where you want to go

You are open to collaboration

It is exhausting to do Reiki with your own energy

So assistance from other people or items can be extremely beneficial

Crystals are great for this!

Just be open to getting help and try not to drain yourself

You are persistent

Learning Reiki can take time

Some people will learn fast and others will learn slow

One is not better than the other

You need to be persistent when starting this new adventure

You won’t get anywhere if you give up too soon!

You trust yourself or are ready to learn to trust yourself

Many people (including myself) struggle to trust themselves

This is something you need for Reiki

The good news is that you don’t have to fully trust yourself to get started!

You just need to be willing to learn to trust yourself and what you feel

You are ready to let go of expectations

Expectations are responsible for many failed endeavors and relationships

When we create a story in our mind about how something “should go”

And it doesn’t happen

It can be devastating

Let go of your expectations and just be ready to learn

Listen to your body and keep practicing

Give yourself grace and just learn to go with the flow

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