What Does It Mean To Do Shadow Healing?

There are two categories that exist in us

The light and the shadow

But these categories aren’t completely separate from each other

They both affect your life and each other in many ways

Love and light witches avoid their shadow and try to stay in the light at all times

Baneful witches are closer to the other side where they focus on hexes, curses, and other similar spells

Then there is an infinite mix of the two that is covered under gray witch

I am a gray witch

I study energy work and Reiki in the world of love and light

But I also agree that hexes and shadow work have their place

Shadow work is a huge part of my journey because I needed Shadow Healing

Shadow healing is doing shadow work with an emphasis on finding what parts of your shadow is in pain and working through them. This is facing limiting beliefs, working through trauma, learning to accept parts of yourself, and more

As someone that went through years of abuse growing up, I had a lot of Shadow Healing to do

What is your Shadow?

Your shadow is the dark parts of you that you try to hide

It is where your trauma is, parts of you that you are ashamed of, things about you that you were taught were bad, and anything else that you hide from most or everyone around you

If you are like me, very select people were allowed to see some of my shadow, but I mostly hid it from everyone

Including myself

I thought I could will myself into being a different person

But the shadow is still part of you and will affect your life even if you pretend that it isn’t there

What does it mean to start Shadow healing?

Starting shadow healing is exactly how it sounds

You are beginning the process of healing those things that you have hidden

Sometimes it takes time to just FIND the things in your shadow

There are things that I found that I didn’t realize were there

That could be because I have had those beliefs since I was very young, or because trauma made me forget

But just because it wasn’t conscious doesn’t mean it didn’t affect me

You can start shadow healing by finding those things that you need to work on, or by working on things that you already knew were there

I decided to start by working on something that I knew was there

I started with a belief that I knew was there, and affected me, but wasn’t highly emotional

Working through it wasn’t going to be super painful

I still slip up sometimes, but healing isn’t linear

It is full of ups and downs

But the downs become less often the more you work on healing your shadow

Does everything in the Shadow need healing?


There are parts of your shadow that are there because you are ashamed for some reason

Unless you decide that it is something that needs healing, you may need to work on accepting

Accepting every part of you is healing in a way, but you aren’t healing the thing itself

You may need to work on limiting beliefs to do that

But just because you have it hidden, doesn’t mean you should be ashamed or want to work through it

Something the work is just learning to love that part of you for the first time

Why is Shadow healing important?

Your shadow may be hidden from the world, but it still affects you greatly

It affects the way you think, respond, act, make decisions, and more

The shadow lives in your subconscious mind

If you don’t know, the subconscious mind is WAY stronger than your conscious mind

Your conscious mind may be able to overpower the subconscious temporarily, but the subconscious always wins in the end

Shadow healing is important so you can rewire your subconscious mind to work for you instead of against you

You can slowly become the person that you want to be instead of the person that your circumstances made you

How do you start?

There are many ways to do your shadow work, but I have my preferences

But that is all it is 


If what I do doesn’t work for you, then try something else!

But the core will be the same

We need to learn what parts of our shadow are hurting, try to understand why, and use that information to heal the shadow

For detailed information, check out my many articles on shadow work

I like to use journal prompts to learn and understand my shadow

There are many of them online for free or you can get a premade journal 

First, you need to read the journal prompt and sit with it for a while

Let the thoughts and memories flow 

Then write everything down

Empty your mind without any guilt or shame

Once your mind is silent, reflect on how it went

Was it easy to answer or were there some triggers there?

When you have done this many times, compare journal entries and look for patterns

Once you  have something that you understand and want to work on, think about what you would need to heal from that

Maybe meditate and visualize giving your younger self that thing that they need

Or go out and do something now that will bring healing to your shadow

There is no right answer

And there is no time limit

Some things heal easily and quickly

Other things take time

Give yourself what you need to heal

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