What Does Seeing Colors During Reiki Mean?

When you do Reiki on yourself or receive it from a Reiki practitioner, you may see colors during your session

Seeing colors do have meanings, but it mostly means that Reiki is really working. Seeing colors means that you have let go and you are allowing energy to flow freely through you. But even if you don’t know the details, you can be confident that your Reiki is working in some way

During Reiki, you could see one or more colors

Or you could see none

There is no right and wrong answer

We react to Reiki differently

If you are seeing colors, it may be interesting to know what the colors mean

But you need more than just the colors to figure what our usually

You need to pay attention to your feelings and your overall experience

The colors will help you know what the Reiki is doing for you, but it is difficult to know exactly what the Reiki is doing from the color alone

Why do you see colors?

When you see colors, your eyes are closed

That means we don’t actually see colors, we sense them and our brain translates that feeling

The closest thing our brain can connect that feeling to is the color that we see

The colors are connected to your Chakras, but they are also connected to everything around your

Purple or white

Purple or white colors are the easiest to interpret

These colors are part of the Crown Chakra

Seeing these colors means that we are open to very high vibrations and we realize our spiritual connection


Indigo is connected to our Third Eye Chakra

Seeing this color is very similar to seeing purple and white

It means that we are building or have a strong intuition and a deep perception of the higher mind

Indigo allows us to see beyond normal perception

We get extra sensitive to the energies around us and what those energies tell us 

It allows us to see clearly


Blue is the Throat Chakra

This is when the colors start getting less straightforward

Maybe your Reiki is working on communication and voicing your thoughts

That is what the Throat Chakra is for

Seeing blue during Reiki could mean that Reiki is working on the beliefs and barriers you have that obstruct communicating your needs and voicing your thoughts

But blue can also stand for the sky, the sea, or the vastness

When you see blue, you need to pay attention to more than just the color

What else do you see?

What are you feeling?

Think about the whole experience

The more details you pay attention to, the easier it will be to interpret what seeing this color means


Green is another color that may be connected to Chakra, but also may not

Green is attached to the Heart Chakra and stands for love and connection

Your Reiki could be working on an issue with love or being in love 

This includes romance, family, or friends

May be mundane which means not connected to Chakras

You may be realizing that you need to spend more time with nature because nature is connected to the color green

Once again, look at the whole picture

Ask questions to focus on the details

The more that you can notice along with the color, the better


The color orange is connected to the Chest Chakra

This color deals with freedom and happiness

This Chakra also controls your organs and sexual energy

Seeing the color orange could be connected to any of those Chakra meanings

Orange could also be connected to things in your life that are connected to the color orange

Remember that the colors are your brain interpreting feelings

So if you have a feeling or memory connected to the color orange, that could be the meaning of the color as well


Root Chakra located at the base of the spine

This Chakra is connected to feeling grounded and connected to the world around you

It represents community and having your needs met

Red represents feeling safe and releasing fear

Once again, seeing red during Reiki could mean any of those things or be connected to a personal meaning


Sometimes you may see multiple colors!

Maybe you see two, or maybe you see them all

They just build on each other

Your Reiki is putting in some work!

Maybe you are seeing indigo and red

Reiki could be working on helping you see clearly and feel safe

You are the best person to dig into your experience and figure out what it means

How can I decide what the colors I saw mean?

If you want to interpret what the colors you are seeing mean, you need to look at more than just the color

The color you are seeing is your brain interpreting a feeling the best it can

To know more about that feeling, look at the other details too

How did you feel?

What did you experience?

When you pay attention to all the details, you are better equipped to understand what you are seeing

While there are many different meanings for color or many colors, the important note is that Reiki is at work

Even if you don’t fully understand what Reiki is doing, you can be confident that is it doing something and you will enjoy the benefits of that work

And that you are open enough to see the energy flowing 

It is ok to be curious, but don’t let that curiosity turn into control

When you start stressing about knowing and understanding every little thing, you could close your openness to Reiki working to full capacity

You don’t want that

If you feel yourself moving that direction, practice letting go of needing to know what the colors mean

Having the openness to experience the colors is enough to get their benefits

You don’t have to understand exactly what they mean to feel the difference in your life

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