What Are The Reiki Symbols of Healing

Reiki symbols are a great tool for Reiki practitioners to use

Think of them like containers that hold a specific intention so you can give it to yourself or someone else

Since Reiki has a lot to do with healing, there are a lot of symbols that help with healing

Some of the Reiki symbols that focus on healing are Dai Ko Myo, Sei He Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, The Dragon of Fire, Zonar, Halu, Motor Zanon, Palm Master Symbol, Johrei, Hosanna, and Len So My. Even though they all do healing Reiki, they focus on different types of healing 

Remember that symbols don’t do anything without you filling them with intention and activating them

So you have to get good at using intention to get the outcome that you are looking for

What are the Reiki symbols?

Reiki symbols are an amazing tool that Reiki practitioners have when doing their healing sessions

They all do something different and no symbol is better than another one

Even the ones called “master symbols” are not superior

They just do something different

They can do their job because they have a specific vibration

Everything, including wellness and sickness, has their own vibrations

So Reiki symbols can do things like healing because they have the vibration that allows that

Even though they have purposes, you can use your intention to choose range a range of things that a symbol can do

Reiki symbols give a practitioner a more focused way to tap into a higher vibration

Like I said before, they are a tool

They should be used like a tool and not become the core of your Reiki practice

The core of your practice needs to be you

Which ones are healing symbols?

Since Reiki has a focus on healing, there are a lot of symbols that heal

But they do a variety of different kinds of healing

11 of the healing Reiki symbols are:

  1. Dai Ko Myo
  2. Sei He Ki
  3. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
  4. The Dragon of Fire
  5. Zonar
  6. Halu
  7. Motor Zanon
  8. Palm Master Symbol
  9. Johrei
  10. Hosanna
  11. Len So My

Some of these are great for beginners and others are better for more experienced Reiki practitioners

You can activate these symbols by drawing them, visualizing them, or chanting their name

Or a combination of more than one

Don’t overcomplicate this step

Keep a clear image in your mind and focus on your intention even if the symbol doesn’t look perfect

It will still work!

Dai Ko Myo

Dai Ko Myo is one of the master symbols

It is often one of the first symbols that you learn

But your teacher may have you wait until Reiki 3

Dai Ko Myo translates to “Great Shining Light”

This symbol has the ability to fill someone or something with light

It cleanses you and is very open to your intension

Since this symbol is a light bringer that is guided by intention, it can be used to help heal mental health, emotional balance, energy cleansing, and guide spiritual growth

Sei He Ki

Sei He Ki is the mental and emotional Reiki healing symbol

You learn this symbol during Reiki 2 and it represents mental-emotional healing, harmony, and balance

You can activate this symbol in your palms and chakras 

Sei He Ki helps you get to the heart of your emotional pain which is often hidden in the subconscious

You can also use it to heal from addictions like smoking, drinking, and negative thoughts

Sei He Ki is like opening a window to allow all the negative energy to leave and fresh air to come in

It is the perfect symbol for stress and overwhelm because it will help you regain peace and balance

To learn more about Sei He Ki, check out this article

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Hon Sha Zo Sho Nen is the distance healing symbol

It translates as “without past, present, or future. The Divinity in me contacts the Divinity in you”

Hon Sha Zo Sho Nen allows you to transfer healing energy through time and space  to help someone you cannot see in person

You can also send energy to your past, present, and future

When sending energy to your past, you can help heal the pain and trauma that you experienced

But try to only do it once in a while and only about 10 minutes

Make sure that you dig in and learn as much as you can before using this symbol

There are so many possibilities that understanding your teacher is important before attempting

The Dragon of Fire

The Dragon of Fire can be used to clean your connection to the earth’s energy

But it is also used to help with a woman’s menstrual pain, genital issues, and other issues

If you draw it on your back, it can ground you and give you energy

If you draw it on your front, you create a shield to protect yourself of negative influences


Zonar represents infinite love and evolution, and it is channeled through guided meditation

Like most of the symbols, Zonar is activated in your palms and chakras

It has the ability to help heal a painful past and past traumatic events down to a cellular level

It can also dissolve negative energy and patterns and replace them with more beneficial vibrations


Halu is a symbol that offers a certain level of psychic protection and healing

It creates a bridge between you and the healing abilities of Archangel Raphael

He is the guide for all doctors and healers

You can activate Halu with your palms and chakras for self-healing or cleanse a room

Halu can also help with self-responsibility

It helps us see our own problems and it helps us work through them

That is because Halu offers healing, protection, growth, and evolution

Motor Zanon

Motor Zanon is a unique symbol that you can use to fight viruses and bacteria

It is also called the anti-viral symbol

This symbol is also excellent when using it with other symbols

When put together with the right symbols, Motor Zanon can be used to provide healing on all levels

It is not meant to replace medication, but it can speed up the effects of medication and help your body recover faster

Motor Zanon is great to add to your self-care routine as well

Palm Master Symbol

The Palm Master Symbol is one of the most powerful symbols

So you learn it later in your Reiki journey

It helps you gain a balanced and healthy connection between your inner self, soul, and higher self

The Palm Master symbol helps remove negative energy and connect you to universal energy for healing


From its Japanese origins, Johrei means the “purification of spirit”

Manifestations must start at a spiritual level before they can be effective on the physical level

The hands-on Johrei was used by the Buddhists to heal a person’s soul and physical problems

You can use it like the other symbols, but it is most effective when drawn onto physical objects

You can place it on a wall or under a table to replace negative energies in the room with a higher vibration

Johrei can also release energetic blockages from your chakras and their fields

Johrei is perfect for creating an environment for any healing therapy


There are two ways to draw the Hosanna symbol and they do something different

The first version removes blockages and is a general cleansing of mental, emotional, and energetic levels

The second version is more specific

It can help you heal from health problems and past trauma

It does take multiple times so don’t just use it once and expect much

You would need to use this symbol about twice a week for 10 minutes each

Len So My

Len So My represents pure unconditional love

I added it because a lot of healing comes from love

This symbol brings comfort to your soul and aids people who feel lost

It can be added to any session that needs a little more loving energy

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