Raising Your Vibration Using Reiki

Does Reiki Raise your Vibration?

Reiki is one of the many forms of energy healing

Your vibration is the state of being that you are right now (it’’s a scale from negative to positive)

Reiki does help you raise your vibration, but it is especially powerful at preparing your mind to raise your vibration. Reiki helps you center before you take actions that will increase your vibration, and at the same time, raise your life happiness.

Everyone raises their vibration a little differently

Some people will be able to do it with just Reiki

I am not one of those people

But I do love Reiki to calm my mind and spirit before I start working on my vibration

It is peaceful and helps me get grounded

Your journey is unique to you

Just because Reiki works a certain way for me doesn’t mean it will be the same for you

The best thing you can do it try and see what happens!

What does higher vibration feel like?

A higher vibration is a fancy way of saying that your default emotional state is joyful and optimistic

The law of attraction states that things are attracted to other things that vibrate at the same frequency

If you have a low vibration, you’ll experience a lot of sadness and frustration

If you have a high vibration, you’ll experience more happiness and carefree feelings

Even if you have a high frequency, you’ll still experience the other emotions (like sadness and anger), but it will not be your resting place

Your vibration is a habit

Are you in a habit of thinking the worst about people? Or do you see their actions for what they are

Having a high vibration doesn’t make it so you don’t see the bad, but it does help make the bad feel less bad

Pay attention to statements that you tell yourself when something amazing or terrible happens

When something amazing happened to me, I would be surprised and say things like “wow! That never happens!”

When something terrible happened to me, I would say things like “Something was bound to happen” or “Story of my life.”

The stories we tell ourselves gives us an idea of what our vibration is right now

If you have a low vibration right now, don’t worry!

We can raise your vibration with some work

What happens when you raise your vibration?

Raising your vibration does two major things in your like:

  • Raises quality of life now
  • Attracts the thing you want in the future

When you raise your vibration, you are calmer and happier than you were before

With time and practice, this becomes the default in your life

You start learning to care less about what people think of you

And you start to value yourself more

All of these things increases your quality of life by a lot!

I grew up in a very mentally abusive situation and I felt like I was in danger a lot

As a young adult, my vibration was very low

I was living in fear, drowning in depression, and always expected the worst outcomes

I tried to say I did this so I was ready for the worst case scenario

And I told people “Hope for the best but prepare for the worst”

But really, I just expected the worst every time and anything good surprised me

It has been a long journey, but my vibration is a lot higher now

I have more trust that the world isn’t against me

I am happier, less anxious, and rarely have bad depression episodes

Even though my vibration is a lot higher than it used to be, I still have a long way to go

For me, the work was been worth it because of the joy I feel in life before that I never felt consistently before

In addition to current quality of life, the Law of Attraction states that things that are similar will attract

When my vibration was low, I was attracting those terrible things I was expecting

I looked for reasons to be angry and say without realizing it

Now that I am vibrating higher, I am attracting good things

I have found friends for the first time in years

I feel very happy with the direction my life is going, even if I would love to go in that direction a little faster

Life doesn’t feel like one bad thing after another anymore

And I feel more free to follow my gut if I think a life change needs to happen

What raises your vibration frequency?

Vibration can be temporarily raised by doing an action that increases your hope and happiness

But raising the vibration of your life is like creating a habit, it takes repetition

Your emotions are reflections of your vibration

By creating a sitation that turns into good emotions, you are purposefully increasing your vibration

Emotions come from thoughts

So the statement “Change your thoughts, change your life” is true here too

To raise your vibration, you need to choose thoughts that make you feel good and focus on those things in your life

Sometimes, getting your mind out of the thoughts taht make you feel bad and into the good thoughts is extremely difficult

That is one way that Reiki comes in to help

Reiki was creates to put people in a state of calm and relaxation

Thing about it like cleaning your plate

If you try to put good things on a plate that is already full of spoiled food, the good food will start to fall off and your plate will be just as gross as it was before

But if you take time to clearn your plate before adding the good things, those good things will stay

Reiki is one way that you can clean your plate so the good things will stay

One your mind is clean of the spoiled emotions and thoughts that ruled your life, then you can add the good emotions easier

Reiki can do this if you go to a practitioner or if you do it to yourself

What lowers your vibration frequency?

You know that positive thoughts and emotions raise your frequency, thoughts and emotions that don’t make you feel good will lower your frequency

But remember that we are talking about habits

If it not bad to feel all the emotions

Angry and sadness are not bad emotions

They are natural for you to feel

It only becomes a problem when you get stuck there

Are you living your life very angry?

Finding reasons to be sad?

We are not made to be stuck in a state of low vibration, or feeling bad

If you are stuck here, it is time to start working on your mind and thoughts to raise your vibration

Reiki is one of the ways I ground myself before I start purposefully doing things that will make my mind happy

It helps pull me out of the negative momentum so I can make a course change

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