Potential Side Effects Of Reiki (Both Giving and Receiving)

Potential side effects of Reiki

There are a few potential sides effects when giving or receiving Reiki

Most people don’t experience anything negative, but it is always good to be aware of any possible side effects

Some Reiki side effects are tiredness, headache, awkwardness, and discomfort of breaking through blockages in your mind and body. Normally, people will only experience pain relief and relaxation. Reiki is a great addition to mundane treatments, but should not be used solo to treat any illness.

The side effects of giving and receiving Reiki are different, but most of them can be avoided

Reiki is a natural healing method, so side effects are not common and not severe

It is so rare that feeling awkward made the list!

That is one of the beautiful things about natural healing…

There are no more side effects than the healing ability

What are the side effects when receiving Reiki?

When you receive Reiki, the most important thing you need to do is find a trusted Reiki practitioner

When you find someone, they will ask you to lie on a table in a dimly lit room with music

This can feel awkward since they will not talk to you during the session

Some people may feel anxious because of this too

After your session is done, you might feel tired

Many practitioners say this is because your body is healing

Think about the same time you got sick

You were probably very tired even though you are sleeping more

This is because sleep is a natural remedy for pain and sickness

When you are sleeping, your body can focus on healing and can do a better job at it

So when you are healing from the Reiki session, your body will feel tired so it can feel better

What are the side effects when giving Reiki?

There are not many side effects of giving Reiki unless you use your own energy

You are not supposed to do that because it is very draining!

Think of your energy like a bottle of water

When someone needs a drink, do you give them water from your bottle or get them water from the source?

Like an ice cooler or the refrigerator?

And if you do give them your water, you probably immediately go replace yours

Reiki is the same way

Instead of sending the recipient your energy, connect to the energies around you and send the recipient energy from that

This is just as important when performing Reiki on yourself

If you take all your energy and then give it to yourself… nothing changes

You don’t get the healing energy that you wanted to give yourself because you didn’t tap into a source

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki is a beautiful form of energy healing

It gives you a sense of freedom, connectivity, and power

When I first discovered Reiki, I didn’t get it

I was approaching it so analytical and skyptical

But I decided to start over with a beginner’s mindset 

I started noticing things like my hands tingling when I practiced and just an amazing sense of peace

I have talked to people who don’t believe in Reiki but can’t deny that it is calming and peaceful to receive

Many people that practice have told me that it changed their life

It pulled them out of the darkness and showed them light that they never realized was there

We live in a world that has so much darkness

It is shown on the news every day and every night

But it is easy to forget that there is more light in the world than darkness

It just isn’t noticed because people naturally notice the bad things and forget about the good

One of the things I am teaching my kids is that we have “bad moments” but probably not many bad days

Did you actually have a bad day or did you have one bad moment that is standing out in your mind and convincing you that you had a bad day?

Reiki is light, healing, and seeing the beauty

You come into a Reiki session with love and compassion

Wouldn’t the world be a better place if there was more love and compassion shared between everyone?

Many hospitals have embraced Reiki in addition to other forms of healing

People tend to be calmer after Reiki and the body is more equipped to help heal itself

Healing isn’t the only thing that Reiki does

There are many forms of energy

Reiki can give you the strength to do something you are scared of doing, or the enlightenment you need to make a decision

The possibilities are endless

What does “happy side effects” mean?

One of the phrases I heard many times was that you’ll get happy side effects

A happy side effect is having something happen that wasn’t what the Reiki was for, but it is still a good thing

One of the happy side effects that I noticed when I started learning was an increased feeling of self-love

I started Reiki to learn how to use energy to help the people I love

My husband gets pain in his back and wrists very often, and he gets overstimulated with our kids easily

My toddlers are learning to understand and regulate their emotions

Obviously that is hard!

They also get nightmares sometimes and struggle to sleep 

It is rare but it happens

Lastly, my dogs get very anxious

I wanted to learn Reiki so that I could do something and not feel so helpless

I didn’t start for myself

But the difference I quickly felt in my life was surprising

There were many side effects that started coming up, but they were happy side effects

I noticed a decreased anxiety in myself, and I noticed feeling more connected to everyone and everything around me

I started noticing more beauty

Another side effect I noticed was having more patience and compassion for my kids

I was able to better understand them and feel for them

That made all my interactions with them different

THe happy side effects you may experience may be different than mine, but I would expect to feel some unexpected changes in your life

But they are more likely to be happy side effects than bad side effects

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