25 Herbs and Flowers that Symbolize New Beginnings

Plants that symbolize new beginnings

One of the first things you do when you want to create a spell is to choose your ingredients

Some of my favorite ingredients are plants

But new beginnings could mean a lot of things

Some possible plants you can choose for a new beginnings spell are:

  1. Daffodil
  2. Barberry
  3. Bayberry
  4. Black Cohosh
  5. Blue Cohosh
  6. Boneset
  7. Butcher’s-Broom
  8. Feverfew
  9. Horehound
  10. Hyssop
  11. Jojoba
  12. Lemon Balm
  13. Linden
  14. Lobelia
  15. Myrrh
  16. Oatstraw
  17. Parsley
  18. Red Clover
  19. Sage
  20. Seneca Snakeroot
  21. Tansy
  22. Tea Tree
  23. Valerian
  24. Wormwood
  25. Yellow Dock

Some of them can be used alone, and others would be best put together

There are several parts to a new beginning

The old you must die, the new you must be born, and your environment needs to be cleaned to protect the new you

You know what you need, so choose the plants that feel right


Daffodils are one of the first flowers to bloom in Spring

Because of this, they symbolize new beginnings and rebirth

Sometimes they can be used to symbolize forgiveness, creativity, and inspiration


Barberry was used by Native Americans as an appetite stimulant

They can also be used to treat digestive problems

Barberry is also called an Oregon Grape

They are used for clearing cleansing,a nd letting go

They can also be used in banishing spells

I included Barberry because we have to let go and clean the old before we can create something new

There is no new beginnings if you and your energy are stuck in the past


Bayberry root bark can be infused to create a healing tonic

It can also be used to treat stomach ulcers and other stomach issues

Make sure you consult a doctor first though because recent studies do not recommend consumption

Bayberry is ah herb used in candle magick

Bayberry candles are lit during the winter solstice to sympoize the return of the light.

I included it as a celebratory ingredient 

We are celebrating the end of the old you and the beginning of the new you

Black Cohosh

Native Americans used Bloack Cohosh to treat sprains, fevers, coughs, and pneumonia

European colonists used it to treat irregular menstrual cycles and as an insect repellant

It has a beautiful flower, but an unpleasant smell

Black Cohosh is used for banishing spells to rid yourself of unwanted energy

I added this one because you carry the energy of your old self until you fully banish it

Back Cohash tincture can be added to distilled water and witch hazel to clear energy from your space

You can add sage essential oil to amplify the spell

Blue Cohosh

Blue Cohosh has been used by Native Americans to stimulate a late menstrual flow or even labor

Blue Cohosh is used to endings and having hte strength to end something

When you need a new beginning, you need the strength to let go of the things that hold you back

If ending the old that doesn’t search you is something you struggle with, then Blue Cohosh could be a useful plant to use in a spell


Boneset is a medicinal herb that relieves fever, nausea, and purges toxins

Boneset is an herb that can be magickally used in spells that mark an ending, letting go, parting ways, or ending a partnership

In order to start new, the old must end


Butcher’s-Broom wsas a first century laxative, but it was also used to help heal broken bones

You can use Butcher’s-Broom in clearing spells

You can use it to reclaim your sacred space or to fortify boundaries

Making an herbal charm will amplify your quest for clarity

I added this one for reclaiming your personal space and strengthening boundaries

Not everyone in your life will understand your new beginning and will try to treat you like they always have

Setting and keeping boundaries is important to make your new beginning permanent


Feverfew has been used to treat fevers, headaches, stomachaches, and irregular menstrual cycles

It was also used to help people with migraines

Feverfew is a purifying herb and a countercharm

It can be used to break binding spells


Horehound was used to treat everything from lung issues like asthma to tuberculosis

Horehound is a stablizing herb

It can be used for grounding rituals or to bring you back to center when things get intense

I included Horehound as a followup for your new beginning to ground you when things get tough

Starting new is not easy 

Horehound can also charge and purify your crystals


Hyssop has been a proven remedy for coughs and colds

It is a common plant in the mint family

Hyssop is used in magick as a cleansing and clearing herb

Just like the ones I already mentioned, this is used to clear your space of unwanted energy coming from people, objects, and places


Jojoba is amazing for your hair and skin

It can also be used to reduce dandriff

I use it in my shampoos and soaps when I make them

The wax from Jojoba seeds makes an excellent carrier oil for essential oils

It is an important ingredient for aromatherapy and can be used for clearing and banishing on its own

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm has been used and celebrated for a long time

Some of the many benefits of this plant are mood elevation, relief from digestion issues, and relieved toothaches

Lemon balm brings strong emotions

It can be used to attract love and mend a broken heart

It was calming and soothing when used in a bath or ointment

I included Lemon balm for the attracting new love and mending broken hearts

Love doesn’t have to be romantic

If you need new people around you when you start over, this can be used to attract those new people and heal the hurt from your old people


Linden has been used to heal fevers, headaches, indigestion, and hysteria

It has powerful nerve-calming properties

It is used for calming, clearing, and de-stressing

I included Linden because it can be terrifying to start over 


Lobelia was used in eclectic medicine and was very popular in the 1970s

It is also called the Indian’s Tobacco because it is a stimulant similar to nicotine

Studies have shown that it is not safe to ingest or inhale even though it is still used in products to help people stop nicotine

Lobelia is often used to clear a sacred space, as an incense, or part of a cleansing.

It is very help as a blessing after a move

And it promotes a general sense of well-being

I including it as a blessing for your new you and to increase your well-being


Myrrh was used as a fragrance and embalming agent

In folk medicine, it was used as an antiseptic and to stimulate menstruation

Myrrh is sacred to the dead

It is a popular ingredient for incense as a offering or a cleansing herb

I included it because it is cleansing and great for preparing your space for a spell


Oatstraw was used to support brain health and is used as feed for livestock

Oatstraw is a calming herb and it is great for reducing anxiety

It can cause a sense of well-being and relaxation

It is calming, but it is not a sedative

Instead, it energizes

Oatstraw is also nourishing to the skin

I included it to increase your sense of well-being in your new beginning, relax you, and give you energy to keep going


Parsley is an herb that has been used for bladder problem and to adorn tombs of the dead

Medicinally, the taproot, seeds,a nd leaves were used

Parsley is one of my favorite herbs to cook with!

Parsley is strongly associated with dealth

I added to to symbolize the dealth of the old you

Red Clover

Red clover had a huge range of ses that have changed over the years

Everything from psoriasis to anxiety

Red clover is used for purification

An infusion of red clover can be used to cleanse ritual tools and spaces

Making red clover tea and letting it cool before adding it to a spray bottle can be effective for cleansing your space of unwanted energy


Sage is probably the most famous cleansing herb

It used to be used for memory enhancement

Now it is used for cleansing magickal tools and spaces while invoking spiritual purity

It can be combined with other herbs as well

Seneca Snakeroot

Seneca Snakeroot was a Native American remedy used to cure snake bites and coughs

It was also used for toothaches and earaches

Now it is a banishing herb used for dispelling unwanted energy


Tansy has been used in Folk medicine to destry parasites

It has a toxin so it is not recommended for consumption

Tansy is used for ban ishing spells if you want someone or something outof your life

Tea Tree

Tea tree is very different than the plants that give us black, white, and green tea

It was used as a topical antiseptic and it was used to lubricate machines during World War 2

Tea tree is a powerful healer and it very effective at protection.

I added it for both those reasons

If you want a new beginning, you may need to heal and be protected from your old life


Valerian has been used as a calming agent for thousands of years

It is an effective banishing herb and can be dried and used to dispel unwanted energy


Worm wood was used to favor alcoholic drinks, but now is considered poison

It is also a mind-altering substance

Wormwood is now used to protect a witch from evil

It keeps pests and snakes away when planted in a garden

It will also keep unwanted people and energies away from you

Yellow Dock

Yellow dock has been recommended by herbaligists for hundreds of years as both a food and a remedy

It is used for purification and prosperity

It is also used to attract the people you need in your life

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