15 Plants That Represent Happiness and How To Use Them

plants that represent happiness

Plants are powerful and have different properties that they are best for

The energy comes from you and your intention, but using plants that can harness that energy effectively is the best way to go

There are 15 plants that I use and other green witches use that represent happiness in our spells. These plants are only as powerful as you allow them to be. The happiness energy comes from you, and then they give it back in a larger amount. Some plants that are efficient at this are:

  • Borage
  • Chickweed – Protect happiness
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Eyebright
  • Lavender
  • Adam and Eve roots
  • Catnip
  • Hawthorn
  • Meadowsweet
  • Quince
  • Saffron
  • St. John’s Wort

Think about plants like a container

Most containers will be usable with any intention to put inside, but some containers work best for specific  things

Let’s learn more about each of these plants that represent happiness in spellwork and how we can use them in our craft


Borage is a flower that is native to Syria before the Romans introduced it to the rest of the countries along the Mediterranean Sea.

Flowers, leaves, and seeds are used in tea, oils, infusions, compresses, and poultices.

Borage is nicknamed the “star flower” and it is considered an uplifting herb

Its magickal applications amplify your personal energy and mood

Its gifts are happiness and strength (more plants that help with strength)

Chickweed – Protect happiness

Chickweed is helpful for reducing mucous and inflammation that causes congestion. 

It is an edible plant with small, white, star-shaped flowers

The leaves and stems are used in salad and cooked greens

Its white flowers represent purity and clarity

Chickweed can also be used to protect you from unwanted energy


Chrysanthemum was cultivated in China

Its roots, leaves, and flowers were used both medically and in culinary ways

The roots were indicated as a treatment for headaches

And infusions of the leaves and flowers were made a refreshing celebratory drink

Chrysanthemum is believed to increase circulation

And infused Chrysanthemum has been used to help with cold and flu symptoms because it reduces fever and chills

It also treats headaches and dizziness

Chrysanthemum symbolizes optimism, happiness, and joy

Dew collected from the petals promotes longevity


Eyebright was often combined with tobacco during the renaissance and smoked

It was popular when made into an elixir and when used topically

Juice from eyebright was used to heal eye afflictions

The leaves, flowers, and stems were used to help with colds and other minor health concerns

Eyebright is used in infusions, compresses, tinctures, and capsules to soothe ailments like allergies or colds

Eyebright brings radiant goddess energy and is said to bring joy


Lavender is a beautiful purple plant that smells amazing

It is my favorite herb in my garden

It promotes peace and calmness

You can use lavender in oils, infusions, cooking, skin topicals, and more

It represents love, protection, sleep, chastity, longevity, purification, happiness, and peace

Adam and Eve roots

Adam and Eve root is a powerful plant in the medical and witchcraft worlds

Tea made from Adam and Eve roots helps with lung troubles

The roots can also be made into a paste that helps with headaches

Adam and Eve root is used in marriage rituals to symbolize love, happiness, and faithfulness


Catnip is famous for the way it affects cats

But it can be used to treat menstrual cramps, and intestinal cramps, as a sedative, and to increase appetite

Catnip is potentially unsafe for humans to eat and should not be smoked

Catnip is dried and made into a tea to get the benefits, but still, be cautious

It represents cat magic, love, beauty, and happiness


Hawthorn is a plant with berries that can cause digestive issues and dizziness

But it can be used to protect against heat disease and control high blood pressure and high cholesterol 

The negative symptoms come from the seeds, so don’t eat those!

Hawthorn represents fertility, chastity, fishing magic, and happiness


Meadowsweet is an amazing plant that can be used for colds, bronchitis, upset stomach, heartburn, ulcers, and joint disorders

It can also increase urine output to kill germs when people have a bladder infection

Meadowsweet is made into a tea to use for those reasons

It represents love, divination, peace, and happiness


Quince is a great fruit that can be roasted, stewed, pureed, jellied, poached, baked, grilled, and more

Quice can be very difficult to prepare, but it is tender once it is cooked

It is used to help with heartburn in children

People say that it can help with morning sickness, ulcers, hay fever, and more too.

It is rich in nutrients and helps pregnant women with their symptoms

Quince represents protection, love, and happiness


Saffron is an amazing spice that can help with many disorders

Examples are:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Menstrual cramps
  • PMS
  • And more

It has also been linked to higher moods and sexual functions

Saffron represents love, healing, happiness, lust, and strength

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is a plant that I locally harvest

It has powerful antibacterial properties that fight inflammation

It can be added to your skin to help with minor wounds

There is some evidence that it can help with ADHD and depression as well

St. John’s Wort represents health, power, protection, strength, love, and happiness

Using them in easy spells and rituals

There are many different types of spells and rituals that you can add these plants to

Rituals are just actions and spells that you do at the same time (like every full moon)

Some examples of spells that you can use these plants for are:

  • Jar spells
  • Candles
  • Incense
  • Moon water
  • And more

One of my favorites is jar spells

You take a jar (I use the small ones to create a necklace)

Fill it with things that match your intention (like the happiness plants above)

I like to use dried plants to avoid mold

Once I have the dried plants and crystals that I want, I seal the cork onto the jar with candle wax

White wax works for everything, but you can choose gold to match the happiness intention of your plants

The most important part of spellwork is to be very specific with your intentions and to fully believe that it will work

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