How Do I Learn Reiki Without a Teacher?

Reiki is a specific form of energy healing

And it isn’t the only one

Reiki is one of the energy healing options that DOES require a teacher. You can learn a lot of the exercises and techniques without a teacher, but you need a teacher to get attuned. That is the graduation of Reiki. Without an attunement from a master, you would be able to do Reiki at full capacity.

If you want to learn energy healing without going through a teacher, there are ways to do it

But Reiki isn’t the best choice if that is what you want

If you want to just heal yourself, visualizing is all you actually need

If you want to heal others, look at your options and see what is the best fit for your

What is Reiki?

Reiki is the process of adding intention to energy before giving that evergy to someone to encourage healing

Everyone can do some forms of energy healing

I was doing it long before I knew about it

When someone is hurting and I take deep breathsto calm myself before hugging them

Then I could feel them match the energy I was giving out

I was taking energy and using it to calm someone else

I used it a lot when I was a preschool teacher

When it was nap time, there were a couple of students that reall struggled to calm down for their nap

We legally had to have them relax on their bed for at least an hour

So I would sit next to one of those students and just focus on calm breathing 

Just sitting there completely calm and relaxed next to them helped them calm down and go to sleep

I didn’t know that it was energy work back then

I just knew it worked!

Students knew that I could do it too so they would ask for me if they were struggling to fall asleep

I was called the queen of naptime

Reiki is just like that but you have a lot more options for your intention

Instead of the only intention being sleep, Reiki helps you give energy that bring bravery, healing, calmness, peace, and more

There are so many options!

But it does take time to learn how to give energy those intentions

That is why a teacher is encouraged

You don’t know if you are doing it right without some guidance from someone who is a master

Is a teacher required for Reiki?

Yes, you need a teacher to fully learn Reiki

Not just because you need help learning the concepts, but also because attunement only comes from a master

An attunement is when a master accepts you as someone who knows their teachings

They change the way that energy works with you

If that is something you have no interest in, I recommend choosing a different form of energy healing

There are many!

Just because Reiki isn’t a fit doesn’t mean you can’t learn Reiki

Think about why you are wanting to learn Reiki

What is the goal?

If you want to make a business out of it, I do think you need some guidance

It is possible to master things completely on your own, but it takes a lot more time

If you want to learn energy healing for your own healing, then you can learn everything you need through practice

One of my favorite ways to incorporate energy healing into my day is through visualization

If I am taking a shower, I close my eyes and imagine light appearing above me and just embracing me

As that light embraces me, it pulls my anxiety and my negative emotions out and pushes them down the drain

I visualize myself light and relaxed

Doing this doesn’t require any special training

But it may take some practice if you aren’t great at visualization yet!

What are other options that don’t require special training?

There are many forms of energy healing

There is just the visualization that I mentioned above, but there are other styles like Reiki as well

Pranic healing

Pranic healing is a no touch healing

It is a type of healing that is more focused on illness than Reiki is

It is based on the idea that the body has everything it needs to heal itself

You just add more healing energy to someone who needs it so their body can do its job

Pranic healing can be done on a spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental area of a person’s life

You learn to scan someone for energy abnormalities, cleanse any abnormalities you find, and replenish them with life force energy

There is evidence that pranic healing is able to help someone with many different illnesses including:

  • Fever
  • Colds and coughs
  • Organ illnesses
  • Reduced stress
  • Greater self-esteem
  • And more

There are many ways to learn pranic healing

Because you don’t need an attunment, you can learn it on your own

But it is easier to learn with a teacher

Crystal healing

Everything is made of energy that is vibrating

Crytals are included

Crystal healing is the process of adding intention and energy to a crystal that matches what you want to happen

And then giving that energy to someone for healing

Crystal healing is good for boosting low energy, preventing unwanted energy from entering the body, releasing energy that is blocked, and transforming someone’s aura

If you want to learn someone that doesn’t require a lot of training, crystal healing is a great choice

This type of energy healing is more dependant on the tools you use instead of your ability to manipulate energy

Quantum healing

Quantum healing combines the ideas that come from energy healing with ideas from quantum physics

It is based on the idea that everything is made of energy

Energy cannot be destroyed but it can be changed

If illness is made of energy, and energy can be changed

Then we are able to cure illnesses by changing the energy that is causing the problems

Once again, this is a harder type of energy healing to learn

But you can learn it on your own

Just expect to take a long time practicing before you get any progress!

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