How To Start Shadow Work When You Are Completely Confused

Shadow work is something very recommended in the witch community, but there isn’t a lot of clear information on how to do it

When I was ready to start, I had to spend a couple of weeks searching for information on what I was supposed to be doing and how it worked

Shadow work has two parts, discovery and healing (connection). The type that you choose depends on the goal. If you want to find out more about your shadow and why you do the things that you do, then discovery is what you want. Once it is discovered, then you heal

If you are here, you probably want to start shadow work but you are in the same place I was

Completely confused about how it works and what to do

So I will walk you through what I learned through research and testing things out

What is the goal of Shadow Work?

The first thing you need to do is decide what your goal is

Are you trying to use shadow work to heal past trauma, learn about yourself, or something else?

If you already know what your limiting beliefs are and you don’t have a lot of heavy trauma to work through, shadow work may not be the best option for you

Use affirmations to work on the limiting beliefs that you know are there

I didn’t know what my limiting beliefs were and I definitely have trauma to work through

That is why I decided to start shadow work

My goal is to find my limiting beliefs and change them

And I want to heal from the trauma and pain that created those beliefs so I don’t continue to create new ones

So before you get started, think about why you want to get started

You would be surprised how much you don’t know about yourself

Do you have triggers that instantly set off your anger?

Do you have triggers that bring memories and sadness?

Then Shadow work may work well for you

Just remember that shadow work is work and it isn’t very pleasant usually

So start small until you understand your reactions to shadow work

Once you feel comfortable in your ability, then you can start working on the deep trauma that is affecting your life more than you may be aware

There are two kinds of shadow work that I want to discuss:

  1. Discovery shadow work
  2. Connection (or healing) shadow work

They are both shadow work because you are tapping into your shadow, but they have very different goals

Starting Discovery Shadow work

If you want to start discovery shadow work, you probably know that your shadow negatively affects your life but you don’t know anything else

You are so used to your limiting beliefs that you can’t recognize them anymore

That was my struggle

I was told over and over to face and change my limiting beliefs

But when I sat down and tries to figure out what they were, I maybe came up with one or two

I KNEW I had more

Shadow work is very effective if you want to discover what those limiting beliefs are that hold you back in life

But remember that it takes time

Give yourself several weeks before deciding if it is working for you

You need enough information to find patterns

So give yourself several days a week and many weeks before judging how shadow work is working for you

To get started in discovery shadow work, I would start looking up shadow work prompts on Pinterest, TikTok, and Google

There are many out there

Just start writing down any that call out to you or interest you

You want a pretty large list

When you are ready to do your shadow work, choose one or two of those prompts and write them in your journal

Sit there and let your mind think about those questions

Once the thoughts are flowing, write down everything that comes to your mind

No judgment or holding back

Just let the thoughts go straight to your paper

Keep writing down everything that comes to your mind, even if it repeats, until your mind goes quiet

Sometimes this will be pretty quick, and other times there will be a lot to write down

Once your mind is quiet, you can do some deep breathing and put your journal away

When you have many journal entries, start looking through what you wrote down

Look for patterns

Things that you repeat throughout the days

If they are negative, those statements are limiting beliefs

Starting Connection shadow work

Connection shadow work is what you do if you already know what the problem is

Maybe you have a memory that reminds you of when something traumatic happened

For example, I have memories of being a child and being really excited every day for my dad to come home and spend some time with me

Then the daily disappointment of being told that he was too tired to deal with me

So when I feel like a burden on everyone I love, I know where that came from

If I wanted to target and heal that part of me, I need to work with connection shadow work

Before you do this for the first time, I want to warn you

It can be a lot and it can be very emotional

I started with a minor pain point and still cried a lot for a long time

It’s like reopening a wound that you stapled shut

It hurts but at least it’s not bleeding

Connection shadow work is like taking that staple out so you can bandage it correctly and allow it to heal

It is painful and you could end up with waves of emotion for days or even weeks

But once you finish riding that wave, the freedom and peace are incredible

I don’t want to scare you, but I want you to be prepared

To start connection shadow work, all you need is a comfortable chair with another seat in front of it, and a past version of you that you want to work with

If I wanted to target the past version of myself that I mentioned above, I would visualize as many details of who I was at that time

If there are many different versions for the same pain, just choose the one that feels most hurt

Sit down in your chair and get comfortable

Visualize that past version of you sitting in the chair in front of you

Try to add as many details as you can 

What kind of clothes were you wearing?

Did you have glasses?

What did you smell like?

Add as many details into your visualization as you can

If you struggle with this, that’s ok!

Do the best you can

Detailed visualization can take some practice

Treat this version of you like a different person

Go into the conversation with love and compassion

And just start talking to them

Ask questions and listen to what they have to say

Be the adult that you needed at that point in your life

And give that past version of yourself what you needed at the time

For me, I would listen to that child’s sadness, disappointment, and pain

I would listen as she told me that she was really hoping that he would keep his promise

Be careful not to come back with something like “he breaks the promise every day. You should know better!”

That is judgmental and a great way for that past version of you to retreat back into your shadow

Give love and compassion

I would tell my past self that it isn’t her fault

Her dad is tired and having a really hard time

It has nothing to do with her

I would tell her how amazing and loving she is for forgiving him every day

And that I would love to play cards with her

Everything that I needed at that point in my life, I would give to her now

Your subconscious cannot tell the difference between a real experience and a visualized one

So this truly helps your brain start to heal from the hurt that has been there from your needs not being met

It may take a few tries

Make sure that you are in a safe and comfortable place when doing this because it is very emotional

What if you struggle with visualization?

Most people struggle with that detailed visualization

And others cannot visualize at all

If that is you, that’s ok

Do the best you can!

Maybe roleplay with another person

Tell someone else the things that you need and have them give them to you

Tell them all the things that your past self needs to unload

Without visualization, you will have to get creative

If you are just not good at it, then it is time to practice!

You can practice visualization by choosing a memory to visit

Let’s say I want to revisit one of my zoo trips as a child

I would decide what memory I am going to use, close my eyes, and start building that memory in my mind

What did the drive look like on the way to the zoo?

Was there music on the radio?

What can I smell?

What am I wearing?

Walk yourself through the entire memory and try to add as much detail as you can

By starting with a happy memory when practicing visualization, your brain will fight you a lot less

This is because it is enjoying that memory

Practice visualization a lot until it gets easier and easier

Then you are ready to connect with your past self

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