How To See What Your Aura Is

Seeing your aura and other’s aura is one of those things that just feels cool

But I wanted to learn to see auras so I can see the world in a deeper way

I am not great at reading emotions, but learning to see auras can help with that

Someone’s aura will tell you a lot of about them

You know how you can feel what someone else is feeling when giving them a hug?

That is because you are feeling the energy that they are releasing

And their emotion in inside that energy

You can see auras by softing  your vision when looking at someone, then when you are out of focus, you par attention to their outline without moving your eyes. This takes a lot of time and practice. Some people learn it quickly while others don’t. So don’t get discouraged

Whatever your reason for learning to see auras, remember that it takes time

Start simple

I started with just using my hand

That way I can stare at something without feeling weird

Master one step at a time and you’ll be able to see auras whenever you want to in time

What is an aura?

An aura is the energy field that surrounds all things

Obviously living things have more energy than non-lving things, but everything is made of energy

That energy can consist of a lot of different things

It can have different shapes, colors, feels, and sizes

But it is all the aura and everything tells a story

Your energy tells a story of who you are

How do I know if I have an aura?

You do

Everyone and everything has an aura

Even if it is tiny are barely noticable, it is there

Everything in existence is made of energy

Living things cycle energy more, but everything is made of it

When you take away evergy from anythiing, it gets cold or freezes

When you add way too much energy; it starts to burn

So you 100% have an aura

But what you have in your aura and what it looks like is unique to you

There are different colors, shades, shapes, and sizes

And all of it tells a story of your life

How do you start learning to see auras?

Learning to see auras takes a lot of practice, but we are going to focus on the beginner method

You don’t have to follow these practices when you improve, but they make learning easier

So I would stay with this process until you are very comfortable before moving on

To start practicing, you need to:

  1. Establish why you want to see auras
  2. Lift your hand in front of a white or black wall
  3. Focus on the middle of your hand
  4. Let your eyes relax and lose focus
  5. Without moving your eyes, use your peripheral vision to look between your fingers
  6. Let go of expectations
  7. Practice

Onceyou master this, then you can look for auras in plants during sunrise

This is the same technique, just slightly harder

But for now, let’s start with the basics

Establish why you want to see auras

Just like when you learn anything, understanding why you want to learn is important

Learning to see auras is a challenge

Without a reason to keep going, you may get frustrated and quit

The reason could be as simple as wanting to know a cool skill

Or it could be like my reason

I wanted to better understand myself and the world around me

Lift your hand in front of a white or black wall

To start practicing on yourself, lift your hand in front on a white or black wall

These colors make seeing the aura easier

You can also stand with the white or black wall behind you and look in a mirror

Both ways work, but just lifting your hand is easier since you dont need any tools expect the wall

Focus on the middle of your hand

If you are looking at your hand, stare at the center of the back of your hand

If you are looking in a mirror, look directly where your third eye would be

You want to be able to focus on the middle while still able to see your outline

Auras are seen with your peripheral vision

Let your eyes relax and lose focus

When you are looking at the right spot, let your eyes relax and lose focus

Don’t try to force anything

Just fully relac and continue focusing on the middle spot

Without moving your eyes, use your peripheral vision to look between your fingers

When you are relaxed, use your peripheral vision to look at your outline

If youare are looking at your hand, use your peripheral vision to look between your fingers

This may take practice but don’t move your eyes!

Auras are seen with your peripheral vision so moving your eyes to look direct will mess up the process

Let go of expectations

Let go of your expectation of what you will see

It will take time to learn, and it may still be different thatn you expect

Come into this with an open mind and an open heart

Practice to learn and let go of what you expect will happen


I know I have mentioned this a few times but please make sure you practice

This will not happen overnight

I cannot tell you how fast you will learn because it is different for everyone

But you will learn if you feel trying and you don’t give up

What am I looking for?

There are many forms an aura can come in

But you can just look for common colors and look at the shape around you

There may be layers, but focus on the one closest to you for now

There will also be different shades

Don’t expect too much from yourself for a while

Start with learning how to see auras, then you can learn how to understand their meaning

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