How To Read An Aura In A Photo?

One of the more common things I see in Witchy Facebook groups is someone asking what their aura is with an attached photo

There are always a mix of people answering the question and people telling them that they can’t see an aura in a photo

So, is it even possible?

Seeing your aura is possible in a photo, but it is a lot more difficult and less reliable. Some camera lenses do great at capturing auras. That is why getting an “Aura photoshoot” is a thing. You don’t have to get a fancy lens but don’t take info too seriously if you used a photo to see your aura

But if you want to have some fun and ask others what they see, asking in a Facebook group is a real option

Just be ready for some people to get annoyed

If you want to learn to see your own aura, check out my article on how to get started

What is an aura?

Your aura is the field of energy that comes from your body

Everyone and everything has an aura, but they are all a little different

Auras come in different colors, shades, shapes, and sizes

There are even layers of your aura

All these parts come together and tell your story

Can photos capture an aura?

Cameras are getting more and more advanced which means they are starting to capture more than what is obviously visible

There are lenses that are great at capturing auras

That is why some photographers specialize in capturing auras

It isn’t really the same as seeing an aura in person but the photos come out incredible!

However, you don’t always need a special lens

The aura is less visible and less accurate, but you can see auras in regular photos

You see them the same way that you see auras in person

Look closely at the person’s third eye and let your eyes relax

As your eyes lose focus, use your peripheral vision to look at that person’s outline

With practice, you will see able to see their aura

You are likely to only see some color and it isn’t usually very clear

But you should  be able to see it when you get good at seeing auras

If you are a beginner, you may want to master seeing auras in person first

Are there ways to increase the reliability of capturing aura in photos?

While photos are the most reliable way of seeing auras, there are ways to increase that reliability a little

The first way to improve reliability is by having the person stand in front of a black or a white wall

This helps you see auras in person too

The colors and shapes are easier to see on a plain background that is not likely to be the aura’s color

Obviously, you can’t control this if you are looking at the photo

But you can control this if you take the photo to ask other people what they see

The second way is what I have already mentioned

Go to a photographer that specializes in aura photos

Or get the camera and lens for yourself

The special lens doesn’t really capture anything except the aura so it is a great way to secretly decorate magickally if you are not open yet

Is seeing auras in person the same as in a photo?

Photos are fun and they are something great to enjoy

But no photo ever truly compares to the real moment

That is one reason why video is so popular now

You only capture a single moment and not the whole picture

Energy is constantly moving and fluctuating

So even if you clearly see the aura in a photo, it may have been a little different a second after the photo was taken

They are great if you don’t have any other options

When we are living an amazing moment, we won’t have the option to live that moment again

That is the best use of pictures

So have fun with the auras in your pictures, but don’t take them too seriously

That was a very small snapshot of that moment

They will never replace being there in person to experience what is happening

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