How To Get Start Training With Reiki As a Beginner

start training in Reiki

Reiki is a beautiful process of connecting to everything around you and healing

You can heal yourself and you can heal others

You can either go to a Reiki practitioner or you can learn it yourself

You can get started training with Reiki by setting your intention and finding a master to learn from. Reiki skills can be learned from books and online, but you need to learn from a master to be attuned and fully open to performing Reiki.

There are pros and cons to learning online and offline

To learn more about that, check out this article

I chose to learn online because there were no masters near me and I don’t have childcare for classes

Whatever way you choose, be careful who you choose as your teacher because there are fake masters out there

What qualifications do you need to start training in Reiki?

Reiki is learning to use the energy that we all have and are all connected to

This means anyone can learn if they are willing to put the time and effort in

Some people will learn faster than others

But everyone can learn with practice

The only qualification you need is to be open to the process and willing to practice even when you don’t notice anything happening

What should you expect from Reiki 1?

Reiki 1 is the beginning stage of Reiki

And just like stage 1 of anything, this is when you learn the basics

When I took Reiki 1, I learned:

  • What Reiki is
  • Who can perform Reiki
  • How Reiki started
  • The 5 Reiki Principles
  • Attunements vs Healings
  • What an attunement is
  • Three pillars of Reiki
  • Other forms of Reiki
  • Guided meditations
  • How to feel Reiki
  • Hand energy exercises
  • Visualization
  • Determining your power hand
  • Letting go
  • Intentions
  • Protection
  • Physical cues for energetic cleansing
  • Restoring your energy
  • Spiritual detox

I went through everything I needed to know to get started with Reiki for myself and people close to me

There is a lot of practice throughout because these are skills

Magick may seem like something that should be instant, but it isn’t

It is called a practice or a craft for a reason

There will never be a time when you have learned everything

But you can definitely learn and become very skilled if you are willing to start as a beginner and practice

Can I teach myself or do I need to find a teacher?

The energy work skills themselves can be self-taught

There are books and videos everywhere!

But you need to find a teacher to ensure that you are learning it correctly and to get the attunement at the end

I know we live in a world where all the information about everything is at our fingertips

That reality makes it easy to become a Do It Yourself person

I know because I am one!

I am a perfectionist

A recovering perfectionist that is

I get very anxious with the idea of failing and people knowing that I have failed

Sadly, this keeps me from learning a lot from people who are willing to teach me because I am scared of failing

If I failed in private, it’s not really a big deal, is it?

I know that it’s my anxiety talking and controlling my life 

And I am taking steps toward overcoming that

But for now, it is still a struggle

As someone who likes to do it all herself, I highly recommend finding a teacher

If you are like me and you don’t have any energy healing experience, a teacher is very helpful

I also have a lot of anxiety, so meditation has been challenging 

Isn’t it funny how to thing that helps you with a challenge is often close to impossible with that challenge?

But having someone to guide me through has been very helpful

I just need to listen and let my teacher help me until I can do it on my own

Can Reiki be done without an attunement?

An attunement is like graduation with a Reiki master

They use their skills to change the way your system interacts with the energy you are connected to and fully open you to Reiki

If you just want to learn the basics of Reiki or even just some energy work, then attunements are now required

But they are an energetic symbol that you have done the work, learned from a master, and have been accepted into the lineage of that master

Once you are attuned, you never need one for that level again

You get attuned between all three Reiki levels:

  1. Level 1
  2. Level 2
  3. Master

When you are attuned to level 1, you are able to do the basics and use Reiki in-person

When you are attuned to level 2, you are getting into Reiki symbols and other more complicated skills

You also learn to perform Reiki over a distance

Lastly, masters have learned everything their teacher has to offer and are able to train others to practice Reiki too

If you don’t want to go through a master and you don’t want attunement, I would likely recommend choosing a different form of energy work

If you are going to put the time and effort into learning something, it would be a shame to be unable to go all the way

But there are many kinds of energy practices!

Reiki is just one!

My recommendation is, to begin with visualization

Visualization is seeing something in your mind

There are a few people that cannot visualize, but most people can

Start with something small and simple

Think about a happy time in your life and play that memory in your mind like a movie

I want to see the memory and hear what you heard

Don’t worry it isn’t exact

This is an excellent tool for you if you work somewhere stressful

If you are having a terrible day, stop for a couple of minutes and play that happy movie in your mind

The parts of your brain that lit up back then will light up again

This makes your day a little better

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