How To Activate Reiki Symbols And What They Do

How to activate Reiki symbols

Reiki symbols are taught during Reiki level 2 and they can be fun to learn

But they can also be overwhelming because they are a new language

Reiki symbols are activated by drawing them and visualizing you putting them into the recipient. That recipient could be you or someone else. You can draw the symbol, repeat its name, visualize the finished symbol, or a mix of all of those.

The most important part of using symbols for Reiki healing is to come from a place of love and compassion

When you come from a place of love and compassion, your intuition will help guide you through the session

It may take time to learn how to listen to your intuition, but it is one of the most powerful tools you have

It tells you when something is wrong or if something needs to be done

And it will tell you when the healing you are doing feels right

Symbols are also open to interpretation

So decide what you intention is and choose the symbol that matches or feels right for that intention

What are the Reiki Symbols?

There are many Reiki symbols but I am going to focus ont he first 5 that I learned

There are many symbols that you can learn, but these are some of the most essential for a master to learn

The 5 Reiki symbols are:

  1. Cho Ku Rei
  2. Sei Hei Ki
  3. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
  4. Dai Ko Myo
  5. Raku

Each of these symbols are vessals

The symbols themselves don’t hold the power

The intention that flows through you is where the power comes from 

The symbols help that intention flow through you and helps you to harness that power that flows through you

If you are struggling to draw and activate the symbols, you can just say the same to solidify your intention and help you funnel your energy

Intention and the symbols meanings together will make the Reiki energy powerful

What do the symbols do?

Each of the symbols has different meaning and helps you funnel your intention

Cho Ju Rei is the power symbol and is pronounced “Choh-koo-ray”

Its meaning can be interpreted several ways, but it basically means “bring the power of the universe here.”

The power symbol is the first symbol taught to Reiki students because it is the simple and general in nature

It is like a “one size fits all” symbol and it pretty easy to draw in the air

Sei Hei Ki is a little more complicated in structure

Sei Hei Ki is “The Emotional Symbol” and is pronounced “Say-hay-kee”

It is often taught second to Reiki students because it is more specific in intent

This symbol is for emotional healing and calming

The definitions vary, but Sei Hei Ki basically means “Got and man becoming one”

It is a great symbol to use if your focus is to clear emotional blockages and settle a troubled mind

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is a much more complex symbol compared to the first two

Hon Sha Ze Sho is the Distance symbol and is pronounced “Haahn-shah-zee-show-nen”

Its meaning can be interpreted as “The higher self in me connected to the higher self in you to promote enlightenment and peace”

You don’t need this symbol to perform distance healingings but it will enhance your focus if you use it

Don’t let the complexity overwhelm you because you can always use the name to activate its power

Dai Ko Myo is the Usui master symbol and is pronounced “dye-koh-my-oh”

It can stimulate and assist in spiritual growth and it called the power of the universe for healing and connecting your mind and body

It is a beautiful set of symbols and also beautiful in intention

Dai Ko Myo has been interpreted to mean “Great Shining Light”

It is excellent to cleanse the soul

The last symbol is the Raku symbol

Raku is the gounding symbol or the completion symbol

The dictionary definition is the thick earthenware used to a tea ceremony

So the Reiki meaning is “setting in stone” or “sealing” of the energy that you called upon during the session

This symbol is used for the final stage of the Reiki attunement to effectively ground the energy into your focus as well as complete the session

How do you activate the symbols?

There are many ways to activate the symbols so trying different things to see what suits you best is important

But I was taught using visualization and movement to activate the symbols 

Visualization also helps me stay focused

The first thing you are going to do is draw the symbol with your hand in the air whike repeating the name in your mind three times

Visualize the lines staying in the air when you draw them so you have a visualized completed symbol in the air when you are done

Then take that symbol and gently nudge it where you want it to go

This could be into someone else or to you

You can do this in person or over distance

If you are doing a distance healing, you need to visualize the person you are sending the energy to and nudge the symbol towards them

So in steps:

  1. Draw the symbol in the air and vistualize it staying in the air 
  2. Repeat the name three times in your mind
  3. Cup the symbol you are visualizing
  4. Vistually nudge it into the recipient 
  5. Repeat until you have done all the symbols you plan to and it feels right

The most important thing here is to come from a place of love

If you come from a place of love and what you are doing feels right, it probably is

What are the Reiki Master symbols?

A master symbol is to help someone else or yourself with mastery or enlightenment

In some way, Reiki master symbols represent Reiki itself

Dai Ko Myo is a sacred master symbol that is nourishing and enlightening

That is the entire point of Reiki

To nourish and heal the mind and body while enlightening the soul

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