How Often Should I Receive or Give Myself a Reiki Session?

Reiki is a beautiful form of healing

If you are new to it, you might be wondering how often you should receive Reiki

Or how often you should give it to yourself if you are learning for the first time

There is no limit to how much you receive Reiki. Most practitioners recommend 4 days in a row if you have a specific reason for needing Reiki. Once a week is fine if you are doing it without reason. If you are doing Reiki on yourself, you should be doing it every day

There are not very many drawbacks to Reiki

The main one is feeling tired if you have someone major to heal from

Reiki encourages the body to heal naturally

When the body is healing naturally, you feel more tired because your body does its best job healing when you are sleeping

It is also a lot of work to rebuild something!

If you are not trying to heal from something, Reiki will likely relax you and give you some energy

If you want to get it done more, do it!

Should I go to a Reiki practitioner or should I do it on myself?

If you are a Reiki practitioner, you can definitely do a Reiki session on yourself!

If you are learning or thinking about learning, it depends on if you are in a hurry or not

Reiki takes time to learn and get good

Even when you learn, you need to practice

So if you want a Reiki session now, going to a practitioner is your best choice

They will give you the full benefit of the time they spent learning

And you don’t have to spend all that time learning before getting a session

Some people prefer just going to a Reiki practitioner!

And that’s a valid reason too

When you do to a Reiki practitioner, you don’t have to worry about anything

You just follow their directions and let them do the work

If you want to learn Reiki and aren’t needing a session now, then learning it so you can heal yourself might be the best choice

So if you aren’t sure what is better for you, I hope that helped!

How often should I go to a practitioner?

Since there is no maximum for getting Reiki sessions, the best choice is to talk to your practitioner

They will help you create a schedule that matches your needs and schedule

If you are healing from someone major, more Reiki sessions are better

If you are trying to prevent issues, you can get away with fewer sessions

But your practitioner is the best person to talk to and discuss what you need

Make sure that you choose an honest practitioner that cares about your wants, needs, and financial stability

Some people will try to overbook you to get more money

So just be aware of that when choosing your practitioner

The more questions they ask you before making a recommendation, the better  

That means they are taking the time to understand you before making any recommendations

How often can I do Reiki on myself?

If you are giving yourself Reiki, there are two reasons you should do it once or twice a day

The first reason is the more you practice, the better you will get

So it is important to practice at least once a day just to improve your Reiki skills

The second reason is that there is no maximum for Reiki

Doing it for yourself every day will only benefit you

It will create a routine that helps set your day up for success

And doing it at night will help you let go of the daily stressors to improve your sleep

It is recommended to spend 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night doing Reiki healing on yourself

Can I receive Reiki too often?

Reiki is not like pharmaceuticals or other drugs

It isn’t even like natural supplements

Reiki is a natural energy healing technique that encourages your body to heal itself

Since there is no way to overdose on positive energy and intentions, you cannot receive Reiki too often

If you are going to a practitioner, the main thing you need to balance is how often you need Reiki and how much you can afford

If you are doing Reiki on yourself, it is recommended to do it at least once or twice a day

But you can do it whenever you have time and feel like you need or want it

If you are like me, you have spent way too much time struggling with stress, anxiety, depression, and just all the intense pressures of being an adult

Reiki is so freeing and calming

That is why I decided to learn it

So I can do a session every day to set my day off right

And I can do it before bed to lay all my stresses and frustrations to bed before going to sleep

As someone who lays awake thinking about what I didn’t do and what I wrong my entire life, having something to put my mind at peace is valuable

Sometimes when I am having a particularly frustrating day with my kids or work, I will put on a movie to keep my kids distracted and do some Reiki

I repeat that I have been having a rough moment but that moment is over

This moment is a clean slate and I can choose how it goes

I try my best to never say that I am having a bad day

That sets me up for the rest of the day is bad

If I say that I have a rough moment, that moment can pass and open the rest of my day to good moments

Reiki is a great way to end a bad moment and start a good one

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