How Do You Feel Your Aura?

Your aura is the energy field coming from you

Your energy can tell you a lot about yourself if you learn to understand it

And you can learn to add new and more positive energy to your aura to lift yourself up

It is a common beginning to energy healing, like Reiki

You can feel your aura by rubbing your hands together to gather your energy, then separating them only to push them together again. If you have never done this, you may feel nothing. You may also feel resistance or heat. Some people naturally get it and others need a lot of practice

If you are someone that needs practice, don’t worry!

I was that person too

The first time I did this, I felt nothing

It actually took about a week of practicing daily to get it

This is a fun exercise to feel your aura and even add to it

So enjoy!

What is an aura?

A person’s aura is the energy field that comes from their body

When you see pictures, it looks like the aura is outlining a person’s body

But it is actually coming straight out of them

Everything, living or not, is made of energy

Heat is also energy while cold is a lack of energy

My body naturally expels a lot of heat

My husband calls me his personal heater

That heat is the energy that is coming out of me

That heat is also my aura

When you think about it, it makes sense

You can see by paying attention to the world around you that everything releases some heat, even if it is just a little

So just by feeling someone’s heat, you are also feeling their aura

If an aura is a color, is it possible to feel it?

One thing that is commonly believed is that your aura is a color wrapped around you that only some people can see

But color is just part of the aura

Color is connected to the type of energy that your aura holds

Red, for example, is a very passionate energy

So auras are not made of color, they just hold color

And our ability to perceive that color by changing what you see in the aura

That is why it is important to understand how the colors work for you when you are learning to read auras

How to feel your aura

Now that we understand what an aura is, how do you feel it?

There is a simple way for beginners to feel their own aura:

  1. Breath and calm your mind
  2. Rub your hands together until you feel some heat
  3. Pull your hands apart and then push them back together
  4. Practice!

Remember that different people feel energy differently

So if you feel nothing, that’s ok

If you feel something different than expected, that is also ok!

Breath and calm your mind

The first thing you need to do to feel your aura is to calm your mind and breathe deeply

You don’t want to go into any energy work with a cluttered mind

If you are new to this, this step may take a few minutes

If you are more experienced, it may only take a couple of seconds

Rub your hands together until you feel some heat

Once your mind is calm, start rubbing your hands together like you are trying to warm them from the cold

This creates a lot of friction so your hands start to feel warm

I usually keep going until I feel that heat or speed up if it doesn’t happen in about 10 seconds

Having good heat will help you with the next steps

Pull your hands apart and then push them back together

Once you feel some heat, pull your hands apart then push them together like you are holding a ball

Slowly move them together until your hands are close but not touching

If you are like me, you probably don’t feel anything

It took about 7 tries for me to feel anything

If you do feel something, you’ll like feel resistance

Like something is keeping your hands from touching

You may also feel more heat building or tingling in your hands

After a couple of weeks of practice, I consistently feel that heat and tingly sensation


I know I have said this several times, but it is important!!

Don’t expect to master a new skill the first, second, or even more times than that

It takes time and the time is different for everyone

I started my energy work because I wanted to better understand myself

I wanted to understand my energy and start healing from past trauma

Being able to feel your aura is amazing and connects you to yourself if a unique way

So don’t give up!

How to add to your aura

Once you are feeling pretty good about feeling your aura…

You can start adding new energy to your aura before returning it!

When you are holding the energy in your hands, envision what you want to feel coming up from the ground, through your body, out your hands, and into your aura

I like to envision peace, calmness, and patience

Once that is done, push the energy into your heart

I like to leave my hands on my heart for a few seconds while a breathe and focus on what I wanted to add to my aura

Some great times to do this are: 

  • In the morning to set the intention for the day
  • At night to help you sleep
  • During the day when you need a reset
  • Before something important for calmness and confidence
  • And whenever you want to practice!

Just remember that you need to breathe and calm your mind first

It isn’t helpful to hold anxious energy and then add it back to your heart

Even neutral is ok

Just take a few minutes to calm yourself before starting the process

If you want to help others, then I encourage you to check out Reiki

You don’t want to give your energy to others and Reiki is a great way to get energy from the source to help others

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