Herb Gardens: Pots vs In Ground?

Herbs in pots or in the ground?

When starting a garden, the steps are a lot like when you get a new pet

You need to decide what pet is best for you, how to feed it, and what kind of home it needs

Herbs can be homed in a pot, directly into the ground, or a little of both in their lifetime

Most herbs do best in pots or an enclosed garden area outside. Some herbs, like mint, need to be in a pot or they will take over the garden. The most important part of growing herbs is to have well drained soil, not overwater them, and have about 6 hours of sun.

Keep in mind that plants will not outgrow their container without struggling, so the pot size you choose is important too

I like to start small and then separate the little herbs when they get too big for the starter pots

There isn’t a lot you have to do to grow herbs, but let’s go through it

Where is the best place to grow herbs?

Herbs grow best where they get about 6 hours and are not rained on a lot

I live in Oregon so I had to plan for both of those once summer is gone

We get almost constant rain and very little sun for 8 months of the year

My herbs are kept in pots in an outdoor garden in the summer, and then moved inside with a grow light the rest of the year

The soil is one of the most important parts of planning where to grow herbs

Surprisingly, they do not like potting soil

You know, the dark soil that is made for gardening

That soil takes a very long time to dry when it is watered and doesn’t have good drainage

So it does not work well for herbs since they do not like their soil being super wet all the time and need great drainage

I made this mistake the first time I tried Parsley

I only watered it twice a week, but the lack of drainage gave it the same sypthoms as overwatering

Once you found a place that gets good sunlight and soil that drains well, now it is time to decide what container your herbs will call home

What type of container is best for herbs?

Herbs have different needs depending on the specific plant, but most herbs do very well in pots

Some herbs, like lavender, will live 3-5 years and need bigger pots as they grow older

These are perennial herbs

Other herbs, like Parsley, live their entire live in one year

These are annuals

To know more about this, check out my other article 

Some herbs, like mint, need to be contained in a pot

They are are allowed loose, they will become invasive and take over the garden

They grow out of control very quickly

Herbs also do well in contained areas in a garden

Like raised beds

The most inportant thing to think about with herbs is the sunlight and the water drainage

Do herbs grow well in pots?

Herbs grow very well in pots

Make sure that you upgrade the pot when your herbs start to outgrow it though

Plants often have way more root area than what you can see above the soil

So they need the space to grow underground before they can get bigger above ground

I just pay attention to my plants

Have they stopped growing? Do they seem too big for their pots?

Maybe it is time to get them a bigger home

The soil you use inside the pots is also extremely important

Herbs don’t like “wet feet”

This just means that you don’t like the soil being wet all the time

So the dark soil that you get at the garden store is not a good fit

The soil needs great drainage, and so does the pot

Location for the pots is also very important

Herbs need at least 6 hours of sunlight, so putting the pots in a very shaded area will not be good for them

If you are growing the herbs inside, try to keep them by a window so they get the sunlight that they need

What herbs grow best outdoors?

Growing herbs indoor or outdoors is a personal preference

As long as they have a good watering schedule, 6 or more hours of sunlight, well drained soil, and room to grow, herbs will grow well indoor and outdoors. 

Most herbs grow very well outdoors

Some examples are:

  • Lavender
  • Mint
  • Rosemary
  • Lemongrass
  • Parsley 
  • Oregano

These are just a few of the many herbs that will grow well for you outdoors if they have everything else that they need


In conclusion, herbs are fairly tough plants as they grow well if their needs are met

Growing them in pots or in the ground is personal preference

If your soil isn’t great in the ground, maybe a pot would be better

Only you can decide what is best for you

Just make sure that they get the sunlight they need to eat, soil that drains well, and room to grow

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