How Do I Get Reiki Certified?

There are a few reasons you might want to get Reiki certified

If you are ready to learn this amazing form of energy healing, I am excited for you!

You can get Reiki certified when you take a Reiki education class and graduate. There are three levels of Reiki, but you can choose how many to get certified in. If you want to learn for personal reasons, you may only need Reiki 1. If you want to master it, you need all three levels

It is unusual for there to be certification requirements for practicing Reiki, but you still need to go through a teacher to master Reiki fully

At the end of taking a Reiki class, the teacher accepts you into their lineage by attuning you

This attunement changes the way that energy works with your body

That attunement is required in Reiki

So if you need to learn from a teacher anyways, why not get the certificate?

Usually, they go together

When do you need a Reiki certificate?

If you want to learn Reiki, you need to get a certificate

Usually, you get one at the end of your class

And classes are required in Reiki because you need to learn from a master because you need a master to attune you to be fully able to practice Reiki

Reiki cannot be learned from books alone

If you want to work as a Reiki practitioner or start a business, getting a physical certificate is a good idea

People like proof that you know what you are doing

Being certified in Reiki helps give them confidence that you have been educated

Even better if you make sure you have physical certificates for every level that you complete

There are three levels of Reiki: Reiki 1, Reiki 2, and Master (Reiki 3)

Think of them like an associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, and master’s degree at a college

Having an associate’s degree of good, but having a bachelor’s or master’s degree makes you more valuable because you have more skills and education

If you want to learn Reiki for healing yourself and people close to you, a physical certificate is less important

You still need to learn from a master and get attuned even if you are using Reiki for personal reasons, but who you choose to learn from is less important

Just make sure you are learning from an experienced master that is able to do attunements

There are a lot of scams in the energy healing and magickal worlds

So just do your research before giving anyone any money

How much does it cost to get certified?

There are three different types of classes that you can take for each level:

  1. Pre-recorded
  2. Online
  3. In Person

Pre-recorded is the cheapest option and it can range from $29-$300 for Reiki 1

It is the cheapest because it is the least desirable

You don’t interact with your teacher at all until they attune you at the end, and even then you may not feel any interaction

Online classes are the next cheapest and a little better than pre-recorded classes

These are live classes, but they are online

You are interacting with the teacher but you never meet in person

In-person and the highest quality classes, but also the most expensive

You should expect to spend between $300 and $400 for a Reiki 1 class in person

The classes get more expensive for Reiki 2 and Reiki 3

But I would just take those classes from the same teacher

When when you decide on a Reiki 1 teacher, just keep going if that is what you want to do

How long does it take?

How long you need also depends on the type of class and what level you are taking

If you are taking in-person Reiki 1 classes, I would expect it to take about 10 to 12 hours in the classroom

The time might be similar for online and pre-prerecorded classes

But pre-recorded classes are self-paced

That means you can potentially spend more or less time on it depending on the time you have available

Reiki 1 took a long time for me because I didn’t have a lot of time without my kids

And focusing on Reiki is impossible when I have two toddlers

Reiki 2 takes longer to complete

You start learning more challenging concepts

The Reiki symbols alone may take some time to learn, memorize, and practice!

I would expect to need about 40 hours of experience doing Reiki healings and about 3 months of regular practice to learn the basic symbols

Reiki 3 is when you become a master, so the time it takes to master that depends on when your master decides that you are ready

Are classes online or in person?

As I mentioned above, there are two kinds of online classes and an in-person class

If you choose pre-recorded classes, make sure that the teacher is still doing attunements at the end!

Online classes are live but they are not in-person

They are usually higher quality because you can interact with the teacher and ask questions

The teacher can also help you during practice time if you are struggling

In-person classes are the best option if you can do it

Since I don’t have any classes near me and I don’t have a babysitter, in-person wasn’t an option for me

If you are the same way, don’t worry about it!

Just make sure that you are learning from a teacher with at least 3 years of distant healing experience so you can be sure that they will do your attunement right at the end of class

What can I use the certificate for?

The certificate can be used just like any other certificate

You can try to get a job in a Reiki establishment

This could give you more experience and make it so you can get paid for Reiki healings without worrying about everything that goes into a business

You can start a business

This is a little hard right away because you don’t have a lot of experience and a lot goes into a business

Just make sure you do your research and protect yourself

I am not able to give legal advice but I would look into an LLC 

This makes it so a client cannot sue you for everything you own if something goes wrong

They can also sue your business

You can also use the certificate just for personal reasons

Reiki can be life-changing if you let it be

And a certificate can remind you of how far you have come

Whatever you decide to do, remember that it isn’t set in stone

If you started so you can be a Reiki practitioner, and you end up hating it

You can change to using Reiki for personal reasons

If you started wanting it for personal reasons (Like I did) and decide to make it your profession

That is an option too

You are in control of your future

It may not go according to plan, but you can choose your direction

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