Does Shadow Work Actually Work?

Shadow work seems very mythical and magickal, but really it is a scientific technique

It is just used a lot in the magickal communities because it is natural and it is effective

Shadow work works great if you are in a pretty good place when you start and ready to put in the work. Shadow work isn’t going to just give you the thing you need and heal all your traumas in a week. It takes time and effort to pull out the trauma and beliefs from your shadow. So be ready

Your shadow is the part of you that contains all your subconscious beliefs, pain that you pushed away, and parts of you that you don’t accept

Your shadow is the banished part of you

Everyone has one, but some are large and out of control

When people banish a part of themselves that they don’t like, they cannot live a whole life

They will have to be on guard to make sure that part of them never shows

This is why some people will never talk until they have a chance to analyze what they are saying

They want to be consciously in control of all their responses because they don’t trust their subconscious to answer 

I am one of those people

But shadow work is how I am learning to let go of the things that don’t serve me and accept the things that are just part of who I am

What does Shadow work do?

I break my shadow work into two parts

  1. Discovery
  2. Connection

Discovery is the shadow work that you have probably heard about

It is journaling and discovering things about yourself that you didn’t know

But there is a lot more to that too

If you are good at getting your thoughts onto paper, you probably don’t need journal prompts…

BUT they are still VERY helpful

Journal prompts help you dig into the things you don’t think about

I am not great at freestyle journaling so using prompts is important for me

You don’t need a lot to do the connection shadow work

Connection shadow work is the process of visualizing the version of you that was hurt and giving them what they need

It is the more magickal version of the two

But they each do something very different

Discovery helps you find things that you don’t realize affect your life

Connection lets you give something healing to a past version of you that never got what it needed

Keep reading for a detailed explanation of how to do both

Is Shadow work a magickal technique?

While shadow work is commonly used and talked about among witches, it isn’t actually witchcraft

Shadow work was created by a phycologist named Carl Jung

He was an incredible man of science

Out of the two shadow work styles that I do, the connection shadow work is more magickal

But even then, it is a visualization

That isn’t really witchcraft

It is like energy work

And uses science as the reason it works

The subconscious can’t tell the difference between what is real and what you visualize

That is why visualization is so powerful!

When you visualize your past self getting exactly what they needed, your subconscious believes that it really did happen

The healing that comes from that is incredible!

How to know if Shadow Work will work for you

Shadow work only works if you are willing to put in the effort

Even if you are feeling skeptical, it will only work if you put in the effort

Shadow work is not a one-and-done kind of strategy

If you do it once and feel no different, that is normal!

Real change and progress come from weeks, months, or even years of effort

It all depends on how much time you put into it and how much trauma and pain you have to work through

For me, I expect Shadow work to last for years

I have years and years of childhood trauma, and trauma as an adult too

Life is crazy so I don’t think there will ever be a time when I don’t have to work through something

And I am ok with that!

I just hope that I never have to work through something worse than childhood abuse

But I will never know what life brings

How to get started when you are skeptical

When I am researching journal prompts, I write down a lot of them for later use

Since research is easy to do with my kids, I do my prompt research when my kids are with me

But I do the actual shadow work when they are asleep

I write down all the prompts that I find on social media or Pinterest

If you are using a premade journal, you can skip this step

Then when I am ready to start my shadow work, I read through the prompts and just listen to my intuition

This takes practice too

But I just get a feeling that a question is the right one

I write that prompt into my journal and meditate on it for a while

I am not screening my thoughts or judging them

All I am trying to do is get the thoughts moving

This may take more time when you are new

When you have thoughts flowing, even if they are a mess, you are ready to start writing

Write down EVERYTHING you are thinking

Don’t think about what you write down

Just write anything and everything that comes to mind

You are going to keep doing this until your mind goes silent

This may take a while!

It does for me since my mind is rarely silent

But it does go silent

If you are having repeating thoughts, just write them down

The goal is to get all your thoughts out of your head and onto the paper

You are going to do this at least three times a week for a while

You need some documentation to be able to see patterns

When you have a lot of your thoughts on paper to look at, start looking for patterns

The things you think once on a bad day are not what you are looking for

You are looking for your subconscious beliefs

What comes up over and over?

That is a belief

I call this discovery Shadow work because you are discovering limiting beliefs that affect your life without you knowing it

Connection Shadow work is the use of visualization to give a past version of you something that she needed

To do this, you need to sit down somewhere comfortable

Make sure there is a seat in front of you too

I like to use my bed

I spent a lot of time in high school sitting with friends across my bed so it reminds me of that

Then you need to do some breathing exercises

By this point, you need to know what version of you that you want to work with

Discovery Shadow work is a great way to decide

If you found a trauma through discovery shadow work, think about what you looked like when that trauma happened

Get very specific!

Think about what your face looked like, what hairstyle you would wear, think about the makeup, remember what you smelled like

Try to remember everything about that version of you and visualize them sitting in the seat in front of you

Start talking to them like they are a different person

Ask them how they are doing

Ask questions about the trauma and let them talk

Let them tell you everything that is on their mind

When they are done, visualize yourself giving them exactly what they need

Some examples of this are:

  • Giving them a hug and telling them it isn’t their fault
  • Forgiving them 
  • Crying with them and telling them they are alone

There are so many things that you could offer this past version of yourself, and only you know what to give them

The subconscious brain controls our lives

And it doesn’t know the difference between a real experience and a visualized one

So when you visualize yourself giving this past version of you exactly what they need to heal, your brain thinks that really happened

It is the closest thing to changing the past that we can do!

This may take a few tries

But keep doing it until you feel like you met the need of that version of you

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