9 Potential Dangers Of Shadow Work (And What To Do)

dangers of shadow work

Shadow Work is amazing and has the potential to give you the tools to change your life

But the whole idea of Shadow Work is digging up parts of you that your mind buried for your own safety

That means there are risks that you need to know and understand before getting started

Shadow Work isn’t dangerous, but it can be intense

Shadow Work are really only dangerous if you get surprised because you didn’t know about them. Shadow work can be overwhelming and exhausting, and sometimes you need professional help to get through the very traumatic parts of your shadow. Shadow work can do amazing things for your life

Shadow work is not dangerous if you do it right

And doing it right is not hard to do

You can’t force Shadow Work because you need to be ready for it

You need to be in a safe place emotionally before starting Shadow Work

If you are not in a safe emotional state, focus on what is affecting you now before digging up more things to recover from

If you are emotionally ready, then decide if you are ready to heal from past trauma

Do not dig up trauma that you don’t want to work through

If both are good, then it may be time to start!

I did gather all the potential dangers of Shadow Work so you know what to expect when you start

What are the dangers of shadow work?

If you have experienced trauma (hint: everyone has), then Shadow work can do amazing things in your life

There are thoughts and beliefs that make a difference in your life every day

Even if you don’t realize it

Shadow work is taking the time to uncover those thoughts and beliefs that keep you from being the person you want to be

There are 9 potential dangers to this process:

  1. It can be very overwhelming
  2. It is painful before it helps you
  3. It takes time so doubt creeps in
  4. Emotions can be intense
  5. You have to be ready to deal with the issues you find
  6. You may need to have a support system
  7. Professional help may be needed
  8. It never truly ends
  9. You will learn things about yourself that you won’t like

As you can see, they aren’t really dangerous

But they are something you need to be aware of

It can be very overwhelming

Depending on the severity of the trauma you are exposing, Shadow Work can get very overwhelming

I recommend starting with the less painful traumas and beliefs so you know your process and get practice before jumping into the scary parts of your shadow

It is painful before it helps you

Shadow Work is a perfect example of “it gets worse before it gets better”

Your mind buried a lot of pain and trauma to keep you safe

And Shadow Work is going to dig that pain up

Shadow Work itself can help you work through the pain but it isn’t automatic

Once you’ve done the work to uncover it, then you have to start the work to heal it

It takes time so doubt creeps in

Shadow Work is a process and it can take some time

Some trauma will not be buried keep so it won’t take long to uncover it

Other trauma will be buried extremely deep so it could take months or even years to fully understand it

The problem with this being a slow process is doubt likes to creep in

You start to wonder if it does anything at all

And then you quit before it has a chance to work

I encourage you to trust the process and just keep going

Emotions can be intense

When you dig up trauma, intense emotions are going to come attached to that trauma

If you aren’t expecting it, those intense emotions can be scary and overwhelming

The important part is to allow yourself to feel everything that you need to feel without judging yourself

If you try to refuse any emotion, the trauma will not be fully unburied

You have to be ready to deal with the issues you find

I mentioned this once but it is very important

Don’t start Shadow Work unless you want to do the healing too

Your mind buried those pains and traumas for a reason

The only thing you will be doing if you don’t work on healing once you uncover the pain is making yourself miserable

You may need to have a support system

My support system is my husband and therapist

I am so thankful that my husband listens to me

No matter how many times I tell him the same story

He just lets me unload what is on my mind

And gives me long hugs without question when I ask him

I would struggle greatly with my Shadow Work without him

So much that I only do Shadow Work at night when he is home from work so I can ask for help if I need it (and it is easier without kids awake)

If you decide you need a support person, please be very careful who you choose

Not everyone who listens is trustworthy

Professional help may be needed

Professional help may be needed if you are struggling with the emotions of Shadow Work

Some people have gone through such terrible things that having a professional there to guide them is the safest option

Don’t be ashamed if this is what you need

Therapy is there to help you

Just choose your therapist wisely and make sure they are on the same page as you

They need to guide you and respect your decisions

If your therapist isn’t doing that, find a new one

It never truly ends

Shadow Work never really ends

There will always be things that happen in your life that create trauma

It may not be as intense anymore without abuse or other extreme trauma

But there will always be things you need to work through in life

You will learn things about yourself that you won’t like

One of the scary things about Shadow Work for me is learning parts of myself that I don’t like

I am a recovering perfectionist

That means that I was a perfectionist at one point but I am making progress to let that go

But facing the parts of myself that I don’t like is still very hard

There are parts of me that I am ashamed of

And I need to let those go

It is very possible that you will find parts of you that you don’t like

And you need to be ready for that 

Is shadow work right for you?

Now that you know the dangers of Shadow Work, now you need to decide if you are going to try

I encourage you to watch my blog because I will be updating information on Shadow Work often

But for now, Check out this article to see if you can do Shadow Work in your life

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