Colors That Aid In Manifestation

color for manifestation

We all have goals

Those goals are very different from person to person

But generally, they fall into similar categories

And all those categories are things that we can manifest

Manifesting isn’t as crazy as some people think 

It is kind of asking the universe for things that you want and need

But is it mostly the full belief that you will get those things and that you completely deserve them

Most of us are self-sabotaging our goals without even knowing it

That is because our subconscious has our blueprint

Manifestation helps change our blueprint so our goals become the default instead of something constantly fighting us

While there are many ways of manifestation, color can actually help you with this

There is a wide range of things that you can manifest, so there are different colors to choose from. Add more color to your life that matches what you want to manifest. Wear more yellow to manifest happiness, or green to manifest money. Wearing pink can manifest love. 

Choose the color that best matches what you want

What is manifestation?

Manifestation is the process of telling yourself and the universe what you want and truly believing that it is yours

And that is will come to you because it is yours

All people have a default range

And that range is usually what they are born with and grow up around

If you grew up in poverty and will limiting beliefs around money, your default is probably the belief that money is scarce and hard to make

Taking chances will be harder because losing money feels scarier than it does with something that believes that they can always make more money

We often think of manifestation in a good way, but it can go both directions

If you live in scarcity, you are manifesting more scarcity

That is because you believe that it is your reality and that you don’t deserve more

Then there are people who grew up knowing that there is always money to be made

Even when something happens and they lose it all, they default back to making more money again

That is because of their belief systems and what those beliefs are manifesting

Our beliefs and subconscious are the blueprints of our lives

Even if we get out of it for a little while, our blueprint is the default

Look at lottery winners

Most lottery winners lose it all in less than 5 years

Whether they spend it or just lose it

It’s gone and they are often worse off than they were before they won the money

That is because they went back to the default

The good news is that we can change what we defaulted to and change what we are manifesting daily

It takes time and work

But it is completely possible!

Why do colors help?

Colors are made of the energy that is attracted to them

So money and prosperity are naturally most attracted to the color green

Wearing or using colors that manifest your goals is one of the best ways to actively work towards a goal that you are kind of stuck at

Manifestation needs belief

Colors require that belief also

By wearing and using a color that matches what you are manifesting, you are able to more regularly confirm that you 100% deserve the thing you are manifesting

It may time and effort, but you are confirming to yourself and the universe every time you intentionally use color that you believe that it belongs to you

That belief will change your default so you will more naturally see opportunities to reach those goals

We are almost always what stands in our way 

Yes, there are times when things happen that are out of our control

But the energy that we carry and wear attract similar energies to you

If you walk around hating your life, you will get more reasons to hate your life

If you walk around seeing the good whenever you can and appreciating all the emotions that makeup life, the world will seem like a brighter place

I would know

I have been on both sides

If I had the amount of responsibility 5 years ago that I have now, I wouldn’t have been able to handle it

At the time, just surviving was enough to handle

Now I actively see the good that is around me and the good that I am doing

And it helps keep me grounded and working toward my goals

Even on the hard days

One of the best ways that I have found to remind myself to do this is through color

And it is so simple to add to your daily life

What are the best colors for manifestation?

The color that you want to use for manifestation depends on what you want to manifest

Asking what the best color for manifesting is like asking what is the best action to reach goals

It depends on what the goal is and where you are starting

Here are some colors and what they are connected to:

  • Blue: Loyalty, tranquility, stability
  • Red: Passion, aggression, intensity
  • Yellow: Happiness, optimism, youth
  • Green: Healing, success, hope
  • Black: Power, professionality, mystery
  • Purple: Royalty, spirituality, luxury
  • Brown: Stability, natural, reliability
  • Orange: Energy, fun, warmth
  • White: Purity, cleanliness, innocence
  • Grey: Neutral, practicality, quietness

So if you want to manifest stability and peace, wear more blue

Or if you want to aggressively and passionately go for a goal, wear some red

There are many ways that you can add color to your life

You can add color to:

  • Spellwork
  • Clothes 
  • Makeup
  • Accessories
  • Hair dye
  • Nail polish
  • Underclothes
  • And anything else that comes in color

The possibilities are endless!

You just need some imagination

Using makeup colors that manifest your goals is a simple way to use colors to manifest

Unless you put some crazy colors together, no one is going to question you

Clothes are a bigger upfront expense but they have the same effect

No one will question why you are wearing a black shirt

But maybe you are manifesting more protection in your life

Or wearing a shirt with green on it to attract more money

Remember that color is a container and it attracts the things you manifest because you put the intention and energy in

Just mindlessly wearing green probably won’t attract money

But intentionally adding green will help

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