Can You Teach Yourself Reiki?

Can you teach yourself Reiki

I am a self-taught kind of person

That just means that I will go to YouTube and books before I go to a class

Which has served me in many ways, but Reiki is different

You cannot fully teach yourself Reiki because you much be attuned by a master. This means a Reiki master has to open your connection to energy pathways. It is a powerful spiritual experience. You can teach yourself many of the skills of Reiki, but you still need to be attuned to master it. 

You have two options

  1. You can find a Reiki master to learn from and get attuned
  2. You can choose a different form of energy healing

There are many forms of energy healing that don’t require attunement

Energy healing is available for everyone to learn if you choose to practice

Reiki has traditions and rituals to follow, but they are worth the effort you put in!

Therapeutic therapy and tough therapy are other forms of natural healing that don’t require attunement

What is calling to you?

If Reiki is calling to you, find a master

It is best to find a master that you can learn from in-person, but online classes work for some people too

Can Reiki be self-taught?

There are many kinds of energy healing, and Reiki is just one of them

While some forms of energy healing can be self-taught, Reiki is not one of them

Reiki cannot be self-taught through books and videos alone. Reiki is a type of energy healing that must be transferred from master to student through a sacred process called an Attunement. You can use books and videos to learn the skills, but you must be attuned by a master at the end.

You can learn many Reiki skills by reading books and watching videos

You can learn many things that make a huge impact on your life!

But Reiki is an ancient practice that has vital rituals

Attunements are like graduation

You can learn all the same things from books and videos that you would learn in university

But without recognition from a teacher, there is no graduation

You will have many of the perks of education, but not all

Without an attunement, there is no graduation

Is it ok to learn reiki online?

There are a lot of opinions about learning Reiki from a master online

I have not had a problem with it

I love my online classes and I can feel it when we do exercises

The master I am learning from believes that online is a real option for learning Reiki, so I trust her

In-person classes are probably stronger

You are interacting with the master in real time

This also allows you to meet other people interested in learning Reiki

In the end, online or offline matters less than the effort you put in and getting attuned by a master

You can go to every in-person class near you, but you still need to practice at home in your daily life

You don’t have to practice every day, but Reiki is a skill

The longer you go without practicing, the less you are going to learn and remember

Whatever path you choose, there is always a choice to change paths

So don’t stress!

If an online class is calling to you, take it!

If you like the idea of in-person classes, do it!

Trust yourself and enjoy the process

Should I learn Reiki in-person or online?

There are many pros and cons to both online and in-person Reiki classes

Some pros of online classes are:

  • You can learn when you have time
  • Some people are more comfortable with online classes
  • You have more choices when choosing a class
  • You can learn from the comfort of your home
  • Self-paced classes 
  • Masters have no problem attuning from a distance
  • You can redo lessons as many times as you want to
  • Lifetime access to classes

Some cons of online classes are:

  • May not be as powerful as in-person
  • No hands-on instruction with the master watching you
  • No accountability
  • Easy to buy and never get started
  • Distractions are higher at home

Some pros of in-person classes are:

  • You meet other people with the same interest in your area
  • You get hands-on attention from a master
  • You have accountability to go to class
  • Not many distractions
  • In-person attunements are powerful

Some cons on in-person classes are:

  • Energies of a group can clash with each other
  • You may never get started because of fear
  • There may not be classes close to you
  • Less options when choosing a master
  • You don’t have time flexibility

At the end of the day, only you can decide what is best for you

I chose online classes for many reasons

  • I don’t have a babysitter 
  • There are no classes near me
  • I am 30 minutes from the nearest town
  • I need time flexibility
  • I do classes when waiting for my kids to fall asleep
  • I like to go back and review previous lessons

There is no right answer to which is better 

Do the one that is best for you

That is one thing I love about living in today’s world

We have so many options to learn new skills that will serve us for the rest of our lives

Energy work and Reiki do not have to be scary

They are beautiful forms of healing that you can use on yourself and others

Energy work is an amazing practice that can help you learn more about yourself and everything that surrounds you

It can give you a peace that is not commonly felt

There are many people who don’t believe in Reiki, and that’s ok

If it makes a difference for you and your life, then who cares what other people think

Do what’s best for you because your life is unique

Choose to follow what makes you happy and practice what you are drawn to

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