Can You See Anxiety As An Aura?

Everything is made of energy, even emotions

That is why auras are so useful

We can learn so much about a person by seeing their aura

We look at the color, shade, and shape

But what about things like anxiety?

Can we see the anxious energy like we see the joyful energy?

Anxiety can be seen as an aura by paying attention to how the colors appear in their aura. Color colors tell us a lot, but their shade tells us even more. An excessive yellow or gold can show you that the person is anxious and over-analytical

We often think of looking for the positive things when we see auras

But knowing the hardships and negative things can be just as useful

It can help us better help others

And it can protect us

It is a lot harder to hide an energy field than it is to hide what you are thinking

What is an aura?

Your aura is the energy that comes from you and surrounds you

It is energy that is coming from your being and it can tell a lot about you

People who are skilled at seeing auras can see the basics of your whole story

Of course, they can see who betrayed you, but they can see that you were betrayed

The shape of your aura tells things about how you cope, the color tells things about who you are, and the shade tells if those traits are healthy or unhealthy

The great thing about auras is that everyone can see them

Some will more naturally see them while others need to work hard and practice

But we all have the ability to see auras

And auras are in everything

Everything that exists is made of energy and that means that they have an energy field

Living things obviously have a larger energy field because they release more heat and energy

But you can see a slight aura around anything

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a type of energy

I have always been sensitive to others’ energy and I can tell when someone is anxious

The anxiety just pours from their body

Anxiety puts you in a state of fear

Fear of the future and what may be the future

Not only is anxiety energy, but it is also excessive energy

There is too much energy

This is because we are supposed to be ready to flee when danger hits

But we aren’t afraid of what is happening now, we are afraid of the future

And that leaves nowhere for that extra energy to go

Can you feel an anxious aura?

Different people are more and less sensitive to the energies around them

I grew up in a home where I learned to feel what others were feeling to keep me safe

I knew when I had to leave a situation and when I was safe

But I never felt safe because I was always reassessing the energies around me

While I am not great at catching some emotions, like sadness…

I can personally tell you that you can feel both your anxious aura and others’ anxious aura

The energy that comes from an anxious person is intense

There is so much coming from them that it is hard to miss

People don’t even have to be good at recognizing energy to feel anxiety in an aura

All you have to do is know the baseline of the person and notice that they are far from that baseline

I am a surrogate right now and there are a lot of injections for that

My husband gives me those injections

The first shot was tough because the anxious energy poured from my husband

And I had to try to ignore it so I could stay calm and make it easier

But I could definitely feel that energy coming from him

When you get good at feeling and understanding energy, you can recognize anxiety in people you don’t know

And you can tell if it is a moment, like with my husband, or chronic anxiety

Is it possible to see anxiety in an aura?

Since anxiety can be felt, it is easy to assume that you can see it in an aura as well

When you look at auras, most people just look at the color

Then the colors tell you things

Brown is patient and stable

Red is passionate and powerful

And so on

What most people don’t realize is that there is more to it than that

Brownies are delicious but are they satisfying if you only get a lick?

What if you eat the entire pan?

Energy is the same way 

Every color has amazing things that they can mean if they are balanced

If you have a balanced brown aura, you are a patient and stable person

If you have excessive brown, however, you are fearful and close-minded

If you have a blocked brown, which is a very dark and unsettling look, then you are dreamy and impractical

That is how you see anxiety

A yellow aura is a sign of happiness, positivity, and confidence if it is balanced

If the yellow is blocked, then it shows low self-esteem and shame

But if there is excessive yellow, then you are anxious and over-analytical

So if you are looking to see if someone is anxious, then you need to look for excessive yellow in their aura

Knowing what is balanced, blocked, and excessive takes practice

That is why is it recommended to people watch when you start getting good at seeing auras

The more examples that you see, the more you can recognize the different details that go into the aura

How does this help you?

How all of this helps you depends on why you are learning to see auras

I want to help people

If I can see what is happening more than they understand it, then I can better help people 

It can also protect me because I can see the good and the bad coming from someone

I love focusing on the good in life but we also need to not ignore the bad

You also don’t want to look at someone and see yellow

Then just think that means they are confident and happy

When actually they are anxious and over-analytical

Or maybe that color is blocked and they are the opposite of happy and confident!

Knowing more about what the colors mean when they are showing up can only give you more information 

Then you can use that information to help them and others

Or maybe just to better understand the people around you

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