Can Reiki Worsen Your Anxiety?

Can Reiki Worsen Your Anxiety?

I have struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember

I have been actively trying things in my life that could help me for over 6 years now, so my curiosity grew when I learned about Reiki

Reiki is powerful for helping anxiety for most people, but there are times when it could make anxiety worse. You might experience more anxiety if you receive Reiki from a master that doesn’t align with you, if you have old pain resurfaced during treatment, or if you are beginning to learn Reiki. 

You cannot heal from a wound without taking care of what is harming you first

Reiki usually gives people peace and calmness, but if you get anxious then it is time to look into why

Start by putting your bare feet into the dirt and sit with your feelings

What are they trying to tell you?

Maybe you don’t align with the master you visited so you can try someone else

Maybe you got reminders of a pain you have been avoiding and it is time to start healing

Whatever it might be, ground yourself and then listen to yourself

Every emotion you experience is your body trying to communicate with you.

What is it saying?

The purpose of Reiki

Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes calmness, peace, and relaxation

It is not a substitute for medical treatment but can be an amazing additive

Stress is something the brain goes through when it thinks we are in danger

It puts us in a state where thinking clearly is close to impossible

Our brain goes into survival mode

The thing is that our brain hasn’t adapted to knowing the difference between stresses

The thing stressing us out of probably not going to kill us within the next hour

But our brain doesn’t know that

We get stuck in a cycle of anxiety and depression

We have all felt energy from other people

A comforting hand, waves of anger, a sadness in the air

Reiki is the process of someone taking positive energy and giving it to you to help break the cycle of stress

It calms you and takes your brain out of survival mode

There are many hospitals that have added Reiki to what they offer because of the amazing effect it has on a patient’s stress

Reiki doesn’t heal everything, but it helps encourage your body to help instead of being destroyed by stress

The cause of increased anxiety

Anxiety is created when the part of the brain that connects to your spine (the Amygdala)

This part of the brain is strictly information and controls the fight or flight response

There isn’t any thought or problem solving here, so it bases danger on what it assumes can hurt us

For those of us with terrible anxiety, it thinks MANY things will hurt us

One of the common causes of anxiety is trying something new

Whether you are getting a treatment or learning for the first time, your brain will likely want you to run away from something new and potentially dangerous (Well it thinks so anyways)

Many people call this self-sabotage

But I don’t like to think of it like that

Your brain is trying to keep you safe, and it is making decisions before most of the brain has a chance to chime in because it thinks this is an act or die situation

Your brain isn’t trying to self-sabotage, it is trying to keep you alive

You’ll find that if you spend too much time here, your depression gets worse too

That is because being in a state of panic is exhausting for the brain

So it will shut down and use as little energy as possible to keep you alive

That is depression and it is a terrible cycle because it jumps from anxiety and depression and never truly recovers

Why Reiki could worsen anxiety (even if it is rare)

Reiki is energy healing, but sometimes it can dig up things that cause pain

If that happens, your brain will react with anxiety because it buried those memories and thoughts to protect you

But in order to heal, you need to address those pains

In other cases, the master that is treating you is clashing with you

Not everyone has the same type of energy and not everyone is a good fit for each other

If you are getting anxious because of a person or a place, try somewhere else

You are in control of your healing journey, and it is important to listen to what your body is telling you

Just make sure that you aren’t confusing a warning with the fear of something new

Does Reiki affect you differently if you receive it instead of learning it?

There is a different process if you want to learn it instead of receiving it

When you receive Reiki, all you need to do is relax and have an open mind

Learning to do Reiki is a skill

You need to learn from someone who is already a master

The whole process can be scary if you are afraid of change and if you are afraid of knowing yourself on a new level

Because you will learn more about yourself on this journey

It is powerful and it is beautiful

But change can be scary!

The only way to overcome these fears is to face them and heal

Don’t endanger yourself though because some trauma can be terrifying

Take it one step at a time

Why do you want to learn Reiki?

Hold on to that reason and begin your journey

You don’t have to start anywhere scary

You can start with something as simple as energy work in the shower!

When you stand in the shower, use your imagination

Imagine light coming from your shower head and that the water is washing your fears and pains away

Watch those fears and pains go down the drain while you take deep breaths

This is a simple exercise that you can do on your own while doing something you already do

The imagination is a powerful tool for energy work and it is a great place to start!

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