Can Anyone Learn Reiki?

Can anyone learn Reiki

When I first became interested in Reiki and other energy work, I first needed to know if I was even able to do it

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses

Anyone willing to put the time and work into learning Reiki has the ability to. Reiki is connecting to energy and everyone is made of energy. Some people may be faster learners, but everyone is connected to Reiki in some way.

Just remember that everyone starts in a different place

Some people naturally feel and understand energy easier than others

Some people, like me, have blockages of trauma to heal from

Where ever you start your journey, you have the ability to just do the basics or continue until you become a master

How far you go depends on how far you want to go, how long you are willing to practice, and how much you want it

When I first started learning, I didn’t put the work in

I made no progress for a couple of months because Reiki is a skill

Just like all skills, you need to work at it, practice, and actually do it

Is there anything I need to be qualified to learn Reiki?

You don’t need a special background or skills to begin training in Reiki

You just need a will, time to practice, and someone to learn from

One of the amazing things about Reiki is that it’s a simple practice

Even though it is simple, doesn’t make it easy for everyone

Reiki started helping me heal from the trauma I went through as a child

Even though it was helping, that help was also painful

Feelings, emotions, and pain that I buried for many years were resurfacing

Doing Reiki for yourself is simple, but the journey looks a little different for everyone

One thing I like about Reiki is that I can practice on my own and I always feel a little better than I did when I started

That can be emotional, levels of stress, happiness, or other ways

But I feel better

I didn’t feel the tingling or sensations at first, but with time I started becoming more sensitive to that as well

While there are no strict prerequisites to Reiki, there are some suggestions

You need to come into this with an open mind and ready to learn and grow

You may not be the same person after mastering Reiki

That may not be a bad thing, but some people have a hard time letting go of harmful identities and memories that they hold

You don’t have to overcome them before starting, but you do need to be willing

You do need to go in order of the levels of Reiki

Don’t try to skill level 1 or 2 and jump to master

Start in the beginning, follow the path, trust the process, and just get started

Learning Reiki can be a powerful piece of healing in your life and for the people you love

Do I need to get a Reiki certification?

Whether or not you need a certificate depends on your goals

You do not need a certificate to learn for yourself and your private life, and most states don’t have guidelines if you want to do it for other people. Certificates aren’t required and are pretty easy to fake. You will get attunements for the levels you complete with qualified you in the Reiki world

Attunements stay with you forever and have to come from a master

When you master Reiki level 1, your teacher will tell you that you can heal hands-on

When you master Reiki level 2, your teacher will tell you that you can heal distantly 

I am currently learning Reiki level 1 and I am looking forward to mastering hands-on healing

I plan to use it to heal my husband from the physical pain of his job, help calm my toddlers as they experience the frustration of life, calm my dogs’ anxiety, and my myself in many ways

Reiki is powerful but simple

Energy is everywhere and everything has unique energy properties

Reiki allows you to experience life in such a beautiful way

Don’t worry about certificates

Just learn and enjoy the process from a master

How do I get started?

Getting start training in Reiki, you need to find a teacher and learn more about yourself

I found a teacher on Udemy, but look for one that feels right for you

Your personality will connect better with certain people, and those people may not be the same people I connect to

Once you are following a master’s instruction, then it is time to practice and learn about yourself

Meditation and visualization are powerful for energy work, but it doesn’t look the same for everyone

I have a hard time sitting and meditating

I meditate best when I am doing something with my hands

So I meditate when I am doing the dishes or other chores that I don’t have to focus

I also tend to go into a meditative state when crocheting… but that sometimes results in a loss of stitch count!

Visualization can be sitting down and visualizing too, but also doesn’t have to be

I use visualization in the shower

I imagine light coming from the shower head and the water washing away my pain and stress

Then I get to watch those stresses wash down the drain to never be seen again

Follow the path your teacher shows you, but don’t be afraid to test out the best ways for you to practice as an individual

Do I need a teacher or can I learn by myself?

If you tried hard enough, you could learn energy work by yourself. But it wouldn’t be true Reiki because there are skills that have been passed on that you need to learn. You also cannot give attunements to yourself. I highly encourage you to find a teacher to learn from

I was a strict DIY person for a long time

I didn’t care if it took longer, I would figure it out on my own

The time and frustration I would have saved by just reaching out to someone who has walked the path first in incredible

Can you learn energy work by yourself?


Some energy work is very simple and doesn’t require anything except your imagination

But you will get a much deeper understanding and experience the power of energy faster with someone to guide you

Are you ready to get started?

Check out my post on training in Reiki

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