Can Anyone Do Shadow Work Successfully?

can anyone do shadow work

Shadow work sounded very dark and scary when I first started learning about it, but it isn’t what it sounds like

Shadow work is learning about, understanding, and healing the dark parts of your mind and soul

Anyone can do shadow work if they are open to looking at the parts of themselves that are dark. There have been experiences affecting your subconscious since you were born. Shadow work is the process of working through those lows so you can have a happier life.

Our life has a range that we are capable of, and our shadow is the lowest end of the range

We like to think that we default in the middle or high part of our potential, but we actually sit on the lower end of the scale

Every time something amazing happens, our shadow brings us back to our default

So to reach amazing goals that you struggle with, you need to change where your shadow sits

Heal the pain that lives in your shadow to change your core potential and you can do anything you want to do

What is successful shadow work?

Success looks a little different for everyone, but there is a main goal that I have found

Successful shadow work is finding harmful beliefs and triggers in your subconscious, and then releasing them so they stop affecting your life

Shadow work isn’t answering one journal prompt and then realizing you know everything you need to know to heal

Shadow work is using tools like journal prompts to slowly bring out things that you believe and don’t realize it

You are so used to thinking a certain way that you don’t even realize you’re doing it

Shadow work brings those things to light so that you can dig deeper and work towards healing

I highly discourage shadow work if you are not ready to work on yourself

You are going to find the ugliest parts of yourself and that is scary!

Shadow work is hard, painful, and never truly ends

If you have a lot of severe trauma, getting professional help for your shadow work is highly recommended

Your mind buried these parts of you because they are harmful and scary

Digging them up can cause a lot of pain and fear

But once you work through them, there is a peace that is incredible

It isn’t there pulling strings in your life without you knowing anymore

As a mom, I was terrified of turning into a parent like my dad was

Even though I tried SO HARD to avoid doing the things he did, I felt like it was my default

It wasn’t until I faced it and actively helped myself believe that I am not my father that change began to happen

It was scary, but I see that as successful because that part of my shadow wasn’t affecting my life anymore

Does it work for everyone?

Shadow work can work for anyone willing to face the parts of themselves that they don’t like. There are a few people that this leaves out

Shadow work doesn’t work for people who blame everything on everyone else and refuse to look at themselves

But if you are looking into shadow work, then I am guessing you want to heal from trauma you have experienced

Shadow work can work for you!

It is important to start shadow work with realistic expectations

This is not a one-night fix

It can take weeks, months, or years to get through all your trauma

And honestly, you are never done working through trauma

Things will always happen in life that will knock you down and give you beliefs that don’t serve you

You don’t have to do shadow work all the time, but it may be worth continuing even after you don’t think you need it anymore

An amazing part of shadow work is you can figure out an issue you are experiencing faster and start healing faster because of your shadow work

It isn’t just an inner child that needs help

It is every past version of you

All it takes is a second for something to happen that requires you to work it out

If you are willing to do the uncomfortable work that shadow work takes and continue even if you don’t see results quickly

Then shadow work will help you!

Should you do shadow work?

Just because you are able to do shadow work, doesn’t mean you should

You should do shadow work if you’re emotionally ready to dig up your past pain or have support available to help you through the process. Shadow work should not be taken lightly because it can be very emotional and very painful to work through your trauma.

I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and PTSD when I was 20 years old

I can honestly say that I was not ready for shadow work back then

It took years to get myself ready to face the trauma I went through

I needed to have the ability to feel safe because I couldn’t face past trauma when I was overwhelmed with current fear

I took small steps toward healing and I knew when I was ready to face my past

There were times when I wanted to do something but something in my mind held me back

I wasn’t living in fear every moment anymore

So I wanted to heal from what held me back to regain my power

I cannot tell you if you are ready for shadow work

If you are concerned, I encourage you to talk to a therapist (preferably one that advocates for natural healing and not just medicine)

I don’t want to scare you away from Shadow work

It doesn’t have to be overwhelming and I recommend starting small

Just remember that when you get to the deep parts of your shadow, it may be painful and difficult to get through

Shadow work only helps you find the things you need to work on 

It doesn’t heal the pain that you find

Should you do shadow work alone?

Shadow work can get very intense

I have not dug into my darkest pains yet, and I have already cried from emotions resurfacing

My biggest comfort is my husband

I try to do my shadow work at night when he is home, and always end on a good note

That good note might be crying, but I know that I have made progress in my healing journey

You know if you can trust yourself alone or not

When I was recovering from self-harm, I knew I couldn’t trust myself in those powerful emotions by myself

So I hid the things that could hurt me and worked through them with support

Therapists can be amazing partners in your shadow work journey

If you choose family or friends, PLEASE be wise about who you choose

You might be surprised about who you can’t trust

It is better to be safe and go with a professional if possible

If you are ready to get started, click here to learn how to do shadow work to heal yourself

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