
I grew up feeling like a stranger to myself

Nothing felt right about the things that my family taught me

I saw, heard, and felt things that others didn’t

The more I learn about magick, deities, and spirituality, the more I realize why I felt like a stranger to myself

After years of feeling empty and hollow, I found my first form of magick


I had the ability to make people feel things and manipulate the energy around me

I made audiences laugh, cry, cheer, and connect with me on a deep level

Even though we never met

I didn’t know if was magick at the time, but it was

Magick of the ability to feel and use the energy that everything is made of

There are countless ways to do that

After a couple of years of dance, I started to get interested in learning about crafting, animals, and plants

But it would be years before I truly used those things for magick

The more I stepped into this power, the more I felt at home in my own life

2022 was the year that everything clicked and started to make sense

The more I learned about magick, the more my life made sense

But the world of magick is HUGE

And overwhelming

So I choose a couple of things to get me started

And grew my practice when I felt ready

If you are just beginning your journey, I encourage you do to the same

Be willing to shift your focus if you feel the need to, but try to focus on only a couple of things at a time

For me, I choose energy healing (starting with Reiki), Shadow work (facing trauma of my past and present), and using herbs for healing

I felt drawn to those things

Listen to what your intuition tells you do to

It knows so much

Take one step and a time and learn one thing at a time

Embrace the part of you that the world wants you to distroy

You’ll be amazed how much your life changes